When breastfeeding doesn’t come easy. About the difficulties we face in lactation
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While breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby, it does not always come easy. After giving birth to a child, only 12% of breastfeeding women did not face any challenges. Difficulties usually include breast pain or an abnormal suckling reflex. However, it should be remembered that breastfeeding can also be associated with strong emotions, such as stress, which can also negatively affect lactation. More about the challenges women face during breastfeeding and how to deal with them in the material below.

Mother’s food is best for the baby

The first, very valuable milk that mother gives her baby is the so-called colostrumwhich is rich in proteins and antibodies [1]. In the following weeks, a woman’s food changes to meet the needs of the baby’s developing organism. Mother’s milk is a composition of various nutrients that affect the proper and harmonious growth and development of an infant. That is why Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of the baby’s life and its continuation until about 2 years of age or longer, while extending the baby’s diet. As many as 96% of mothers declare that they are breastfeeding or have breastfed before (at least for a certain period or in a mixed mode), and 83% of pregnant women plan to breastfeed after giving birth to a child [2]. Everyday life can vary greatly, and breastfeeding may not always be easy.

Breast pain

This is a problem that may come from several sources. One of them is incorrect technique of latching the baby to the breast. This problem is quite easy to recognize. Mom may feel pain while feeding, and the nipples may even burst. How to deal with this situation?

  1. It is important that the baby grasps the breast correctly. It should cover a large part of the lower areola with the mouth, and the nipple, held under the tongue, should touch the palate of the mouth.
  2. After feeding with a cotton ball soaked in your milk or lanolin, you can gently wipe the sore nipples and ventilate them as often as possible [3].
  3. If the mother is struggling with cracked and sore nipples, she should start feeding the baby from the breast in which the nipple is in better condition. At the beginning of feeding, the hungry baby grasps the breast harder.
  4. The solution may also be “, protective shells”, protecting the breast against additional abrasions.

Breast pain can also be triggered by inflow and stagnation of food. The first phenomenon is the natural increase in milk production, i.e. too much milk in the breast. In stagnation, milk does not flow freely from the breast – it becomes hard, swollen and sore.

There are also several pieces of advice for this type of difficulty causing pain in the breast [4]:

  1. A warm compress on the breast should facilitate the flow of milk. After feeding, it is worth applying a cold compress for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Before latching on, mom can try to express milk by hand. This will make it easier for the infant to grasp the areola nipple. When the breast is swollen, it becomes difficult for him.
  3. First, mom should give the baby the breast in which she feels more overfilled.
  4. If the baby is unable to eat too much and the woman still feels discomfort, it is worth using a breast pump to reduce the tension in the breast.
  5. Until the symptoms subside, it is good to latch your baby to the breast every 1,5 hours.

Too little food

It takes some time to start lactation. Initially, your breasts will not produce much milk. However, be aware that your baby’s stomach is small and they are fed on demand. There may be legitimate concerns when a child is not gaining weight properly.

How to deal with not enough milk?

  1. If your baby is frequently fed to the breast, but is still not gaining weight properly, your pediatrician may recommend expressing milk to help stimulate lactation.
  2. The doctor may also recommend the introduction of mixed feeding (i.e. simultaneous administration of mother’s milk and modified milk).

Sometimes, however, the difficulties in breastfeeding can be overwhelming. Then it is worth consulting a midwife or a certified lactation advisor. Specialists will help identify the problem and suggest how to solve it.

Emotions also influence lactation

Breastfeeding can evoke different emotions in a woman. From great joy when everything goes well, to frustration, helplessness and great nervousness when something goes wrong for various reasons. Very important in such situations is the support of loved ones – family, partner or friends. Every mother should remember that she can (and should) ask for help at any time.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and support from your loved ones!

It’s worth starting with simple things:

  1. Breastfeeding can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours. During this time, if you need it, ask for an extra pillow or a glass of water. After feeding, the person with you can make sure your baby is burping and, when necessary, change the nappy so you can rest.
  2. Share chores, such as household chores. Ask your partner or other family member to shop, do laundry, or vacuum. Caring for a child is a demanding and absorbing activity.
  3. Sometimes it may seem that only the mother will take best care of the baby, which often results in other family members withdrawing from caring for the baby. Therefore, remember about the baby’s dad, who will also do well. When you want to rest or go for a walk, he can take care of your baby, which will positively affect their bond.
  4. Breastfeeding is associated with many emotions. Do you feel sad, angry or depressed when you put your baby to the breast with the flow of milk for a few minutes? Don’t worry. This the physiological state is known as D-MER. Simply put, this is nothing more than a sudden drop in dopamine that regulates emotional states [5]. This is why you can experience negative emotions for several dozen seconds. However, if it is too bothersome for you and worries you, be sure to talk to a specialist.
  5. Conversation is very important. If you feel like talking, talk to your partner, mom or friend. However, if you feel that your emotions are difficult to control and talking to loved ones is not enough, do not be afraid to seek the advice of a specialist, e.g. a therapist or psychologist.
  6. Don’t refuse help. Although every mom is a superheroeven the most persistent should not give up support to take care of themselves. Remember that a happy and calm mother is a happy child.

When breastfeeding is impossible

Every mother is the best mother for her child and should always ask for help from her relatives or – if necessary – specialists. Also when there are difficulties in breastfeeding. However, it may be so that, despite the attempts and consultations with specialists, it is not possible to continue breastfeeding for various reasons. There are solutions to meet the nutritional needs of a developing child’s organism. And a woman – no matter how she is fed – is and will always be a great mother.

What solution is worth reaching for?

When it happens that it will not be possible to continue feeding with her own food, the mother should consult the pediatrician who is looking after the child, who will help her choose the method of feeding the baby, e.g. the next milk. When choosing the next milk, it is worth paying attention to the formula of the product and the content of naturally occurring ingredients in human breast milk. Therefore, to support mums when breastfeeding is not possible or sufficient, a team of Nutricia experts – inspired by scientific discoveries – has developed the most advanced formula [6] Bebilon PROfutura DUOBIOTIK 2 to support the development and immune system of the baby when you are breastfeeding or when breastfeeding is not possible[7]. The formula combines a unique composition of GOS / FOS oligosaccharides: 2’FL and 3’GL, naturally occurring in breast milk. The product also has a unique fatty acid profile: omega 3 (DHA and ALA) – for brain development, omega 6 (AA) – naturally present in breast milk, OPO [8] – found in mother’s milk. It is a solution that will help mum to support the proper nutrition of her child.

Parents can find more information and advice on breastfeeding and composing a baby’s diet at www.BebiProgram.pl. Experts – doctors and specialists in the field of nutrition – who are also waiting for questions advise on how to support the child’s development and ensure its proper nutrition.

Important information: Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and cheapest way of feeding infants and is recommended for young children along with a varied diet. Mother’s milk contains the nutrients necessary for the proper development of the baby and protects it against diseases and infections. Breastfeeding gives the best results when the mother is properly nourished during pregnancy and lactation, and when there is no unjustified feeding of the baby. Before deciding to change the feeding method, the mother should consult her doctor.

[1] A guide to breastfeeding according to the recommendations of the Polish Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition for Children, Warsaw 2021. The guide is available at www.1000dni.pl

[2] A study conducted for the educational program “First 1000 days for health” on a group of 3461 mothers and pregnant women in 2020.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] https://d-mer.org/

[6] Among the milk of the next Nutricia.

[7] According to the law, it contains vitamins A, C, D and zinc for the proper functioning of the immune system and iodine and iron for the proper cognitive development.

[8] Fat structure containing β-palmitate naturally occurring in breast milk.

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