When Brazilians started dying from COVID-19, he said “stop whining”
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According to analysts, Brazil is the country that responds the worst to the coronavirus pandemic worldwide. The far-right president, who consistently denies the problem, is responsible for this. “Everyone will die one day,” he said in 2020.

  1. Brazil is currently the third most affected country in the world by the pandemic
  2. Only the United States and India are ahead of it
  3. In late March, hospitals in Brazil were bursting at their seams and were on the verge of working capacity
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

At the end of April this year. the number of COVID-19 deaths in Brazil reached almost 400. – is one eighth victims of a pandemic worldwide. In absolute numbers, this country was only ahead of the United States.

How is this possible when the Brazilian society is much younger than the European one, so more resistant to the virus? The coronavirus has the world’s greatest ally here – President Jair Bolsonaro. The list of his sins is long. Terrifyingly long.

“Only those who were going to die anyway will die”

“We only feel a small crisis now. The subject of the coronavirus is a fantasy, ‘said Bolsonaro on March 7, 2020, during a trip to Miami – the region most affected by the pandemic at the time in the US. During this voyage, COVID-19 was infected, among others, by 23 people from his entourage.

On March 17 he said: “Hysteria as if it were the end of the world. A people like Brazil will only avoid it in the case of a certain number of infected and antibody-forming people ”- this sentence will become his motto. On March 22, he argued: “Soon people will know that they have been deceived by governments and a large part of the media about the coronavirus.” The effects of this downplaying the threat? Already in March, people in dire states were denied medical aid due to lack of places. Not only in the interior, but even in rich cities: Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte or Porto Alegre. There, the patients were put on the lists … waiting to be admitted to the hospital.

  1. See also: The Indian variant infects China. Huge number of tests

In April 2020, Bolsonaro dismissed Health Minister Luis Henrique Mandetta – a doctor and politician – due to a dispute over the use of… chloroquine. The World Health Organization (WHO) did not recommend its use, because the effectiveness of this drug in COVID-19 therapy has not been confirmed, and then even refuted.

Bolsonaro knew better. “With this little box of chloroquine in their hand, the workers will return to work, they will return to production (…) Only those who were to die anyway,” he said. The next minister, doctor Nelson Teich, quickly resigned because he did not want to support the president’s insanity in promoting the ineffective chloroquine. His successor, General Eduardo Pazzuelo, admitted in an official ceremony that before taking office “he did not even know what SUS is” – the Brazilian health care system. But, according to Bolsonaro, he was fit for the position. Because he was following his orders. During the general’s rule, the Ministry of Health looked like after a military coup – it was more densely populated with uniformed people than officials and specialists. Soldiers ordered the use of ineffective chloroquine in all COVID-19 cases. The army even bought the base ingredient of this drug for 167 percent. its prices. Because it’s: “Hope for tormented hearts.”

Bolsonaro has started a war with governors who have tried to contain the expansion of the coronavirus. The eight billion reais allocated to fighting the pandemic were not sent to states and municipalities that suffered from a lack of essential supplies, respirators, and hospital beds. A campaign was launched in the country to force officials reporting to the president to open up these funds. And Bolsonaro toured the country, ostentatiously meeting the crowds without face mask and protection. He incited business leaders to torpedo governor blockades. By decrees, he undermined the epidemiological restrictions imposed by them or by Congress. With Bolsonaro, the construction sectors, beauty and hairdressing salons, gyms and sports centers of all kinds became “core activities” so they could keep working. The introduced restrictions were castrated.

The president also tried to indemnify officials for acts or omissions in the fight against the pandemic.

“Little Flu”

“Everyone will die one day,” he explained on May 22 last year. As photos of hundreds of fresh graves in laterite soil circulated the world, the president persuaded his countrymen that it was a “little flu.” And he repeatedly said that the economy and business are more important, and locking people in their homes will kill them more than the coronavirus. In June, he urged his followers to invade hospitals and film them. Because according to Bolsonaro, the number of patients and occupied hospital beds was overstated. The website of the Ministry of Health tried to hide data on the number of patients and deaths. The public lost confidence in official figures, and the country’s 6 major newspapers and news outlets – G1, O Globo, Extra Globo, O Estado de São Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, and UOL – formed a victim counting consortium pandemic.

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He mocked the masks, said they were irrelevant. In July, with over 71 thousand. deaths, Bolsonaro vetoed the mandatory use of masks in shops and industrial facilities, temples, schools and similar places where people gather. It also banned penalties for institutions that did not provide hand disinfectants. He vetoed the order for protective facilities to supply masks to workers and congressional measures of protection for indigenous communities, including access to drinking water, cleaning products, personal hygiene, hospitals and all their infrastructure. He also blocked a bill that guaranteed compensation for healthcare workers who contracted infection during the fight against COVID-19 to discourage them from participating in it. He also tried to deprive various categories of workers of the right to emergency aid in the amount of 600 reais provided by Congress. Many of his veto and actions were later overturned by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) or Congress, but how much wrong had they done so far?

