When and how to sow mustard correctly

When and how to sow mustard correctly

Mustard is a fragrant plant with bright yellow flower brushes. Plant height is about 50 cm. White mustard is used as a green fertilizer. To get the most out of your soil, it is important to know how to sow mustard.

How to sow mustard correctly: the benefits of a plant

White mustard is not only a green fertilizer, but also a honey plant. It is an unpretentious plant that sprouts quickly and grows a lot of greenery, even in bad weather. It is mustard greens, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, that fertilize the soil. The substrate is disinfected, it becomes looser and more fertile.

You can sow mustard from March to September

Mustard is an excellent natural orderly. It protects cultivated plants from scab, rhizoctonia, late blight, fusarium and rhizome rot. Such diseases cause the greatest harm to potatoes. In addition to fungal diseases, mustard helps to fight the pea moth, slugs and wireworms. If you plant mustard on the site for 2-3 years in a row, the wireworm larvae will disappear. To reduce the number of larvae, you need to bury mustard greens in the ground in the fall.

White mustard is a representative of the cruciferous family. It is not recommended to plant it after plants from this family, such as cabbage, radish and rutabagas. After mustard, crucifers also do not plant. But before planting potatoes, eggplants or tomatoes, treating the soil with mustard is useful.

When is it better to sow mustard: secrets and planting dates

When using white mustard as a green fertilizer, it can be sown from March to September. However, planting in early spring can produce more greenery. Phytosanitary soil treatment does not depend on the timing of sowing.

Sowing seeds is carried out to a depth of about 2-3 cm in moistened soil in the amount of 200-300 g per one hundred square meters when planting from March to mid-August, and from the second half of August – up to 300-400 g of seeds. After sowing, the soil must be compacted.

Growing mustard is easy. Mustard begins to bloom 4-6 weeks after planting. However, flowers must be removed to prevent seeds from emerging. This is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the plant. During this period, mustard can already be mowed and fertilized with it. During the season, mustard can be planted 2-3 times and embedded in the ground, while the structure of the soil will improve and its fertility will increase. The last sowing date is after harvest, about a month and a half before frost.

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