When he awoke from the coma, he was terrified of his daughter. The truth quickly emerged

Though Jennifer Pan has perfected every step of the way over the years, her final plan was not particularly thought out. The gruesome events of November 2010 marked the beginning of the end for the woman. What is the connection with this family tragedy of the so-called tiger parenting?

  1. Jennifer Pan’s parents raised her in accordance with the principles of tiger parenting, based on a strict approach and high expectations
  2. At one point, the girl began to cheat on her parents. The lies have taken a huge scale. For example, although Jennifer claimed to be a student, she didn’t actually graduate from high school
  3. To hide her deceptions, which slowly began to come to light, Jennifer decided to take a cruel step. The 24-year-old ordered the murder of her parents
  4. This time the truth quickly emerged. Jennifer and her accomplices have been convicted and are in prison. However, she herself never confessed to the murder
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page  

On the night of November 8-9, 2010, Jennifer Pan calls the 911 emergency number. In a frightened voice, she informs the dispatcher that there are three men in her house who tied her to an upstairs railing and dragged her parents to the basement. Shots are fired at home, and my mother’s scream suddenly ceases. A woman shot three times is killed on the spot, and her husband, in a critical condition, is taken to hospital.

In fact, Jennifer Pan was not at all related.

Murder on the phone

The suburbs of Ontario, a quiet neighborhood, a mature married couple with two adult children. Who could want to kill them? This question was asked not only by the investigators, but also by the shocked family, neighbors and other residents of Canada.

However, the riddle presented to the policemen was not as difficult to solve as it might seem. At a time when the desperate looking Jennifer Pan was watching over the bed of her comatose father, investigators became more and more concerned about her strange behavior. They also wondered how a woman with her hands tied behind her back was able to reach for the phone and dial the emergency number.

When the man who miraculously escaped death finally awoke from his coma, his behavior only confirmed the suspicions. The father did not want his daughter to come near his bed. Finally, on November 22, 2010, during the third hearing, Jennifer could not stand the pressure and tearfully asked, “But what will happen to me?”

On the woman’s backup phone, investigators found hundreds of messages indicating that Jennifer had been planning the murder of her parents for months. The murderers were contacted by her former beloved Daniel Wong, and for the murder of Lenford Crawford, Eric Carty and David Mylvaganam were to receive 10 from Jennifer. hole. The woman who was in constant contact with the perpetrators knew that her younger brother would not be in the family home that day, and as a signal to act, she turned on a light in the upstairs office.

This was not the first attempt to kill my parents. In the spring of 2010, the Lord contacted a former high school colleague who in turn introduced her to a certain Ricard Duncan. The Lord confessed that after giving a man $ 1500 to kill her father in the parking lot at work, he severed contact with her.

During the investigation, something else came to light: the cruel realities in which a woman grew up.

Perfect daughter? The truth was different

In 1979, Jennifer Pan’s parents fled Vietnam to Canada. Although they had known each other before, it was only in Canada that their feelings grew stronger. The couple in love got married in Toronto, and then moved to Scarborough, where two of their children were born a few years later. Jennifer Pan was born on June 17, 1986, and three years later she was joined by her younger brother, Felix.

Both Jennifer Pan’s father and mother worked at Magna International, an auto parts company. The couple made every effort to ensure that their children did not lack anything. Eventually they bought a big house, Lexus and Mercedes, and amassed 200. hole. savings. However, they required their children to be successful in every possible field.

At the age of four, Bich and Hann Pan enrolled their daughter in piano lessons and figure skating in elementary school. However, these were not just ordinary extracurricular activities. Jennifer won piano competitions, and until she severed a ligament in her knee, her parents also believed that her daughter would compete in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. At school, the children were to have top grades and then graduate from top college. Jennifer Pan’s parents also prevented her from attending school dances and forbade her relationship with her beloved boyfriend. Their ideal daughter, however, easily achieved their goals. Or so they thought.