When in July 2020 Bolsonaro fell ill with COVID-19, invited the media to the conference. To remove the mask, he moved away from microphones and journalists some 3 meters. As he approached, he put it on. After he recovered, he even mentioned that he would get vaccinated. But this state of sobriety did not last long.


In July, criticizing the militarization of the MZ, chief judge of the Supreme Court, Gilmar Mendes, said the federal government was committing genocide, in which the army was helping. “It must stop,” he appealed. Bolsonaro, meanwhile, explained to the crowds that people die every day for many reasons. He argued that there was no more coronavirus and asked citizens: “What are you afraid of? Face it. On August 24, when 40 thousand. new patients, the Bolsonaro government announced: “Brazil is defeating COVID-19.” September 11, 30 thousand new cases daily: “We are winning the pandemic, the government has done everything to minimize its negative effects.”

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The next step in support for the virus – the government rejected Pfizer’s offer for vaccine delivery until December 20, 2020. Bolsonaro also canceled the purchase of 46 million doses of the Chinese CoronaVac vaccine, because “The Brazilians will not be anyone’s guinea pig.” The president announced that he would not get vaccinated. When the Federal Supreme Court asked the Ministry of Health about the national vaccination plan, it turned out that the schedule … was missing. 11 former health ministers from various parties published an article criticizing the “catastrophic and ineffective behavior of the Ministry of Health” over the COVID-19 vaccination strategy. Supreme Court Justice Luis Roberto Barroso warned it was “a threat to the lives and health of indigenous peoples.” Presidential veto redirected as much as 2020 billion reais to investment in science, technology and innovation in 9,1, according to FAPESP, preventing Brazil from developing its own COVID-19 vaccine. The country has sufficient infrastructure and human resources for this.

The ministry also refused to donate 20 PCR test kits from LG International. Instead, the government recommended ivermectin and nitazoxanide – parasitic drugs as effective against the virus. And he made them obtainable without a prescription. But scientific research has refuted their supposed effectiveness. Bolsonaro and MZ continued to convince the Brazilians that chloroquine provides a 000% cure.

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The National Council of Health Secretaries (CONASS) called for a curfew across the country and the closure of bars, beaches, schools, a ban on public gatherings and religious events. Bolsonaro flatly rejected the idea. His generals said they would not enforce such measures on the streets of Brazil.

Churches were not affected by any restrictions. Because ultra-religious citizens, mainly Catholics, are the basic electorate of Bolsonaro, which he needs in the elections in 2022. The president would also not allow harm to the big devotional business, for example by closing churches.

“Crime Against Humanity”

At the beginning of December last year, when 25-70 thousand people were detected daily. new cases, the president argued that Brazil is one of the countries least affected by the coronavirus. “The pandemic really ends,” Bolsonaro cursed reality. But also in December the Brazilian Foreign Ministry purchased 2 million vaccines from India. The government immediately carried out a huge propaganda campaign with the slogan “Vaccinations – Brazil vaccinated – We are the only nation”, which was a vulgar fairy tale, because even these modest 2 million vaccines from India did not arrive (Brazil has 211 million inhabitants). On the other hand, in hospitals in Manaus – the capital of the Amazon – patients died suffocating due to lack of oxygen. When asked what he intended to do in this situation, the Minister of Health, rank of general, replied: “Nothing. You will wait for the oxygen to reach you. ” These words boiled the blood in the veins of the Brazilians.

The Center for Public Health Law Research and Studies (CEPEDISA) of the College of Public Health (FSP) of the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Human Rights Coalition of NGOs – one of Latin America’s most respected NGOs – collected and analyzed 3 people. 49 federal and state coronavirus laws introduced between March 2020 and mid-January. The report was published on January 21 this year. he argued that the Brazilian government had implemented a deliberate and systematic plan to… spread the virus – infect as many people as possible in the shortest possible time. To immunize the nation and resume full economic activity. “Our research has revealed the existence of an institutional spreading strategy promoted by the Brazilian government under the leadership of the President of the Republic,” the authors wrote. They emphasized that it was done with “commitment”. “Most deaths could have been avoided by using a disease containment strategy,” they wrote. This happened “without holding any of the decision makers accountable”, though institutions such as the Federal Supreme Court and the Federal Audit Court “have pointed out countless times to deliberate and deliberate acts and omissions by federal administrators.” The authors summarized about “crimes against public health” and “crimes against humanity committed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil.” One of the goals of this planned crime is to destroy indigenous peoples – im Bolsonaro even refused access to drinking water in the above-mentioned you know. The Spanish “El País”, describing the subject, encouraged the collection of documentation to bring Bolsonaro to the International Criminal Court.

