Fresh vegetables and fruits in autumn and winter in Our Country are in great short supply. However, just at this time, the season of tangerines comes. Rich in vitamin C and other substances important for the body, citruses are an effective tool for maintaining immunity. But in order for fruits to bring maximum benefit, you need to be able to choose them correctly.
When are the tangerines ripening?
When exactly the tangerine ripening season begins depends on several factors. First of all, these are climatic and weather conditions in the region of cultivation, the quality of care and varietal characteristics.

The “start” of the season falls on the last days of October or the beginning of November, it ends in January
However, the “earliest”, October tangerines are rarely grown on an industrial scale. In terms of taste and external presentability, they are usually inferior to later varieties, therefore, even before the onset of the season, they are not in great demand by buyers who prefer to wait a little longer.
When does the tangerine season start in Our Country?
In Our Country, tangerines are cultivated exclusively in regions with a subtropical climate – in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory. But still, local conditions cannot be called ideal for citrus, so the tangerine crop is harvested here quite late – in November-December.

If you pull too long with the collection, there is a risk of being left without a crop at all.
Mandarin picking season in other countries
Most of the deliveries of tangerines to Our Country fall on Turkey, China, Spain, Morocco, Israel and Abkhazia. Each country has its own climatic conditions, respectively, the timing of mass ripening and the onset of the season for citrus vary:
- November-December junction (Spain, Israel);
- second decade of December (Turkey, China, Abkhazia);
- the last days of December or the beginning of January (Morocco).

Our Country is the world’s largest importer of tangerines
How long do tangerines ripen
The active growing season for tangerine trees begins in the last days of April or in the first decade of May. Its beginning is signaled by a very active growth of young shoots, accompanied by massive “leaf fall”.

Buds are formed only on the growth of the current season, flowering occurs at the very end of May or the beginning of June
Fruit ovaries on tangerines appear in June-July. There are a lot of them; the tree is not able to provide each of them with the substances necessary for development in the right volume. Therefore, after 1,5-2 weeks, a massive fall of the ovaries begins. “Surviving” citrus fruits need at least 3,5 months to ripen.
Which tangerines are better to choose
In order not to buy a sour, unripe tangerine even in season, you need to know the characteristic features of ripe citrus fruits from different countries:
- Abkhazia. Most often, the ripeness of citruses harvested in the season is evidenced by the “glossy” peel and a very slight sourness in taste.
A lot of different varieties are grown on the territory of Abkhazia, so it is difficult to single out general criteria for maturity.
- Turkey. Local fruits look rather inconspicuous, they are poorly cleaned. Their taste, even in season, is pronouncedly sour.
The only plus of Turkish tangerines is the low price.
- China. Local tangerines are most often sold with twigs and leaves. They are small, noticeably flattened, bright orange (sometimes with a reddish undertone) in color.
The peel of Chinese citruses is smooth, peeled off easily, in some places it even lags behind the pulp.
- Spain, Israel. Citruses are one-dimensional, regular shape. The peel is monophonic, bright orange, large-pored or slightly “bumpy”, peeled off very easily.
Spain and Israel supply ‘premium’ citrus fruits that are not cheap even in season
- Morocco. They grow mainly clementines – medium-sized, almost spherical tangerines with rich orange, smooth skin, easily peeled from the fruit.
Clementine – a hybrid of mandarin and orange
You can meet on the shelves in the season and obviously spoiled fruits. If citruses meet at least one of the following criteria, it is better to refuse the purchase:
- uneven skin color;
- “weeping” spots, resembling traces of mold and rot;
- juice flowing from under the skin;
- even minor mechanical damage on the surface of citrus;
- “wrinkled”, obviously dry and hard skin;
- dents remaining on the surface of the fetus after light pressing with a finger;
- unnatural lightness or heaviness compared to fruits of similar sizes;
- “heavy” smell, uncharacteristic for citruses, with hints of mustiness or its complete absence;
- large size or strong “flattening”.

The taste of the pulp of a mandarin that is moldy on the outside inevitably deteriorates.
The tangerine season falls at the end of autumn and winter, since its “historical homeland” is the tropics and subtropics. In Our Country, this citrus is almost an integral part of the New Year’s table and a valuable tool in the fight against seasonal diseases. But only ripe and fresh tangerines will be useful for health and immunity, respectively, you need to know what to look for when buying.