When is Anticol used?

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Anticol is a drug containing disulfiram that is used during the treatment of alcohol dependence. The consumption of ethyl alcohol during Anticol therapy results in an increase in the concentration of acetaldehyde in the body and the symptoms of poisoning. The drug can be started after at least 24 hours of abstinence.

Anticol comes in the form of tablets, and implants. The drug is taken as prescribed by the doctor. One tablet is taken in the morning or in the evening when the sedative effect is significantly increased. The dose this should usually be used for 1 to 2 weeks. After that, half a tablet in the morning is also used – as dose supporting.

implants They are implanted by a surgeon deep under the skin into the rectus abdominis muscle or into the buttock muscle – usually 8-10 tablets at a time. Implantable tablets do not work by mouth. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during treatment and within a week after its completion. Symptoms of intolerance may also occur after using liquids containing alcohol, including: sauces, vinegar, antitussive syrups, warming agents, mouthwash, aftershave, etc.

Can Anticol harm?

The drug can induce side effects. These include: drowsiness, vomiting, nausea, feeling a metallic taste or the taste of garlic in the mouth, headaches, temporary impotence or rapid fatigue. There are also known cases of psychotic reactions, including depressive states, paranoia, schizophrenia and mania. Cutaneous allergic reactions, inflammation of the peripheral nerves and damage to hepatocytes have been reported. Some patients may experience other types side effects. In such a situation, it is worth contacting a doctor and informing him about the situation.

What are the contraindications to the use of Anticol?

There are many reasons why a person should not be ill use Anticolu. People who are hypersensitive to disulfiram and thiocarbamates or any excipient should be careful with the drug. The state of intoxication, the consumption of beverages containing ethyl alcohol or the use of preparations containing alcohol in the last 24 hours also excludes use of Anticol. People struggling with heart failure, ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension. Mental disorders, psychoses and previous suicide attempts also exclude the use of the drug.

People with respiratory or heart diseases, diabetes and epilepsy should be especially careful. The disulfiram reaction to alcohol may contribute to the aggravation of the above-mentioned diseases. Particular caution is required when taking the drug by patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Anticolus not recommended to use women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. You should also notify the doctor about all medications you take, including those that are dispensed without a prescription. Anticol may affect the operation of either of them.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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