Pruning is a very important procedure for cherries. It helps to competently form a tree, rid it of old and diseased wood, and also increase productivity. For inexperienced gardeners, this procedure presents a certain difficulty, therefore, the following topics are discussed, such as pruning cherries in the fall for beginners in pictures, goals and objectives, as well as the methodology for carrying out work for various types and varieties of this fruit tree.

Do I need to prune cherries in the fall

Cherry enters the growing season one of the first. Often, gardeners simply do not have time to prune before this time and, having come to the site, they find swollen or already blossoming buds. In this state, the tree cannot be touched; after the beginning of the growing season, pruning is not performed. If this is done, then the wounds will heal for a very long time, the recovery period will be delayed, such a cherry may not even bloom, respectively, there will be no harvest.

When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

Pruning should be done on a fine, warm day.

The autumn period for pruning is much more favorable. It is not so transient, all work can be carried out in several stages, without fear of being late. This is especially important for those who appear in summer cottages from time to time. In favor of the autumn pruning of cherries, the fact that during this period all the flaws of the tree are much better visible, they are easier to eliminate.

Types of trimming

There are several types of autumn pruning cherries. Each of them is carried out with a specific purpose, they have their own nuances. Here is their brief description:

  1. Sanitary pruning (sanation). During its implementation, branches damaged, broken by wind and birds, as well as those affected by diseases and pests are cut. It can be produced at any time of the year as needed, in spring and autumn – a must.
  2. Thinning. It consists in removing incorrectly growing, thickening and unnecessary branches. Produced in spring or autumn.
  3. Supportive. Needed to maintain cherries in the right dimensions. During this pruning, the annual growth is shortened, and the growth of the tree in height is also limited. Often such pruning is carried out in the summer, after the end of fruiting, as well as in the fall.
  4. Formative. It is carried out in the first years after planting a seedling to give the tree a structure and shape that is optimal for fruiting and subsequent work with it. Produced in the spring.
  5. Anti-aging. During its implementation, some of the old shoots that have ceased to bear fruit are removed, and new ones are formed in their place. This type of pruning significantly prolongs the active fruiting of cherries.

Different types of pruning are often combined with each other, since they coincide in time.

When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

There are 2 main methods of cropping:

  1. Thinning. This term is understood as the complete removal of the shoot to its base.
  2. Shortening. This method involves cutting the shoot to a certain length in order to change the direction of its growth or stimulate lateral branching.

When can cherries be cut in autumn, in what month

The gardener determines the timing of the autumn pruning of cherries independently based on the climatic characteristics of his region. In the North-West region, it is desirable to carry out these works in the 1-2 decades of September, in Siberia and the Southern Urals – in the 2-3 decades of the first autumn month. In central Our Country and the Moscow region, cherries are cut at the end of September or at the beginning of October, and in the southern regions – even later, in October-November.

How to cut cherries in autumn: diagrams

In autumn, cherry tolerates pruning quite well, so it forgives many mistakes for novice gardeners. To avoid them, during the procedure it is better to use one of the proposed schemes, it can be chosen depending on the variety, structure of the tree and its age.

How to form cherries in autumn according to a universal scheme

The universal autumn pruning scheme for cherries is suitable for beginner gardeners and can be applied to any type of tree. It is average and suitable for most varieties. Here is a diagram of how to proceed in order to properly prune cherries in the fall:

  1. Remove branches growing inside the crown and down.
  2. Trim thickening and crossing shoots that interfere with each other.
  3. Cut out all root shoots.
  4. Cut off all dry, broken and diseased branches.
Important! Sanitary cleaning is best done last, so as not to introduce a possible infection into sections of healthy shoots.
When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

Universal scheme for pruning cherries in the fall

An interesting video about pruning and shaping young cherries in the fall can be viewed at the link:

CUTTING CHERRY. Simple cropping rules.

How to prune bush cherries in autumn

Pruning bush cherries in the fall has some features. Since her fruiting occurs on the shoots of the 1st year of life, they are not touched so as not to reduce the yield. In addition, you should do the following:

  1. Cut out all root shoots.
  2. Remove branches directed deep into the crown.
  3. Clear bushes from dry and broken shoots.
Important! Bushes less than 0,5 m long are not pruned.

