When is it not necessary to wear a mask? CDC publishes new guidelines for the vaccinated
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According to the announcement of the Minister of Health, there is a chance that the order to cover the nose and mouth in the open will cease to apply after May 15. Experts have been calling for such a change for several weeks. The CDC also recommends lifting this obligation, especially for the fully vaccinated.

  1. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the government’s public health agency) publishes recurring recommendations regarding the need to wear masks – by specific groups, in specific situations
  2. This time, fully vaccinated people were given relaxed recommendations. The CDC suggests that they should, for example, stay without a mask during a meeting with unvaccinated, if it takes place outdoors
  3. In Poland, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose with a protective mask has been in force since October 10
  4. However, the Minister of Health announced today that after May 15 it may be mitigated if the infection rate per 100. people will fall below 15
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The CDC is loosening the guidelines for wearing masks

For over a year, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, bans related to limiting COVID-19 transmission have been announced in the world. In many countries, including Poland, it is still necessary, for example, to cover the mouth and nose. Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on Tuesday that it is loosening its guidelines for wearing masks. This is especially true of those who are fully vaccinated. But not only.

“Over the past year, we’ve spent a lot of time telling Americans what they can’t or shouldn’t do. Today I will tell you about the things you can do if you are fully vaccinated, said Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC.

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This is another loosening of the rules for full immunization in the US. In March, the CDC reported that people who had received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine could meet indoors and cuddle without masks. Another good news was that vaccinated people can travel within the country as long as they wear a mask.

– There are many situations where fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask. Especially if they are outside, added Walensky.

When can you take off the mask?

The CDC has developed guidelines for both unvaccinated people and those who have already received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. The unvaccinated can also take off their masks, but only in two situations:

  1. when practicing outdoor sports (including walking) in the company of people from your household. On condition, however, that you keep your distance from other people
  2. in small outdoor gatherings with friends or family, provided that friends or family have already been fully vaccinated

For fully vaccinated people, the list of times when a mask will no longer be needed is longer. The CDC then allows the face to be exposed during:

  1. doing sports outdoors
  2. small outdoor gatherings, even if unvaccinated people are also present
  3. eating in an open-air restaurant, also with people outside your household

Even people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 should continue to wear a mask in certain situations under CDC guidelines. The list of such activities includes:

  1. large gatherings in the open air (e.g. sports events or parades),
  2. a visit to the hairdresser,
  3. a visit to a shopping center or museum,
  4. small gathering inside a building if not every participant has been fully vaccinated
  5. a visit to a cinema or theater,
  6. mass in the church,
  7. singing in the choir inside the building.

Get the right masks. Buy Vitammy 3-layer medical disposable masks. One package contains 50 pieces.

Coronavirus infection outside – the risk is low

Experts are increasingly saying that the risk of contracting the coronavirus outside is not too high. Muge Cevik of the University of St. Andrews told Business Insider Australia that less than 1 in 10 of reported COVID-19 cases are associated with being outdoors. Moreover, these infections are usually associated with close interactions or spending time both outdoors and indoors.

  1. Also read: Americans are giving up the second dose of the vaccine. How many Poles did not come for vaccination?

Similar voices are also raised in Poland, where the obligation to cover the mouth and nose has been in force since October 10, 2020.

Outdoor masks in Poland. Experts are against

One of the Polish experts who have a negative opinion about covering the mouth and nose in the open air is Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, an immunologist and expert of the Supreme Medical Council for combating COVID-19.

We should withdraw from this recommendation. Today many people are aware of this and do not wear face masks on the street. This ruins our image as a country that uses a method that does not translate into security, but makes life difficult for people, said Dr. Grzesiowski in the Onet program. In the morning.”

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The expert also emphasized that there is no scientific evidence that the coronavirus is transmitted in the air in places where there are no people. The situation is different when it is impossible to keep a safe distance from the people you pass by. Then you should cover your mouth and nose.

Not only Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski believes that outdoor masks are unnecessary. Similarly for RMF FM, also prof. Miłosz Parczewski, infectious diseases specialist and member of the Medical Council at the prime minister.

The only study that came out last week that is significant epidemiologically is that there is no significant number of infections outside. So it is wearing masks outside, we can say that it makes no sense – said prof. Parczewski.

Currently, in Poland, masks do not need to be worn:

  1. in the forest, in the park and in greenery
  2. in botanical gardens and historic gardens
  3. in family allotments and on the beach
  4. while traveling by private car, motorcycle, four-wheeler, moped
  5. at the workplace in order to eat a meal

At Medonet Market, at an attractive price, you can order a hypoallergenic reusable Loffme protective mask, which filters particles at the level of over 97%.

Also read:

  1. The severe course of COVID-19 may be associated with dental diseases. Many people have them
  2. Myocarditis after the Pfizer vaccine? Israel is investigating
  3. The doctor explains why so many Poles die of COVID-19
  4. Do you have these symptoms after vaccination? Contact your doctor
  5. Current vaccination schedule. When is your turn?

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