The appearance of a baby is an important and long-awaited milestone for every woman. Unfortunately, this expectation cannot always be called pleasant, since the process is often complicated by toxicosis.
Toxicosis is a state of the body caused by the action of toxins. Manifested in the form of dyspeptic phenomena (nausea, vomiting, sometimes dermatosis). Blood pressure may drop. Women with vascular dystonia are especially susceptible to changes in the cardiovascular system. There may be fainting, loss of strength. Often, toxicosis is accompanied by tearfulness, sleep disturbance. The reaction to smells and sounds is aggravated.
At what time does toxicosis appear?
Every woman’s body is unique and individual. Each subsequent pregnancy may be different. Someone does not face the problem of toxicosis at all. And for someone, the symptoms appear on the first day of the delay. Sometimes the first “bell” in the form of nausea or malaise, the expectant mother receives, without even realizing the true cause of ill health.
During this period, subject to the presence of a mild degree, toxicosis is considered physiological. If the state of health does not improve throughout the pregnancy, and especially the last trimester, you need to sound the alarm.
What changes in a woman’s body lead to the appearance of toxicosis:
Increases the level of gonadotropin, which is responsible for the production of progesterone in early pregnancy. The synthesis of placental lactogen can also lead to a deterioration in well-being.
There is a certain hormonal imbalance in the body. The level of some hormones increases, the synthesis of others slows down.
In the first 3 months, the placenta is absent from the child, so all decay products enter the mother’s body, and they, as you know, are toxins.
The immune system of a woman can perceive the baby’s cells as a “foreign” organism, which subsequently leads to a miscarriage.
How long does toxicity last?
After 3 months, the placenta completely completes its formation and begins to fully cope with its duties, and the metabolic products do not poison the mother’s blood. This organ plays important hormone-forming, respiratory, endocrine and trophic functions. Their violation can also lead to toxicosis.
During the first three months of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine glands is getting better, the hormonal background calms down. If this process returns to the physiological norm, toxicosis ends. If any of the hormones does not stop at the correct indicator, the torment of the expectant mother may be delayed.
After the formation of the placenta, the mother’s T-lymphocytes no longer consider the fetus as an enemy. During pregnancy, immunosuppression sets in. After childbirth, it ends, and immunity returns to its original levels.
Much depends on the degree of toxicosis:
Easy degree suggests a slight malaise in the morning. The urge to vomit rarely ends in vomiting. There are no fainting. Taste preferences change. Appetite is reduced. There may be slight weight loss.
Average degree characterized by a deterioration in well-being throughout the day. Vomiting can be up to 7-8 times a day. The pressure drops. There may be a violation of the heart rhythm. Possible weight loss, lack of appetite.
Severe degree characterized by repeated vomiting, dermatosis, loss of consciousness, sudden pressure surges. The body becomes dehydrated and acetone may appear in the urine. Such a course of toxicosis requires medical intervention and treatment.
How long does toxicosis last?
If, after the onset of the 13th week of pregnancy, nausea, vomiting does not go away, fainting continues, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. The fact is that a completely unrelated disease can be masked under toxicosis. It may be necessary to conduct additional examination.
With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, discomfort should go away: an emetic reaction to odors, fainting, hypotension. If this does not happen, we can talk about late toxicosis.
Early toxicosis– the process is physiological, and late toxicosis is a pathology. It is more likely to affect women who have chronic diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. So, with the narrowing of the lumen of the vessels, the fluid is retained in the body, there is a violation of the lymphatic drainage. Edema appears.
Pathological toxicosis, or gestosis, is manifested by the following symptoms:
Fluid accumulation.
An increase in blood pressure.
Changes in the parameters of the blood formula and urine.
Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
Malfunctions of the internal organs.
If all or several indicators are present, the pregnant woman is examined and a course of treatment is prescribed, since these conditions can lead to serious complications in the course of pregnancy, and become a threat to the life of the child. With inpatient or outpatient treatment, properly selected therapy, it is possible to completely or partially get rid of the manifestations of toxicosis. If toxicosis reaches a pre-eclamptic or eclamptic level, the question of early termination of pregnancy may arise, since these conditions can threaten not only the life of the baby, but also the mother. Therefore, one exact answer to the question of how long toxicosis passes cannot be given.
Nature made sure that the pregnancy proceeded as safely and naturally as possible. For this, complex and coordinated mechanisms are set in motion. Toxicosis, with all its uncomfortable manifestations, is one of the important factors in maintaining pregnancy.