When and how to use Floractin?

Floractin is a dietary preparation for special medical purposes. It comes in the form of oral drops, capsules and sachets. It reduces the risk of complications that may occur during or after antibiotic therapy. In addition, Floractin supports immunity and helps to maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora. In the event of diarrhea, the preparation shortens its duration.

Floractin – composition

Floractin contains the strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, i.e. probiotic bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the human digestive system, which has been confirmed by clinical studies. These microorganisms live in the digestive system, in the environment of stomach acid and bile. Bacteria have the ability to adhere to the intestinal epithelial tissue, which allows them to quickly absorb in the body.

Floractin in the form of drops also contains olive oil, which is suitable for allergy sufferers.

Floractin capsules are free of lactose, cow’s milk proteins, sucrose and gluten.

Floractin – contraindications

Floractin should only be used under the supervision of a physician (who may prescribe a different dosage method than described in this leaflet). The preparation may be harmful to health if it is taken by a child for whom there are no indications for its use.

Do not use the preparation if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

Floractin in pregnancy

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using Floractin.

Floractin – application

Floractin can be used during antibiotic therapy. The preparation can be used by people of all ages, including children and infants from the first days of life (including premature babies and newborns with low birth weight).

It is recommended to use the preparation during meals.

The recommended dose of Floractin Drops is one serving (6 drops) per day with a meal for infants and children under 12 years of age, and two servings (12 drops) for children over 12 years of age and adults. In the case of the preparation in capsules, the recommended doses are: 1 capsule a day for infants and children under 12 years of age, and 2 capsules a day (corresponding to two portions of the preparation) for children over 12 years of age and adults. In the form of sachets, the daily dose is: one sachet for children and infants and two sachets for children over 12 years of age and adults. In case of doubts regarding the use of the preparation, consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Before each use of the drops (which should be kept at a temperature of 2 to 15 ° C), leave the bottle with the preparation for a few minutes at room temperature (15 to 25 ° C) or warm it in your hands. Before taking the drops, gently mix the contents of the bottle (to obtain a homogeneous suspension).

The drops can be given directly into the mouth or mixed with food (however, they should not be added to very cold or hot foods). To give the contents of a capsule to an infant or toddler, open the capsule and then mix the contents with the food. For older children and adults, the capsule may be swallowed with a drink of water. The contents of the sachet can be dissolved in a warm (but not hot) or cold liquid (e.g. water, fruit juice, milk), and consumed without dissolving, by pouring it directly into the mouth.

Floractin – a replacement

Pharmacies offer products in the form of drops that contain the same active substance as Floractin. These are among others:

– 4 Lacti Baby (foodstuff),

– Acidolac Baby (foodstuff),

– Active Flora Baby (foodstuff),

– Biogaia Protectis Baby (food),

– Dicoflor (foodstuff),

– Diflos (foodstuff).

The preparations containing the Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain, which are in the form of capsules, include:

– Ac-Zymes (foodstuff),

– Apteo Multi Flora For Women (foodstuff),

– Compliflora Femina (food),

– Dicoflor (foodstuff),

– Diflos (foodstuff),

– Lacibios Femina (foodstuff),

– Lacidofil (over-the-counter drug),

– Lakcid (an over-the-counter drug).

It should be remembered that products containing the same active substance and in the same form do not have to be substitutes, because their use is determined by the dose of the active substance. In addition, when looking for a replacement, the patient should make sure that he or she is not allergic to the excipient of the new drug. The decision to replace the currently used medical preparation with another is best made after consulting a doctor or pharmacist.

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