When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates are, of course, a healthy and tasty product. Therefore, it is quite a reasonable question that many people have – is it possible to eat dates for everyone without exception, or do they have certain restrictions on their use. In fact, dates can be included in most people’s diets, although, like any other food, these fruits have some limitations.

Dates are not just a delicacy that adults and children like. They are a cure for many diseases. These date palm fruits have been used by people since ancient times and continue to be used to this day. Dates are rich in vitamins of all groups known to science, they contain 23 amino acids and many trace elements.

However, there is a large amount of sugar in dates, so the first question arises – is it possible to eat dates for patients with diabetes, young children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with various diseases of the digestive system.

When can you eat dates and when not?

Dates are a very useful product. However, many people often ask the question, is it possible to eat dates in certain situations and diseases? We will answer the main questions below:

Can you eat dates?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates contain some phosphorus and selenium, which are so necessary for strengthening bones, teeth, nails and hair.

In general, the fruits of the date tree are very useful, which has been proven by numerous studies. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly whether dates can be eaten. If there are no restrictions, then you must definitely include them in your diet.

Can you eat dates while breastfeeding?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Breastfeeding experts strongly recommend including dates in the diet of a breastfeeding woman. Moreover, this recommendation is fully justified from a scientific point of view. Scientists have found that dates contain oxytocin. This hormone contributes to the contraction of the uterus during lactation, which leads to its strengthening.

In addition, oxytocin from dates can reduce the risk of uterine bleeding, which is very important in the early postpartum period. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to eat dates while breastfeeding, the answer will be unambiguously positive.

Dates are useful not only for a young mother, but also for a newborn, as they allow you to provide good nutrition for the baby. Everything that the mother eats goes into breast milk, which is the only source of nutrition for the child. Dates are rich in various vitamins and microelements, they satisfy the need of a growing body for selenium, magnesium and calcium, which will positively affect the growth and development of the baby.

Another benefit of dates for a nursing mother is the ability to avoid postpartum depression. It has been proven that these fruits act as a powerful natural antidepressant.

However, for the first time, dates for a nursing woman should be used with caution. For the first time, 2-3 fruits will be enough. After that, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child to dates. If no changes in his health have occurred, then you can continue to use this useful product. However, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to eat more than 6 dates per day.

Is it possible to breastfeed dates in the first month?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates can be consumed during breastfeeding in the first month after the birth of a child. They contain a substance such as oxytocin, which helps to reduce the myoepithelial cells of the ducts of the breast and alveoli. Due to this, milk comes out of the breast and lactation increases. So, the child from the first days of his life will be provided with good nutrition.

However, at such early stages of breastfeeding, it is necessary to introduce all new foods into the mother’s diet with extreme caution. Therefore, for the first time, it is worth trying to eat 1-2 fruits in the morning and carefully monitor the reaction of the child. If there are no negative manifestations, then you can continue to use dates, starting from the first month of breastfeeding.

Can dates be used for type 2 diabetes?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Every person who suffers from diabetes should carefully monitor what he eats. Therefore, a completely reasonable question that worries such people is whether dates can be used for type 2 diabetes? Until recently, it was believed that this product is under an absolute ban for patients in this group. However, recent research suggests otherwise. Dates with diabetes can be consumed, but this should be done very carefully. The maximum number of fruits per day is 2-3 pieces. And don’t eat them all at once. It is important to count the total amount of carbohydrates and refuse other carbohydrate foods at the next meal.

Especially should be careful people in old age, if they have a diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus”. Completely abandon the use of this product should be people with complicated diabetes.

Can children give dates?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates can be given to children. This is a very valuable product that contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Dates should not be offered to children under one year of age. Upon reaching this age, dates can be given to a child, but they must first be steamed. However, you should not boil the fruits, as most of the nutrients will be lost.

For feeding a child, you need to choose only high-quality fruits that need to be poured over with boiling water. Older children can be offered simply well-washed dates. They help strengthen the immune system, protect teeth from caries, and have a beneficial effect on bone growth. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, then dates must be present in the child’s diet.

Is it possible to give dates to a one-year-old child?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates can be given to a one-year-old child if he has mastered solid and semi-solid food. Most often, it is in the year that the first acquaintance of the baby with these fruits occurs. Like any new dish, dates should be introduced into a child’s diet very carefully. It is important to make sure that you are not allergic to this product.

