When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Planting and caring for daikon, planting dates are the nuances that gardeners need to study before starting to grow a vegetable from Southeast Asia. Several domestic firms have been producing and selling seeds of this crop for a long time. Zoned varieties are planted by summer residents of different climatic zones. Daikon has many useful properties and is gradually finding its niche in personal plots.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

When to Plant a Daikon

An unpretentious vegetable from the cruciferous family does not require too much care, but still there are subtleties in agricultural technology in its successful planting and cultivation. You should know when to plant daikon seeds in the ground. Daikon is a culture of short daylight hours. With sunlight for more than 12 hours, root crops do not form, the plant creates flower stalks.

Important! Daikon develops better at a temperature of + 18-20 ° C.

When to plant daikon in spring

As soon as the snow melts in early April and the soil becomes dry enough, in the middle climatic zone, they start planting Japanese radish of zoned early varieties that ripen in 35-40 days. An undemanding and cold-resistant plant, it germinates even at 3-5 ° C warm, and will fully ripen by the time the days become longer. For seedlings, seeds are planted from the end of March to April 10.

Daikon planting dates in July

In the southern part of the country, the summer planting of daikon is the best, because in spring the culture usually shoots. In the middle lane, summer crops of daikon of early varieties are also practiced, which have time to ripen before frost. Seeds are planted in the south from late July to mid-August, in a temperate and harsh climate – in the first half of July, even in the last decade of June.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Is it possible to plant a daikon before winter

The hardy seeds of this hardy crop usually sprout together in early spring after winter planting. This method is favorable for areas of the south, where a short cool spring period quickly turns into hot days. Seeds are sown in late autumn, before frost. Experienced gardeners prepare holes in advance, then place the grains in the already frozen ground, sprinkling with stored soil. A bucket of earth is enough, which is placed under a canopy so that the soil does not fall under the rain and does not freeze. The sown daikon before winter is covered with mulch from peat, leaves, humus. After the snow melts, the mulch is removed so that the sprouts develop freely.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

When to plant a daikon in the suburbs

Daikon cultivation in open ground in the Moscow region begins either in early spring, when the air warms up to + 5 ° C, or from mid-summer. Moreover, the last period is more preferable for harvesting a good harvest of tasty root crops for autumn and winter. During spring planting, when the daylight hours from April lengthen to 14 hours, there is a chance of getting unripe fruits. Sweet radish will have to be pulled out urgently so that mass flowering does not begin. When planting a daikon in the Moscow region in the spring, varieties that are resistant to bolting are selected, or the sowing of seeds is transferred to the summer.

In the middle lane, the daikon is planted no earlier than mid-June. As the seeds germinate, the longest days will subside and the crop will flourish. In Siberia and the Urals, where spring comes late, sweet radish should be planted only in summer, from the beginning of July, choosing early or mid-season zoned varieties.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Planting and caring for daikon in the open field

For their own needs, a useful crop is grown more often in vegetable gardens, and not in greenhouses. Planting daikon radish is carried out according to the climatic zone in early spring or summer.

What are the ways to grow daikon

Daikon radish is planted in the summer directly with seeds in a garden plot or seedlings are grown first. The sprouts are hardy, develop normally in open ground and at temperatures below + 10 °C. In such conditions, the roots of early spring planting have time to ripen without throwing out flower stalks. Round-shaped varieties are often grown from seedlings to get an early harvest. Daikon with elongated root crops does not tolerate transplanting well, so these varieties are planted directly on the plot or in greenhouse soil.

Attention! In the spring, late-ripening varieties should not be planted, otherwise the plants will begin to form flower arrows, but not root crops.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Choosing the Right Variety and Seed Preparation

The most famous for planting in our conditions are varieties of early ripening daikon of the Minowashi group. Root crops are long, up to 40-50 cm, with a diameter of up to 8 cm. Three quarters of the size are immersed in the soil. Such varieties are best planted in loose sandy loam.

You can meet the seeds of Japanese hybrids of the following groups:

  • Miyashige, 30-50 cm long, deepened into the soil by half the length;
  • Shogoin – rounded root crops with a diameter of 15 cm, growing on clay soils;
  • Sirogari – early ripe cylindrical fruits up to 20-30 cm, leaving the soil for two thirds of the length;
  • Kameida – short conical root crops up to 15 cm, which are immersed in light soil by two thirds of the size;
  • Nineigo – in varieties resistant to flowering and frost, elongated fruits, up to 45-60 cm, 4-6 cm in diameter, grow completely in loose soil.

Gardeners prefer to plant daikon varieties of domestic producers – Gavrish, Aelita, Altai Seeds, which were bred taking into account local conditions:

  • Moscow hero
  • Fairy
  • Favorite

Daikon varieties are zoned:

  • Sasha – rounded, but uneven roots of an early ripe variety resistant to the development of arrows, the seeds of which are suitable for planting in the spring in vegetable gardens and in greenhouses;
  • Drakon, Dubinushka, Flamingo – cylindrical fruits that are planted in the summer;
  • Fang of an elephant – designed for landing in the southern regions of Our Country.