Pruning felt cherries in autumn

Felt cherry is a type of bush cherry. Unlike the latter, it practically does not give basal shoots. At the same time, felt cherry does not grow above 2 m, which makes working with its crown simple and convenient. At the same time, the average life age of a tree is small and is 10-15 years, but high-quality timely pruning can extend it up to 20, and sometimes up to 25 years.

The scheme for pruning felt cherries in the fall consists of the following steps:

  1. Removal from the side branches of all shoots growing inside the crown of the bush.
  2. Complete pruning of old shoots that have ceased to bear fruit.
  3. Cutting dried and broken branches.
Important! Some gardeners practice removing part of the fruiting shoots to improve the quality of the crop.

How to prune tree cherries in autumn

Without pruning, tree cherry can grow to a height of 5 m or more, which creates certain problems when working with it. In the first years of life, it is necessary to form a strong skeleton of a tree, its frame. To do this, 25-30 large skeletal branches are laid on a stem 5-6 cm high. All processes extending from the trunk below this level must be removed. In subsequent years, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the frame branches, remove fruiting and bare shoots in time.

When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

In autumn, tree-like cherries are pruned as follows:

  1. Remove branches growing inside the crown.
  2. Cut off shoots that point down.
  3. To limit the growth of the tree, the shoots of the highest tier, growing upwards, are transferred to the lateral direction.
  4. The root shoots are removed, and the stem of the tree is also cleaned to the lower skeletal branches.
  5. Annual growth over 0,6 m is shortened by a quarter.

In addition to these procedures, the tree is obligatory cleaned of broken and damaged, as well as dry and pest-infested branches.

How to prune tall cherries in autumn

If the height of the cherry does not allow you to comfortably work with the crown, then it should be reduced. This is quite difficult to do, since you will definitely have to use a stepladder when working. A height of no more than 3 m is considered comfortable, so any vertical shoot growing above this level must be transferred to a side branch growing outward.

When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

It is much more convenient to work with a low crown

This procedure should be carried out annually. In addition, they perform all the same operations as for ordinary tree varieties.

Proper pruning of cherries in autumn depending on age

Cherry pruning scheme must be chosen not only depending on its type, but also on age. The procedure for different life spans of a tree is different and has certain subtleties.

Pruning cherries after planting in autumn

After planting, the cherry seedling is carefully examined and future skeletal branches are outlined (usually no more than 5). They should be well developed, be at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and evenly move away from the trunk.

When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

All other shoots are cut into a ring, leaving no stumps

Pruning young cherries in autumn

Until the age of 5 years, the cherry is considered young. During this time, it is pruned annually, during which the base of the tree, its skeleton, is formed, the basis of its future fruiting is laid. A brief description of the process of cherry formation by years is given in the table:

Aged cherries

Current events

1 year

The crown is shortened by 0,2 m. All small shoots on the trunk to the first future skeletal branch are cut into a ring. Extra shoots that are not involved in the formation of the skeleton are also cut to the base.

2 years

Double shoots, competitors, as well as branches directed inward to the crown are cut out. The rest are cut to 10 cm.

3 years

Remove everything that thickens the crown. An annual growth of more than 0,6 m is shortened by 8-10 cm. 2 well-placed annual shoots can be added to the skeleton, and the rest can be removed.

4 years

Cut thickening shoots. According to the principle of subordination, the ends of the skeletal branches are cut off (the ends located below should not be higher than those that grow above them). You can leave 2 more well-placed shoots as skeletal ones, cut the rest.

5 years

A formed five-year-old cherry should have about 10 well-developed skeletal branches, pruned according to the principle of subordination. They remove everything that grows incorrectly, clean the bole, cut out the root shoots.

Important! Most gardeners prefer to do formative pruning in the spring to avoid possible freezing of immature trees.

If there is no danger of a sudden cold snap (as, for example, in the southern regions), then young cherries can be cut in the fall.

