When can a child be given a banana: from how many months, babies, complementary foods

When can a child be given a banana: from how many months, babies, complementary foods

Find out if you can give your child a banana and when it is best to do it. This delicious fruit is good for your baby if it is introduced into the diet correctly.

Pediatricians agree that this fruit can be given from 8-9 months. It should not be given very first, otherwise the child will get used to sweets and may refuse other useful things – vegetables and cereals. In no case should a banana be given earlier than 6 months. Because of this, a serious malfunction of the fragile digestive system can occur.

When a banana can be given to a child so as not to harm his digestive system

First, give your baby a mashed banana. You can buy ready-made puree at the store, but it is very easy to make it at home, just mash a ripe banana with a fork. Please note that this fruit is very sweet, so it should not be given to children who are gaining weight faster than normal so that they do not become obese.

Bananas as complementary foods for babies

The main advantage of a banana is that although it is an exotic fruit, it almost never causes an allergic reaction in children. In very rare cases, babies are allergic to serotonin, a chemical found in bananas. It’s sweet and delicious, but most importantly, it’s incredibly healthy. Here’s why you should choose bananas as an early complementary food:

  • Potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and fluoride are found in banana. They contribute to the normal formation of bone and muscle mass, normalize the circulatory system, and are beneficial for the brain.
  • 20% of a banana is starch. It is easily absorbed by the child’s body. Once broken down, the starch turns into glucose, which children also need.
  • In terms of vitamin C content, banana is not inferior to citrus fruits.
  • It also contains many B vitamins. They are needed for the nervous system and normal sleep, for strong hair and good skin.
  • In smaller quantities, but also included in the composition of vitamins PP, E, K.
  • Fiber from banana provides energy, which is very important for an active growing body.
  • In general, bananas improve focus and mood.

Try to keep your child’s diet as varied as possible. Although he can still eat a limited number of foods, alternate and combine them in different ways. So the baby will be able to receive the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

Usually kids eat bananas with pleasure, but if your kid refuses it, do not force him. Consider how a banana can be substituted for a baby’s diet.


  1. Meni bolajonim 4 oylik bilmasdan banana berib quyibman

  2. Meni bolajonim 4 oylik bilmasdan banana berib quyibman

  3. Salom.

    Menga shifokor bolaga banan bermang alergik mahsulot deb aytgan edi

  4. 7oylikni toldiryapti men yarimtadan blendirda beryapman ozgina kreon bn

  5. men ham banan beribman hozirgina, hali to’rt oylikmiz. hech narsa qilmasmikin

  6. Maniyam bolam bugundan 5oyga utdi kicha bugun ozroq banan berip quyipman bilmasdan xech narsa qilmaydimi

  7. Maniyam bolam 4oyliki tuldri indi 5oyga utdi manam 2marta banan berip quyipman bilmasdan xech narsa qilmaydimi

  8. maniyam bolam 4oylikni tuldrip indi 5oyga utdi manam bilmasdan banan berip quyipman xech narsa qilmaydimi

  9. Mani bolam yaqinda 8 oylikga oʻtadi mana endi endi banan berishni boshlaganman oz ozdan

  10. meni bolam 6 oylik bo’ldi banan bergandim axlatida o’zgarish bo’ldi tekshirtirgandim yaxshi chiqdi noo’rin qo’rqibman

  11. men ham hozir banan beribman endi 4 oylik

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