When hygiene is bad

Vaginal mycosis occurs at least once in the life of most women. In rare cases, genital candidiasis can also occur in men. Surprisingly, the disease often affects people who are very hygiene conscious.

Genital mycosis is a disease that affects most women, and occasionally men as well. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a disease associated with lack of hygiene, and according to specialists, infections from a sexual partner are relatively rare. So what is the cause of the development of mycosis?

Microflora or natural protection

The surface of the vaginal mucosa is the habitat of many microorganisms that make up the normal microflora of the female reproductive organs. The most important function is played by lactobacilli, acidifying the vaginal environment, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Microflora is therefore the body’s natural form of defense against pathogens. Disorders of the vaginal microflora can lead to the development of mycosis, i.e. an excessive multiplication of fungi, mainly yeasts of the genus Candida. This causes very severe itching and a cheesy white discharge. The disease may be accompanied by irritation, swelling, and discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.

A disease of highly developed countries

In recent years, the incidence of vaginal candidiasis has increased, especially in highly developed countries. The list of factors contributing to the development of mycosis is long. These are both factors that we have no influence on (hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, hormonal disorders during menopause or pregnancy, diabetes, immunological defects, etc.), but also those that we have influence on – the use of antibiotics, decreased immunity due to prolonged fatigue or stress, a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight, windproof clothes and underwear, lack of hygiene and excessive compliance with it (the use of aggressive detergents for washing intimate places may destroy the natural bacterial flora).

So how do you avoid getting sick?

First of all, you should take care of a proper diet rich in vegetables and fruits and products containing lactobacilli, i.e. yoghurts, acidophilic milk, you should also follow a hygienic lifestyle and take care of personal hygiene properly.

Joanna Grzybowska-Gałuszka, MD, PhD

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