Also, hybrids from the Japanese company Sakata have proven themselves well for planting in the middle lane.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Any seeds are soaked for quick germination:

  1. Put the grains in a gauze bag for 30 minutes in hot water at a temperature of 48-49 ° C.
  2. Then the seeds are placed for planting for 1-2 minutes in cold water.
  3. Put in a container in the refrigerator for 20-24 hours.
Attention! Seedlings grow varieties of daikon with rounded fruits. Seedlings with long roots do not tolerate transplanting well.

How to grow daikon seedlings

When growing daikon seedlings, the seeds are planted from mid-March to April 10. Containers 10-12 cm deep are suitable for planting sweet radish. The plant has long roots that will reach the bottom of the container in a month of development. For the substrate, garden soil is prepared with a part of peat or peat tablets are used. Soaked seeds are planted 1-2 in pots, deepening by 1,5-2 cm. The substrate is watered and covered with a film, creating a comfortable atmosphere for seedlings. Sprouts are shown in a week or earlier.

The soil is moderately watered, after creating 2 true leaves, a weak sprout is removed from the cell. At this time, seedlings are fed with special complex fertilizers for root crops. After 15-18 days of development, daikon seedlings begin to be hardened, taking them out into the air, into the shade, first for a short period. The last 2-3 days before planting, the seedlings are left outside and overnight.

Seedlings are transferred to the wells at a temperature of 10 ° C. For successful cultivation and care of daikon in the open field, they adhere to the correct interval when planting: between rows 40-60 cm, between holes – 20-30 cm. Varieties with large root crops and lush tops provide more space.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

How to grow daikon outdoors

The main thing in the technology of proper planting of sweet Japanese radish and caring for it is the selection of a sunny area with loose and light soil and neutral acidity. If the pH is below 6 units, the soil is deoxidized in advance, from the autumn of the previous year, by adding lime or dolomite flour. A good tool for this purpose is horse manure. For the daikon plantings themselves, no manure is used, feeding the soil a year in advance.

Seeds are placed in moist grooves to a depth of 2 cm in summer, and in spring sowing – 3 cm. The soil is trampled down, mulched with mowed grass so that the summer sun does not quickly dry out the soil. After a week, there are already shoots, they are watered in the evenings with warm water, later thinned out. Regularly remove weeds and loosen row-spacings. Spring shoots cover at night with the threat of frost. With the growth of root crops, they are periodically spudded.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Fertilize planting daikon 2 times:

  • when 2-4 pairs of leaves are created, the aisles are watered with a solution in a bucket of water 60 g of azophoska or another complex preparation;
  • in the phase of root formation, support with a mixture of 10 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt diluted in 40 l of water.

Technology of growing daikon in a greenhouse

Indoors, Japanese radish is planted by gardeners in more severe climatic regions, in Siberia and the Urals. The best time for planting a daikon for a greenhouse is the end of March, and for an autumn harvest – the end of July, the first days of August. After 3 weeks, the sprouts are transferred for some time every day to a permanent place to get used to the conditions of development. Experienced summer residents enrich the earth six months before planting: they bring in a bucket of humus and 30 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m. Radish, which is planted in the summer, ripens until the middle or end of October. Gives up to 10 kg of yield per square meter. Top dressing is the same as for open ground. It is often more convenient to use complex tools.

Planting a daikon before winter with seeds

In the southern regions, Japanese radish is planted in late autumn, often on frozen ground, where grooves were prepared in advance. This technique is also suitable for areas of the middle climatic zone. Only the timing of planting daikon radish differs, planting technology and care are the same. Seeds are placed 3 cm, sprinkled with soil, mulched with foliage, peat, hay with a layer of 4-5 cm. Spring shoots are friendly, give an early harvest.

Attention! Water the daikon plantings moderately, keeping the bed slightly moist. In drought, the plant shoots.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Daikon diseases and pests and their control

The Japanese radish suffers from fungal, bacterial and viral infections due in part to improper care. It is necessary to plant plants not crowded, thin out in time, remove weeds, where pests develop, which carry pathogens. With excessive watering, the culture may suffer from mucous bacteriosis, and in the seedling phase – from the black leg. Biological preparations “Planriz”, “Binoram” are effective. Instances with signs of keel or mosaic are removed from the site by spilling the empty hole with potassium permanganate or fungicide.

Delicate daikon leaves are attractive to many pests: cruciferous flea, cabbage fly, bedbugs, aphids and others. When sprouts appear, the plants are treated:

  • powder or infusion of hot red pepper;
  • a solution of 500 ml of vinegar in 10 liters of water;
  • water the plants under the root with a solution of potassium permanganate to destroy the larvae of the fly;
  • sprinkle the sprouts and the soil around them with wood ash, which protects against insects and slugs.

Pepper infusion is prepared on the basis of 5 large pods, which are infused for 12-14 hours, and then diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on the leaves.

What can be planted after daikon

Just as Japanese radish is not planted after other cruciferous – cabbage of any kind or radish, these crops are not recommended to be placed after daikon. Plants have the same diseases and pests, which, after hibernation, will parasitize on new plantings. It is allowed to occupy the site with any other garden crops.

When daikon is planted in open ground with seeds

Is it possible to plant daikon after daikon

Secondary planting of sweet radish in the same place is strongly discouraged. Even in a small garden, crop rotation must be observed.


Planting and caring for daikon, planting dates are important features for obtaining a bountiful harvest of healthy root crops. Growing a crop is not difficult, but subtleties are important, on which the collection depends.

Garden head – How to grow radishes and daikon

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