Planning a pregnancy in the volatile environment of a raging pandemic is extremely difficult. Experts warn that before becoming a mother, you need to plan everything carefully.
In connection with the latest news about the situation in the country with the spread of coronavirus infection, the relevance of the question of the danger of infection is only increasing. So far, the only available option to prevent the virus from entering the body is to vaccinate most of the population, for which it is necessary to perform two vaccinations in stages. Young girls who are planning to become mothers are concerned about all aspects related to the compatibility of vaccination and pregnancy. Healthy Food Near Me decided to collect the opinions of different experts for you.
The chief epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health Dmitry Lopushov said that all the coronavirus vaccines used in Russia, in the course of preclinical and clinical studies, did not show a negative effect on reproductive health, both for women and men.
The specialist said that during pregnancy planning, you should definitely get vaccinated. However, here you need to remember that vaccination takes place in two stages with an interval of 21 days. At this time, it is better to postpone the process of conception, after all, vaccination is accompanied by the production of antibodies.
«The very fact of conception should be postponed for a period of 3 to 4 months from the second vaccination. If the pregnancy was unplanned, and the woman was vaccinated, then there is nothing wrong with that. If a person stopped at the first vaccination, then, of course, in this case, the second is no longer necessary. That is, you do not need to get pregnant during the vaccination period! At the same time, drugs that are prescribed for coronavirus disease affect fertility, so you need to protect yourself while taking them, ”the doctor explained.
But Leila Adamyan, a gynecologist at the Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, even stated that women vaccinated against coronavirus are likely to transmit antibodies to infection to their unborn child.
“Absolutely every woman can provide her baby with antibodies to coronavirus. To do this, you just need to be vaccinated in advance. It is the duty of every conscientious mother to give her child innate protection against a dangerous virus, ”the doctor said.
She added that according to the latest statistics, out of 100 thousand women around the world who were vaccinated during pregnancy, no one had any complications. This suggests that it is possible to get vaccinated against coronavirus during gestation.
“Pregnancy is already a risk factor. There is no need to create additional risks for yourself by refraining from vaccination. Even if you do experience some side effects after vaccinations, this is in any case better than the damage that the coronavirus will cause. Infection can negatively affect both reproduction and the course of pregnancy and childbirth. In some cases, this leads to disastrous consequences, ”the specialist warned.
Director of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gunzburg announced that all pregnant women will be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 next week.
According to him, the vaccination will help protect newborns from the disease through breastfeeding.
For those who received immunity naturally, having had a coronavirus, doctors advise first to pass the necessary tests for antibodies and find out how well they are protected. Only after receiving the results will it become clear whether it is possible to prepare for pregnancy.
In cases where a woman already carries a child, but does not plan to vaccinate, it is necessary to minimize various contacts, visiting public places, and appear in medical institutions only in cases of emergency, observing the rules for using personal protective equipment and the rules of social distance.
Earlier, fertility doctors warned that little is known about the effect of the vaccine on the body of a pregnant woman.
“According to the instructions for the use of all three Russian vaccines, vaccinations cannot be given when pregnancy has already begun. But, this is not due to some dangerous properties of vaccines, but to the existing procedure for their admission to use – without a positive result of clinical trials on a certain group of patients, the drug is not allowed to be used, but clinical trials on pregnant women are not carried out for ethical reasons, ”- Natalya Dolgushina, chief specialist of the Ministry of Health on women’s reproductive health, shared.
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