Autumn pruning of fruiting cherries

The annual pruning scheme for adult fruit-bearing cherries in the fall is as follows:

  1. All shoots longer than 0,6 m are shortened by 8-12 cm.
  2. Cut the ends of skeletal branches if they violate the subordination rule.
  3. They clean the inner space of the crown, cut out thickening improperly growing shoots.
  4. Remove all dead and broken branches.
  5. The stem is cleaned and the root shoots are cut out.
When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

When pruning, the inner space of the crown is significantly lightened.

If the tree is formed correctly, then cherry pruning in the fall can be done very quickly, and this will not cause trouble even for an inexperienced gardener.

How to prune old cherries in autumn

A signal that the cherry begins to age is a decrease in annual growth to 10-15 cm per year. At the same time, bare shoots are clearly visible on the tree, and in the lower part there are quite a few dry branches. In the presence of such factors, anti-aging pruning should be carried out. During its implementation, not only the annual growth is cut, but also older wood. Rejuvenation can be:

  • weak (wood up to 2 years old is removed);
  • middle (up to 4 years);
  • strong (up to 6 years).
When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

Cardinal pruning significantly rejuvenates an old tree

Pruning old cherries in autumn gives a powerful impetus to the tree, which will begin to intensively drive out annual shoots. Among them, there are usually a lot of tops – vertical branches that do not participate in fruiting. Some of them need to be removed, and the rest, the most well-located, you need to try to give a horizontal position with the help of braces.

How to prune cherries in autumn

It is necessary to prune cherries in autumn on a dry, fine day at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. To carry out the work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • pruner;
  • garden saw;
  • delimber;
  • ladder.

Before work, be sure to check the condition of the cutting edges of the tool and, if necessary, sharpen them. A sharp pruner or lopper leaves a much more even cut without torn edges, such a wound will heal much faster. All tools must be clean and disinfected before use to prevent infection. For disinfection, you can use any alcohol-containing liquid.

When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

All tools must be sharp, clean and disinfected

When carrying out work, it is necessary to think not only about the quality of work, but also about your safety. Pruning should be done with protective gloves and goggles, and when working, follow the safety rules.

Important! When working with a sharp tool, you have to apply much less effort, and this is very important when pruning a large number of trees.

To remove thin branches up to 1 cm in diameter, it is preferable to use a pruner. Thicker branches are cut with a lopper, and if their thickness exceeds 3 cm, then it is better to use a garden hacksaw for trimming.

Important! Massive horizontal branches must first be filed from below, otherwise such an escape during the filing process will break under its own weight and provoke bark scuffing.

After completion of work, all large sections on the tree must be treated with garden pitch. Sawn branches must be collected and burned. It is especially important to destroy old damaged trunks and dry shoots, since various insect pests and their larvae settle in them for the winter.

How to prune cherries in the fall: tips for beginners and the secrets of experienced gardeners in the video at the link:

Autumn pruning cherry. Tips and secrets. Release 19

Rules for caring for cherries after pruning

Pruning cherries in autumn is one of the last activities in the annual cycle of caring for them. After the tree is pruned, it can begin to prepare for the winter.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Whitewash the trunk and lower skeletal branches with lime. This is an excellent measure to protect the trunk from sunburn, as well as the prevention of pests.
  2. Wrap the barrel with breathable material or place a metal mesh around the barrel. This is a measure against hares, which often damage the bark of cherry trees.
  3. Tie young trees with spruce branches. This will increase their frost resistance.
  4. Dig up the trunk circle.
When and how to prune cherries in the fall: diagrams for beginners, videos, timing and pruning rules

Spraying with urea will prevent the development of fungal diseases

The last operation, which is carried out already with the onset of frost, is spraying the trees with copper sulfate or urea. This is an excellent measure against fungal diseases.


For beginner gardeners, cherry pruning in the fall for beginners in pictures and basic recommendations for caring for trees during this period will come in handy. However, we must remember that no two trees are the same, so any recommendations should be applied with caution. It can be difficult for novice gardeners to immediately understand all the subtleties and nuances of the process, so it’s better to first watch a video of cherry pruning in the fall, and if necessary, seek help from a more experienced friend, especially if the procedure is carried out on your own for the first time.

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