When is the best time to do a pregnancy test? Practical advice

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When is the best time to do a pregnancy test? This question is certainly asked by many women who are looking forward to motherhood. Many women take a pregnancy test the day after sex, or even hours after it, but it doesn’t make any sense. How does a pregnancy test work and when will the result be the most reliable? In what cases can the pregnancy test result turn out to be false? We answer the most important questions.

Publicly available pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the female urine, which indicates implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine mucosa. The implantation takes place 7 days after conception, and from that moment the level of gonadotropin, i.e. hCG, increases until the 2-3rd month of pregnancy. After this period, hCG levels decline until delivery.

There are 3 types of pregnancy tests available, including:

1. home pregnancy test – you can buy it in virtually every drugstore and pharmacy. You need to do it yourself at home. A home pregnancy test is about 90% positive about pregnancy. It is very reliable, but its result should always be consulted with a gynecologist;

At Medonet Market you will find different types of pregnancy tests at great prices. Check the offer. If you want to have tests on hand that are worth taking when planning a pregnancy, order the Home Test Kit for Women Planning a Pregnancy.

2. laboratory urine test – is more sensitive than the home pregnancy test. It is performed in specialist conditions;

3. laboratory blood test – has a similar sensitivity as a laboratory urine test.

How does the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine change?

Chorionic gonadotrophin is a hormone that is secreted into the blood by the placenta. It performs very important functions because it has a direct impact on the development of the fetus.

The level of chorionic gonadotropin increases significantly in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Women who are not pregnant have a concentration of this hormone at 5 IU / L. In future mothers, it rises to 5-50 IU / L in the first three weeks after the last period. After the fifth week, the level of chorionic gonadotropin is already 100-10000 IU / L, and it continues to increase in the following weeks. In the middle of the fourth month of pregnancy, it may be 2000 IU / L.

Interestingly, the higher the result, the easier it is to confirm a multiple pregnancy. Unfortunately, a very high level of chorionic gonadtropin in the following months may also indicate fetal developmental diseases, including Down’s syndrome. Conversely, low levels of gonadtropin can cause fetal death.


Women who are not pregnant, as well as men, may also have an increased amount of the hormone – this is when cancer is developing.

Types of home pregnancy tests

Home pregnancy tests differ from each other in the way urine is collected and analyzed. For this reason, we distinguish four types:

  1. plate pregnancy test – may also be called a cassette pregnancy test. Its implementation is based on urinating into a small container. We take a few drops from it with the pipette attached to the kit, and then drop it on the marked field on the test (try, for example, the Diather hCG plate pregnancy test. You can also buy it in the Test kit for the expectant mother – home cassette tests or the Test kit for couples planning a baby along with a male fertility test);
  2. stream pregnancy test (marker pen) – the test resembles a felt-tip pen, which, after unpacking, is placed under the stream of urine. The result appears within seconds;
  3. strip pregnancy test – urine is collected into a special container, into which the test strip should then be immersed. It will change color if hCG chorionic gonadotropin has developed in the woman’s body;
  4. digital pregnancy test – it differs from the previous models in the way of interpreting the results. It has a digital display with plus or minus or pregnant / not pregnant.

Before choosing the best pregnancy tests, it is worth checking the sensitivity of each model. This is an extremely important aspect that will help confirm the beginning of a new stage in life. There are tests available on the pharmaceutical market with three sensitivity ranges:

  1. Sensitivity at the level of 500 UI / L – means that pregnancy can be detected 10 days after conception, and thus 4 days before the expected menstruation;
  2. Sensitivity at the level of 500-800 UI / L – pregnancy can be detected two weeks after conception;
  3. Sensitivity above 800 UI / L – pregnancy can be detected 7 days after the expected start of the cycle.

When is the best time to do a pregnancy test?

A pregnancy test should not be done immediately after you have had sex. It takes about 6 days for the egg to travel to the uterus, so even if fertilization is achieved, the pregnancy test will not show it.

For a reliable pregnancy test result you should wait about 10 days after intercourse.

The first day of your period is an ideal time to do a pregnancy test. Waiting for the test to take takes patience, but it is better to save yourself unnecessary stress in the event of an unexpected test result taken at an inappropriate time.

There is a misconception that a pregnancy test should be done in the morning because the hCG concentration in the morning urine is highest. It may indeed make a difference, but only if you are pregnant very early. If the pregnancy test is done in good time after alleged fertilization, it does not matter whether it is done in the morning, afternoon or evening.

A laboratory blood pregnancy test can be done in advance of a regular home test. If you do not have the patience to wait until the first day of your first period, you may have your hCG measured in your blood. It is safest to perform such a test 10 days after intercourse.

The result of the pregnancy test should appear after the time specified by the manufacturer on the leaflet of the selected model. It also determines whether or not you are pregnant or not. Usually there are two lines on pregnancy tests indicating elevated levels of chorionic gonadotrophin. One line will mean that you are not pregnant. You can also get tests on the pharmaceutical market that have the +/- or plus / minus markings.

  1. How many weeks is pregnancy?

However, it should be remembered that performing a one-time test may give false results, so in some cases the test should be repeated even twice. In case of further uncertainty, it is best to consult a gynecologist who will order the most reliable laboratory tests.

False pregnancy test results

The pregnancy test does not always show the correct result. False negative and false positive results are possible. A false-negative result may be caused by a test performed incorrectly. It should be remembered that the urine used for the test is suitable for testing only for 15 minutes after its donation. Contamination of the sample and the test itself may also cause a false-negative result.

On the other hand, false positive results indicate pregnancy, despite its absence. This result may be caused by taking infertility medications or shortly after giving birth. A false-positive pregnancy test may also indicate kidney or thyroid disease.

On-line pregnancy test – a curiosity for those interested

The websites contain information on on-line pregnancy tests that can be performed without purchasing a standard model. Performing the test is based on completing the fields with answers to individual questions. After its completion, the woman receives an answer whether the given answers may indicate pregnancy. Online tests are not reliable. This is just a curiosity, and at the same time a chance to be aware of a few things before taking a standard pregnancy test, which will be much more reliable.

Pregnancy test price

The price of a one-time pregnancy test is relatively low. It starts from 3 zlotys, but individual models can cost up to 150 zlotys. Among the most popular types of home pregnancy tests, the stripe and stream tests are distinguished. There are also supporters of digital models.

A pregnancy test that can be done at home can be purchased at any pharmacy. The pharmacist will help you choose the right model. He may also offer to buy folic acid, which should be taken during pregnancy. Pregnancy tests are also available in drug stores and on websites, where they cost much less than in brick-and-mortar stores. Buying a pregnancy test online is a good option for women who feel confused when talking to a pharmacist or standing in front of a drugstore shelf.

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