In addition, only ripe fruits should be chosen, since unripe dates contain tannins in their composition, which can provoke disorders in the digestive system.

Too dry fruits are difficult to digest, in addition, they are difficult to chew. It is important to remove the seed from the dates, if there is any.

Is it possible to grow a date from a seed?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

A date can be grown from a seed. There is no need to buy special seeds for this. For germination, dates from the dates purchased in grocery stores are suitable. However, you should immediately tune in to the fact that a palm tree grown at home will not bear fruit.

In addition, this tree is quite slow growing. Otherwise, there are no obstacles to growing a date from a stone.

Read more: how to grow a date palm from a seed at home?

Is it possible to have dates with gastritis?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

With gastritis, it is recommended to adhere to dietary table number 5, which prohibits the use of dates. However, gastroenterologists are not so categorical in this matter. They allow their patients with gastritis to eat dates, but they impose certain restrictions. So, dates should not be included in the menu during an exacerbation of the disease. They are not used in large quantities. The daily dose for patients with gastritis should not exceed 20 g of these palm fruits.

To facilitate the digestion of dates, you must first peel them from a hard peel. In addition, dates can be doused with boiling water and soaked in water, which will make the fruits softer. Therefore, outside the stage of exacerbation, people with gastritis can include dates in their menu as a healthy and tasty product.

Is it possible to eat dates while losing weight?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates can be eaten for weight loss. However, for people on a diet, the calorie content of the product is very important, so you need to know the measure. So, you should not eat more than 2-3 dates per day, provided that the menu of a losing weight person is balanced.

Moreover, dates can quickly increase blood glucose levels, which is very important for those people who lose weight through sports. Thanks to fast carbohydrates, they will be able to protect themselves from physical fatigue and overwork.

When losing weight, do not eat dates after 6 pm. They can be eaten for an afternoon snack or as a second breakfast. Moreover, the number of fruits should be limited.

Is it possible to recover from dates?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

From dates, you can get better very quickly if you eat them without any restrictions. Dates are a very high-calorie product and contain fast carbohydrates in their composition, which are deposited in fat reserves if the energy received is not used up in a timely and high-quality manner.

Can you eat dates at night?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates should not be eaten at night. This product, despite all its usefulness, has a high calorie content. At night, a person does not spend energy in the amount in which it will be obtained from dates. Therefore, the fruit eaten before bed will turn into fat, which will be deposited on the body.

However, there are suggestions that dates should be consumed at night. This idea has ancient roots. So, nomads ate dates at night. However, their behavior is quite understandable by the fact that the nomads needed to keep warm in the desert, when the ambient temperature dropped significantly. In this they were helped by high-calorie and nutritious dates, which, moreover, do not deteriorate for a long time even in the heat.

A modern person is already in a warm apartment, so he does not need to use dates to keep warm at night.

Is it possible to eat dates with pancreatitis?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates should not be eaten with pancreatitis, as they contain a large amount of sugar, which will increase blood glucose, and the inflamed pancreas is not able to produce the necessary amount of insulin to process it. In addition, patients with pancreatitis have digestive disorders, and dates are a product that can provoke bloating and fermentation in the intestines, especially if consumed in large quantities.

Dates are forbidden to eat with acute pancreatitis. After achieving a stable remission, you can include them in your diet from time to time. However, this should be done infrequently and limit the consumption of dates to 2-3 pieces per day. It is good if a person consults in advance with the doctor observing him on the subject of whether he can eat dates with pancreatitis.

Is it possible to date with a stomach ulcer?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

You can eat dates with a stomach ulcer. However, they should be consumed in small quantities. Previously, the fruits should be prepared by peeling them from the rough skin. The vitamins and minerals that are part of dates have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

However, you should limit the consumption of dates with stomach ulcers to 50 g of the product per day.

How many calories are in dates?

When can you eat dates, and when not, and how much?

Dates are a very high-calorie product. 100 g of dates contains 292 kcal.

How many calories are in 1 date? 1 medium date, which weighs about 7-8 grams, contains 23 kcal.

How much sugar is in dates? Dates are almost 70% sugar. There are about 100 grams of carbohydrates per 68,2 g of the product.

How many dates are in 100 grams? 100 grams of dates contains about 12-14 fruits.

How many dates can you eat per day?

A healthy person is not recommended to consume more than 10 pieces of dates per day.

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