When beer with sour cream can be useful, and when it can be harmful

Surely, some of you have heard about such, to put it mildly, an unusual mixture like beer with sour cream. This drink, “cocktail”, with your permission, is very high in calories, which contributes not only to satiety, but also to rapid weight gain. But before you go shopping, be sure to read the article to the end, as there are some contraindications to this drug, or rather, you can drink it only in certain, one might even say very rare cases.

When beer with sour cream is really appropriate

Calorie content in this case is not the main factor. Fatty sour cream, in principle, in itself is not a bad way to gain weight, but it so happened historically that it is poorly absorbed by the body – only 20%, after which the body, for reasons known to us, gets rid of the remaining 80. In turn, beer is one of the most digestible foods, so it can literally “push” other foods into the body’s metabolic processes.

Thus, beer with sour cream allows the body to absorb more of the latter, up to 90%, which, of course, leads to weight gain. However, you should not be mistaken about this – weight gain is only due to adipose tissue, which, as you understand, is not entirely correct in most cases. Weight gain should be due to muscle mass against the background of unrefined carbohydrates and protein foods, that is, you need to eat more: meat, fish, dairy and sour-milk products, fruits and vegetables, cereals. Of course, muscle tissue grows only in response to physical activity, so do not forget to go to the gym.

Nevertheless, beer with sour cream will be useful for very skinny people who are literally on the verge of a foul, as well as for those who have just suffered serious illnesses, as a result of which they have lost a lot of weight. It is strictly forbidden to take beer with sour cream during illness! Of course, a beer drink is contraindicated for pregnant women and people suffering from various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also believed that beer with sour cream hurts the liver and kidneys, but the harm can be minimized by using non-alcoholic beer. There is also an opinion that a “cocktail” has a positive effect on potency, but it seems to me that this is another myth.

Otherwise, doctors are against such radical actions, and people involved in sports recommend using other natural products to gain weight: cottage cheese – sour cream – honey. However, it is up to you to decide, especially since the drink may be of interest to special gourmets who may like the “cocktail”. True, his taste is very unusual and not everyone likes it.

Sour cream beer recipe

To prepare a “cocktail” we need:

  • 200 grams of fat sour cream;
  • 0,33 l of light beer (non-alcoholic).

Cooking as follows: put sour cream in a beer mug with a volume of 0,5 liters. Add a little beer and mix everything well until smooth. After that, add the remaining beer, as much as you like, and mix everything again. Energy “cocktail” is ready.

This miracle tastes like fermented milk products, like tan or ayran, which not everyone loves, but beer with sour cream is not such a sour drink. Sour cream should not be spared, you can even make 50/50 or even more in the direction of the “little white”. Also, the drink can be mixed in a blender, which, in theory, should help to obtain a more or less homogeneous mass. Also, a blender will come in handy if you add various nuts to the mixture.

For special gourmets and fans of Polish cuisine, you can try another recipe, namely beer soup with sour cream and cottage cheese, which, in fact, is still the same energy product. Presumably, the Poles ate this soup for breakfast until coffee fell into their hands, but most of the inhabitants of Poland had not even heard of this recipe. Many of our housewives enjoyed this recipe.

Recipe: Warsaw-style beer soup with sour cream

One of the recipes suggests:

  • 0,75-1,0 l of light beer;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. sugar and salt to taste;
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • 150-200 of cottage cheese;
  • 3 raw egg yolks;
  • 70 g white bread.


  • boil beer and pulp of white bread in an enamel saucepan;
  • add sour cream and yolks whipped with sugar and butter, bring to a boil again;
  • keep the soup on fire until it thickens, and let it brew for 5 minutes;
  • pour it into a plate, after putting the cottage cheese there;
  • separately, toasted white bread toasts can be served with the soup.

I like a slightly different recipe for 6 servings:

  • 1 l of dark beer;
  • 350 g sour cream;
  • 4 raw egg yolks;
  • Xnumx curd;
  • 1 Art. liter. sugar;
  • black bread to taste.


  • boil the beer in a saucepan with the top, burnt crust of dark bread;
  • rub sour cream with yolks and sugar, then add it, stirring constantly, to a saucepan with beer;
  • before serving, put 100 g of cottage cheese and dark croutons fried to a crunch in each plate;

In the last recipe, it is better to use porter, and the blackest bread, such as with sourness and coriander. Beer in both recipes only needs to be brought to a boil, but not boiled, which can greatly spoil the taste of the dish. How you will drink beer with sour cream and whether you will do this at all is up to you, but for the sake of interest, I think it’s still worth a try.

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