When Jennifer noticed that she was having more and more difficulty meeting her parents’ demands, she decided to help herself a bit. After failing her bills in her senior year of high school and Ryerson University denied admission to college, she began creating her false resume. She said she would start studying at Ryerson in the fall of 2004. She told her father that she would transfer to the University of Toronto after two years at Ryerson, and even claimed she had received a $ 3 grant. hole. She got a laptop as a gift.

In 2006, Jennifer successfully “transferred” to a college in Toronto. She was just perfect in her lies. She falsified grades, certificates and diplomas. She had always found a clever way to reassure her parents that they had a gifted student under their roof, though in fact Jennifer had not even graduated from high school. For seven years, she was secretly dating Daniel Wong.

However, her long-standing hoax was finally coming to an end. The allegedly fresh graduate claimed to be a volunteer at a Toronto Children’s Hospital. Her father and mother, who were already getting suspicious, were intrigued by Jennifer’s lack of uniform or ID. They decided to follow her on the way to work. Jennifer, however, managed to confuse the parents this time. Part of the truth, however, came to light after Jennifer’s mother contacted a friend with whom her daughter was supposed to stay during the academic year. In fact, she was spending this time with her boyfriend.

Jennifer admitted that she had not cut off contact with her lover, as her parents had ordered earlier, and in fact does not work in the hospital. The couple grounded their over 20-year-old daughter and took away her cell phone and laptop. Gradually, however, she regained the trust of her parents. However, it was related to meeting the next expectations, or actually even more combining. Eventually she decided to murder.

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Retaliation for tiger parenting?

Foreign media, which followed the case of Jennifer Pan and her parents on an ongoing basis, repeatedly indicated that the model of the so-called tiger parenting. It was he who was to contribute to the tragic finale of this case. What is it and what effects can such an upbringing have?

Term «Tiger mother» was coined by Professor Amy Chua of Yale Law School in the United States. In 2011, the lawyer published a diary entitled “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”, in which she described how her strict educational methods allegedly made both her daughters successful.

The phenomenon of tiger parenting, however, is not something new. This concept refers to the strict parenting styles common in Asian countries. It is a form of rigorous parenting which, through high demands and a lot of pressure, aims to force the children to achieve higher results, e.g. in science, sports or music.

According to psychologist Souzan Swift, although the intentions of the tiger parents seem good they want their children to be successful their behavior can affect the self-esteem of children as well as cause a lot of pressure and stress. Children from this environment receive a message that they are successful especially academic must be achieved at any cost, which often means a lack of free time and socializing.

Success is the first and foremost goal in a tiger style of parenting, and children often submit to their parents’ demands for fear of punishment and non-acceptance

Dr. Souzan Swift explained in an interview with Healthline.

The psychologist also emphasized that although tiger parents can raise an educated, productive offspring, their child may struggle with depression, anxiety or other health problems. According to Swift tiger parenting can lead to problems such as:

  1. high level of pressure to be successful,
  2. anxiety and depression
  3. lowering self-esteem and self-confidence,
  4. the feeling that our value is related to success,
  5. difficulties in social contacts,
  6. perfectionism,
  7. unrealistic goals.

Swift says there are also some potential advantages to tiger parenting, such as:

  1. increased productivity,
  2. greater self-discipline, 
  3. greater responsibility, 
  4. willingness to achieve success, 
  5. high goal orientation. 

However, a 2013 study found that tiger parents’ children had lower academic performance and were more maladjusted than those of supportive parents.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Jennifer Lee, professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine, also emphasized that while Jennifer’s parents certainly had a big influence on her life, publicizing such cases is very dangerous.

They contribute to the misconception that all Asian-American children experience so much pressure and are mentally unstable

Lee explained in an interview with The Washington Post.

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The Jennifer Pan case finalized

On December 13, 2014, Mr., Wong, Mylvaganam and Crawford were sentenced to life imprisonment after 25 years. Carty was sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment with the possibility of parole after nine years.

Jennifer Pan never pleaded guilty, and in her later testimony, she tried to convince herself that everything was in fact a plan for her suicide, but something went wrong.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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