When is it better to train – in the morning or in the evening?

Is there a universal time for physical training? Is it more suitable for this morning or evening? What should be taken into account when considering the schedule of your classes?

Regardless of whether training is carried out in the gym or at home, it is important to choose the right time. In many ways, the choice depends on the goal – to burn excess fat or build muscle.

Important: Each workout – both morning and evening – should be preceded by a warm-up. It minimizes the risk of injury, as muscles and ligaments become more flexible and elastic. Also read: Proper warm-up before exercise

1. Work to burn fat mass

After awakening, metabolic processes in the body go at an increased speed, and the sugar content is reduced. Therefore, training in the morning makes fat the main source of energy.

– If you exercise before breakfast, the body will be able to use more calories than as a result of training after breakfast. However, if you do it on an empty stomach, you need to approach the matter carefully. Otherwise, you can spend too much energy and quickly run out of steam.

2. Building muscle mass

If you exercise in the evening, then the muscles will grow, just as the indicators of physical strength will increase. These processes are influenced by hormones, primarily testosterone and cortisol: the first helps to build muscle mass, the second, on the contrary, destroys the fibers in the muscles.

– In the evening, testosterone levels are elevated, especially in comparison with morning levels. Cortisol, also called the stress hormone, is elevated in the morning and decreases in the evening. Therefore, evening workouts make it easier to gain muscle mass.

3. Dependence on the level of activity

Many people have to spend most of the day almost not moving because of work or study. Usually sitting at the computer. A low level of mobility contributes to muscle atrophy. To avoid this, it is recommended to warm up in the evening. Training helps to increase testosterone levels, normalize blood circulation processes, and maintain muscle tone.

– However, there are also many those whose working day is associated with physical exertion and intensive movement. In this case, by the evening there may not be strength left for classes. Then it is recommended to do it in the morning: training will increase brain and muscle tone. The main thing is not to overdo it and not overstrain early in the morning.

4. Dependence on the daily routine

People live in a different rhythm, and the choice of time for classes also depends on this. For example, if a working or school day starts in the morning and lasts until 18 pm, then you won’t be able to study in the morning hours – the only choice will be evening. Those who have the opportunity to build a schedule on their own can choose the right time for training.

The main thing is to train at the same time every day, and not haphazardly. Only regularity will help the body to adapt, and the psyche to get used to a certain rhythm. See also: When is the best time to exercise?

The influence of physique on training time

Based on the type of human physique, you should also consider morning or evening classes:

  • Ectomorph A tall, thin man with a fast metabolism. Usually such people have long limbs and elongated muscles. They are recommended to do in the evening, when enough calories accumulate in the body.

  • Mesomorph – A person with average body proportions, broad in the chest and shoulders. Such a physique is considered universal, so you can train both in the morning and in the evening – based on the main goal, activity level and daily routine.

  • Endomorph – A person who is prone to fullness, with a slow metabolism. With such a physique, it is best to train in the morning to get rid of excess fat as much as possible.

There is no universal time that would be suitable for training exclusively for everyone. You should consider the main goal – burning fat or building muscle. You also need to take into account the level of activity, daily routine and body type.

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