In March this year, when the number of new cases shot up again, exceeding 75. a day, Bolsonaro again rejected not only the idea of ​​national restrictions, but even its consideration. – Some governors dare to say that the army should help. The military will not go out to the streets to keep people at home, he shouted at the conference. At its peak, almost 100 people were diagnosed with coronavirus daily, and over 4 thousand. it was dying because of him. Over 70 percent Brazilians back then supported the introduction of a lockdown. Hospitals were overloaded, and intensive care beds were occupied in over 90%. in 24 of the 27 states. There was no oxygen for therapy, people were dying in lines to see the doctor waiting for first aid.

“Stop whining”

The day after Brazil once again became the world leader in infections and deaths, Bolsonaro told his fellow Americans to “stop whining” and keep the economy moving. These words of the president, in a situation where hundreds of thousands of compatriots mourned the dead in their families, and millions were already trembling with fear, caused such outrage that they were among the top media outlets around the world. The Spanish “El País” wrote that he had turned Brazil into a world “pariah”, emphasizing that the dramatic situation was the result of a planned chaos and a policy of death and an extermination plan. It says in this journal that in Brazil there is a human, guinea pig experiment in Bolsonaro’s “perversion lab”.

At the end of March, in 13 states, beds with respirators were 90-99% occupied, and in one – Rio Grande – 100%. Brazil went through a greater ordeal than a year earlier. The criticism of the minister of health with general stars was so great that he was dismissed from his post. The cardiac surgeon Ludhmila Hajjar, selected for it, declined the offer, explaining that the doctors’ approach to the pandemic differs so much from that of Bolsonaro that it cannot be reconciled. Marcelo Queiroga, also a physician, became the fourth health minister in the pandemic year. According to observers, he will also be only a “pillar” of the president who will not change the government’s actions in dealing with the pandemic. Bolsonaro did not accept the purchase of vaccines until mid-March this year, after his mass criticism in the world.

More than 60 requests to dismiss Bolsonaro have been submitted to the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, and 3 requests to prosecute him have been sent to the International Criminal Court. They also called the president’s actions “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” In the senate, chairman Rodrigo Pacheco initially refused to allow an investigation against Bolsonaro, although the senate voted on it. But he stepped down in April, minutes after Supreme Court Justice Luis Roberto Barroso ordered an investigation into “federal government acts and omissions” into the pandemic. The investigation is to focus, inter alia, on on “the worsening health crisis in Amazonas after the lack of oxygen for hospitalized patients” – dozens of people died in Manaus in January when hospitals ran out of oxygen.

“People are accusing me of genocide just because I don’t think so,” Bolsonaro complained in the media. Even with over 350 thousand. of victims continued to support drugs whose usefulness in treating COVID-19 had long ago been debunked.

Fanaticism +

A poll conducted in mid-March showed that 44 percent. Brazilians believe that the government led by Bolsonaro is doing a “bad” or “very bad” job in fighting the crisis. As much as 79 percent. believed that the pandemic was out of control. Despite already over 350 thousand. victims, as much as 30 percent. Brazilians continued to support the president.

Still such high support may prove that Brazil is once again sliding down from a democratic country into the abyss of the regime’s republics. During the civil-military dictatorship of 1964–1985, only a small minority chose to oppose the regime. Most Brazilians preferred to pretend not to hear the screams of those tortured, hundreds of them to death or over 8. indigenous people murdered along with the Amazon jungle.

WHO estimated that while the global average of deaths from COVID-19 is 6%. that’s almost twice as much in Brazil – 11 percent. On average, in more than a year of a pandemic, XNUMX graves were dug daily for its victims.

Although saving the economy is paramount to Bolsonaro, Brazil recorded its lowest GDP in 2020 years in 24. When in the spring of this year. civilized countries are beginning to recover from lockdowns, the South American empire is stuck up to its ears in an epidemiological crisis.

In Bloomberg’s ranking that measures the effectiveness of fighting the coronavirus in 53 civilized countries around the world, Brazil is 3rd from the bottom. It is one place ahead of … Poland – the worst country in the EU in this respect [The latest ranking indicates that Brazil has not changed its position, but Poland has jumped 13 points up. Still, it has not overtaken any EU country – ed. ed.].

Medexpress, Krzysztof Boczek

Source: “Służba Zdrowia” 5/2021

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