When is the best time to exercise?

In order for physical exercises to bring the maximum benefit to the body, it is necessary to pay attention to all the nuances of their organization. Including training time.

The ideal time to exercise depends entirely on the type of sport and intensity of exercise. An important factor is the individual characteristics of the body, for example, if you are not a “lark”, then morning exercises will become a real torment. So when is the best time to practice?

Types of training and the optimal time for them

There are many types of physical activity. Some of them are best practiced in the morning, while others are the best choice to end the day.

Workout in the early morning

If you wake up easily and feel energized, morning workouts are for you! No wonder morning exercises are considered one of the most useful habits. Classes will help wake up and activate metabolic processes, energize.

The best choice for a morning workout would be gymnastics or yoga. This is due to the fact that the mobility of the joints after sleep is reduced, as is the body temperature. In addition, active exercises require a lot of energy, which has not yet had time to accumulate in the body.

When is the best time to lose weight

Cardio workouts are best done between 7 am and 10 am. The level of the hormone cortisol in the blood is still at a high level, and glycogen does not increase. At the same time, fat is best burned.

Training in the morning should be of moderate intensity, lasting no more than 40-50 minutes. If the training involves a high load on the cardiovascular system, it can be reduced to half an hour.

This method of training for weight loss is optimally combined with intermittent fasting, which involves the rejection of dinner. For example, with programs 16:8 or 14:10.

Aerobics and Pilates

In the period from 15:00 to 17:00, the temperature of human affairs reaches its highest point. At this time, you can quickly burn fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system. To do this, you can choose activities such as:

  • aerobics;
  • Pilates;
  • fitness;
  • dancing;
  • exercise bike.

Active burning of calories during these hours will help the body stay in good shape. However, you should not lean on strength training, so as not to feel a breakdown in the evening.

Strength and high intensity training

Body temperature reaches its peak around 17:00. After that, the process of testosterone release into the blood starts, which lasts until 6-7 pm. Due to this, the body undergoes an active growth of muscle mass.

This period of time is optimal for visiting the gym, in particular for the following workouts:

  • power;
  • interval;
  • high-intensity.

Evening classes

After 19:00 body temperature begins to decrease. At this time, training with low or medium intensity will favorably affect the body:

  • yoga;
  • stretching;
  • bodyflex.

Such exercises will help to relax before going to bed, will have a calming and restorative effect on the body. In addition, this time is favorable for stretching deep muscles and strengthening the back.

Intensive classes in the evening can negatively affect the nervous system, causing overexcitation and insomnia. Experts recommend finishing any kind of activity at least 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

What do statistics and studies show?

American scientists directly link training time with the characteristics of a person’s physique:

  • Endomorphs (slow metabolism, overweight) should exercise in the morning to activate metabolic processes.
  • Ectomorphs (low weight and fast metabolism) are suitable for evening classes to gain muscle mass.

At the same time, experts from Wilmsburg, having conducted an experiment on people without sports training, proved the benefits of evening classes due to the increased speed of muscle contraction. Nevertheless, all researchers agree on one thing: the only thing worse than the wrong time for sports can be their complete absence.

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