Omikron is responsible for over 97 percent. all sequenced coronavirus cases in Poland. “We are inevitably approaching 100 percent.” – said the spokesman of the Ministry of Health recently. Meanwhile, every day the number of new infections in our country exceeds 20. Many patients who pass the disease at home ask themselves: how long have I been contagious? When can I safely go “to people” without exposing them to disease? Unfortunately, the answers are not simple.
- According to the ECDC recommendations, self-isolation should last for 10 days from the test or the appearance of symptoms, or until two negative test results are obtained at an interval of at least 24 hours.
- In Poland, from February 15, a shortened, seven-day isolation is in force. As we read on, after seven days of home isolation, the primary care physician calls the patient to determine his health
- Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, professor of medicine and specialist in infectious diseases at the University of California, points to a limit of 10 days if we are unable to perform the test
- The NPR service points out an important exception to this rule: if you are immunocompromised, you should wait 20 days for the end of the insulation
- If you have any doubts about your contagiousness, wear high-quality face masks (to protect others) and talk to your doctor about your concerns.
- Check your health. Just answer these questions
- More information can be found on the Onet homepage
According to recent GISAID data, Omikron in Poland is responsible for 97,2 percent. sequenced coronavirus cases in Poland. «We are inevitably approaching 100 percent. and the prevalence of the virus in the Omikron version in the entire population of the country »- said the spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrusiewicz a few days ago. Although the number of infections in Poland is decreasing, it still exceeds 20. cases per day. Many people recovering at home ask themselves how long they can contaminate and when can they end isolation without risking to others? “The answer depends on who you ask,” says National Public Radio’s health reporter Maria Godoy. So let’s first look at the recommendations.
End of isolation. What do the recommendations of the CDC, ECDC and the Ministry of Health say?
In line with the guidelines of the US government agency CDC, in the case of a mild course of COVID-19, isolation can be completed at least five days after obtaining a positive test result (also applies to asymptomatic people) or after the onset of symptoms (if we observe improvement), as well as after at least a day without fever (a decrease obtained without the use of antipyretic drugs) and the disappearance of other symptoms. These persons should wear a well-fitting mask for five consecutive days. Important Note: The above tips are largely based on data from earlier variants, not the Omicron.
Further part below the video.
According to the recent recommendations of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in people who are self-isolating at home (asymptomatic, mild or moderate cases) and are not fully vaccinated, self-isolation should continue for 10 days after the test is performed or symptoms appear, or until two negative test results are obtained (rapid antigen detection test – RADT or RT-PCR test) performed at least 24 hours apart. If the tests are positive, isolation should continue.
According to ECDC, in fully vaccinated individuals, consideration may be given to shortening the isolation period to six days post-symptom onset, if symptoms have resolved and with negative RADT or RT-PCR tests on the sixth day of isolation. Isolation should continue if the test is positive.
How was the issue of insulation length solved in Poland? From February 15, we have a shortened, seven-day isolation period (after this time, no additional tests are required). As we read on, after seven days of home isolation, the primary care physician calls the patient to determine his health (also applies to asymptomatic people) and, if necessary, extend the isolation.
- Post-shift isolation and quarantine. We answer the most common questions
How long do we contaminate with Omikron? Interesting test results and doctor’s advice
What do the studies say about the length of the infection period? As NPR points out, at least three have shown that people infected with Omicron have levels high enough to be infectious for more than five days after the onset of symptoms. The researchers note that with the Omicron, the time it takes for the pathogen to peak in the body is more variable than with Delta.
- Can you have long covid after Omikron? Here are the disturbing symptoms
Immunologist and infectious agent Dr. Yonatan Grad of the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health notes that many people with Omicron can reach their peak viral load very quickly, but for some it takes longer – up to eight or even 10 days after testing positive. Meanwhile, a small study from Japan found that levels of the virus peaked between days three and six, and then gradually decreased. After 10 days, none of the subjects obtained a positive PCR test result.
Yet another study – conducted in Chicago – found that out of 260 vaccinated health care workers, 43 percent. tested positive for rapid antigen test five to 10 days after being infected with Omicron (even though they felt well enough to go back to work).
What is the result of all this? Dr. Emily Landon of the University of Chicago Medicine believes that in situations where we are unable to perform the test, it is better to wait longer for isolation to complete. How many specifically? Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, professor of medicine and infectious disease specialist at the University of California, points to the 10-day limit. There is one important exception to this rule: if you are immunocompromised, you should wait 20 days for the end of insulation. Studies have shown that these patients can ‘pass on’ the virus for longer.
Symptoms and risk of infection. Important Notes
Finally, a few more important remarks about symptoms. As NPR points out, on the one hand, symptoms can constitute an “early warning system” for an infection, even if you are not yet contagious. On the other hand, you may still experience symptoms even if you no longer contaminate it.
There is also a third possibility: you can infect even when you feel better. In the aforementioned study, Dr. Emily Landon Healthcare professionals continued to test positive despite feeling well enough to return to work. “We were really surprised,” says Landon. “They didn’t seem sick” and yet many people still had levels of the virus that could pose a risk of contamination.
- How soon can you catch COVID-19 again? Healers must also watch out for Omicrons
A fever is certainly a warning sign. As Dr. Chin-Hong points out, it usually means that there is still a lot of virus in the body. If you don’t have a fever but still feel sick, “not a good sign” – isolate yourself for as long as possible, wear face masks, says Dr. Landon. In such a situation, it is also worth consulting a doctor.
However, if you are feeling better and 10 days have passed since your symptoms appeared or your first positive test result, you may feel that you are not dangerous. However, if you are planning to meet someone with a higher-risk flu, wait for all symptoms to subside. Also remember that if you have any doubts about your infectivity, wear high-quality masks (you never know when a person susceptible to a pathogen attack will be in your environment), it is also good to talk to your doctor about your doubts.
We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we talked about supplementation. What is their phenomenon? How to use it to help yourself and not to harm? What is worth paying attention to in supplementation with thyroid problems? Why you need to be careful with biotin? You will hear about this and many other things below.
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