When is it better to train: morning, afternoon or evening?

How the time of day, lifestyle and even profession affect the ability to play sports and the result of the training process, says fitness trainer Ruslan Panov.

There is no single ideal time period for everyone to play sports. For each person it is individual. You have to adapt to your own biorhythm, established habits and lifestyle.

“Breaking” yourself and your work schedule for the sake of training is not worth it. Such activities will not bring pleasure, on which the result in fitness directly depends.


Calm morning workouts – yoga, stretching, Pilates, joint gymnastics, Body & Mind programs – are suitable for those who find it hard to get up in the morning, representatives of creative professions, as well as leaders who need to make difficult, informed decisions. The last one definitely should not wind yourself up early in the morning.

If there is no time for a full-fledged trip to the gym in the morning, you can do gymnastics at home

The essence of such training is to activate the creative message through contemplation, immersion in oneself and the unhurried flow of thoughts. Static load and slow movements to stretch the main muscle groups and joints perfectly prepare the body for the working day.

If there is no time to go to the gym in the morning, you can do gymnastics at home. Stretch on the mat, do a few slow squats, lunges, bends, push-ups and stand in a plank.

Active morning workouts – group classes, interval training, cardio and aqua aerobics – are “registered” for those who get up easily in the morning and are used to making quick decisions on duty. These exercises perfectly tone the body, accelerate metabolism, start the processes of transmission of nerve impulses. For those who slowly swing in the morning, such active activities can be traumatic. After all, the joints, muscles and heart of typical “owls” are often not ready for a quick start in the morning.


Calm daytime workouts are great for people who need a break. A change of activity distracts from worries, current tasks and issues, changes the direction of thoughts and, most importantly, gives unloading to the body at the psychosomatic level. If you can’t go to a full-fledged class, such as Pilates, you can do a little breathing exercises and a few stretching exercises.

It’s great if there is an opportunity to devote an hour and a half to strength training in combination with cardio. During the day, the muscles are at their peak of activity and are not tired. In addition, you need to squander the energy received at lunch and overcome drowsiness. Basic strength exercises with free weights will help you burn calories efficiently and re-activate your sleeping brain. Therefore, it is useful to train during the day for those who want to achieve a certain goal in a short time: correct the figure, make the body embossed, build muscle mass.

Recommended exercises are bench press, pull-ups, barbell steps, lunges forward and backward with dumbbells in hand, sprinting.


Active activities in the evening – martial arts, dancing, cycling, aqua aerobics and interval training – help relieve stress. At the end of the day, the body is “warmed up” and better prepared for exercise. In addition, it is in the evening that maximum proprioception is observed – the response of neurons to brain commands to muscles.

If you have problems sleeping or find it difficult to calm down in the evening, it is better to give preference to calm activities – yoga and tai chi. They slow down the heart rate as much as possible, even out the flow of energy and prepare the body for sleep, relieving stress from the muscles and nervous system. At home, before going to bed, you can independently perform breathing exercises, rotation of the pelvis, tilting the body back and forth and to the sides.

About expert

Ruslan Panov — expert methodologist and coordinator of the direction of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

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