When is a vaginal swab taken and what does the test look like?

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A vaginal or other genital swab is a cleanliness test in which the bacterial flora is assessed. Thanks to it, you can detect any abnormalities, inflammations, or, for example, bacterial or fungal infections. A vaginal swab is an important diagnostic test for any woman.

A vaginal swab is a safe and painless test that can be performed on women of all ages. Thanks to it, diagnostics of infections can also be performed in the case of pregnant women. It should be remembered that any infection during pregnancy poses a great risk to the developing fetus. As a consequence, miscarriage or premature birth can occur. Therefore, a vaginal swab is very important for your health.

What is a vaginal swab?

A vaginal swab is nothing more than an assessment of the vaginal biocenosis (vaginal bacterial flora), i.e. an examination of its purity. This is a very important test that is used in gynecology to assess the vaginal environment of a woman. Taking a smear will help diagnose inflammation, infections and their source.

The normal vaginal flora should contain mainly lactobacilli (Lactobacillus). Maintaining such an environment is very important as it allows protection against various pathogens that can lead to the development of infection. The acidic environment of the vagina is not suitable for pathogenic microorganisms, so we can be sure that they will not colonize the woman’s genital tract. If the vaginal flora is disturbed, inflammation can easily develop.

If disturbing symptoms appear, a vaginal smear should be performed as soon as possible and appropriate treatment should be instituted.

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What are the indications for a vaginal smear?

Vaginal smear can be performed on any woman, regardless of age. This examination should absolutely be performed during pregnancy, when infections and infections pose the greatest risk.

However, there are situations in which a smear may be performed. The indication for its download is:

  1. itching and burning around the perineum;
  2. vaginal discharge;
  3. pain and burning when urinating;
  4. constant and painful pressure on the bladder.

In addition, a vaginal smear should be taken while treating inflammation to monitor progress in treating the infection. It is a necessary element of diagnosis during pregnancy. Pregnant women are much more prone to infections due to large hormonal fluctuations that affect the vaginal flora. It should be remembered that infections during this period are very dangerous for the fetus and may end in miscarriage or early delivery. Therefore, symptoms should not be ignored.

At the end of pregnancy, a vaginal smear is mandatory to diagnose GBS infection (GBS tests). Before the birth, a vaginal and rectal smear is also performed. This is important for the safety of the newborn to whom the germs can spread. These can result in inflammation of the lungs or the meninges. These bacteria are present asymptomatically in 30% of healthy women. Streptococcus is not dangerous for a woman, but it can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child.


It is worth knowing that the gastrointestinal tract is the natural habitat of GBS streptococci. However, it happens that they migrate to the vagina or the opening of the urethra.

A vaginal smear should be performed in every pregnant woman, especially in the case of a risk of early delivery, gestational diabetes and a high risk of an earlier GBS-infected child being born.

If the smear test shows a positive result, the woman is given an antibiotic right after the start of labor, because the antibiotic given earlier is not effective (the bacteria recur very quickly after the end of the therapy).

How do I prepare for a vaginal smear test?

Taking a vaginal smear requires appropriate preparation. Two days before the smear, you should not have sex. On the day of collection, the woman should wash the perineal area without using any soap or gel for intimate hygiene. It is important not to use vaginal medications, irrigations, creams or other agents intended for use in intimate areas. It should also be remembered that each cosmetic or preparation used may distort the results of the smear test.

It’s best to take a swab in the morning. However, to take a urethral swab, you must not urinate for 2-3 hours before the examination. A vaginal smear is not taken during your period. Before taking a smear, tell your doctor about the use of vaginal contraception or any treatment you are taking.

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What is the course of the study?

Vaginal smear is a safe and painless test. It is possible to feel a little discomfort while taking the smear, especially if the woman is very inflamed.

The smear is taken in the gynecological office on the gynecological chair. The woman prepares to take a smear as if she were to undergo an ordinary gynecological examination. The examination itself is short and the swab is taken with a thin cotton swab.

The material for examination is usually collected from the posterior vaginal fornix, but sometimes a swab from the area of ​​the urethra is taken at the same time. For pregnant women, a GBS swab is also taken from the anus.

The sample is placed in a test tube with a suitable medium and sent to the laboratory. The swab can be immediately spread on a glass slide, then stained and examined under a microscope. On the basis of the smear, for example, the pH of the vagina is determined, but it is also possible to perform vaginal culture on the basis of a smear. On this basis, it is possible to determine the vaginal environment, including all microorganisms, including pathogenic ones. You can also order a culture with an antibiogram, so you can immediately order the introduction of an appropriate antibiotic and start treatment.

You can also check the vaginal pH level at home. He will order and perform intimate infections for this purpose – panel test available on Medonet Market.

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How to interpret smear results?

The results of the smear test are assessed on a scale containing IV degrees:

  1. XNUMXst degree – correct image with lactobacilli;
  2. XNUMXnd degree – apart from lactobacilli, you can see individual leukocytes and bacteria;
  3. XNUMXrd degree – the smear shows numerous leukocytes and bacteria, while good bacteria are almost absent;
  4. Stage IV – the image shows a lot of leukocytes, bacteria, yeast or vaginal trichomes, but there are no lactobacilli.

You need to wait about 3-4 days for the results of the vaginal smear.

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What diseases can be diagnosed after a vaginal smear?

A vaginal smear allows you to assess the vaginal environment. Any deviation from the norm may indicate the development of various intimate infections:

  1. chlamydiosis – this infection can lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, fertility problems, or a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  2. vaginal mycosis (candidiasis) – it is one of the most frequently diagnosed infections in women, it can affect up to 70% of women;
  3. Escherichiacoli infections – a bacterial infection that poses a great risk to pregnant women. Its symptoms include discharge, pain and burning sensation when urinating, and stomach discomfort;
  4. Staphylococcus aureus infection – it causes inflammation that requires prompt treatment. Infection is dangerous especially for pregnant women.

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What treatment can my doctor suggest after a smear test?

The vaginal swab may show any abnormalities in the vaginal flora. When the results are conclusive, it is easier to determine and implement treatment. If we are dealing with a bacterial infection, it is necessary to implement an appropriate form of antibiotic therapy.

Fungal infections require the administration of antifungal drugs. The inflammation itself also requires the use of appropriate anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfecting and sometimes anesthetic preparations.

How is a vaginal smear different from a Pap test?

Many women confuse a vaginal swab with a Pap test. Note, however, that a vaginal swab only measures the vaginal flora. Thus, the smear makes it possible to detect only inflammation or infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

In turn, cytology can detect abnormal cells in the cervix that can help detect precancerous or neoplastic conditions. In addition, the cytology shows the image of the cells of the cervix, and the smear shows the image of the bacterial flora of intimate parts.

The collected material is also prepared differently for the study. However, each of the tests is very important and should not be forgotten. In any case, neglect can lead to serious health consequences.

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