Spring is a great time to plant many types of perennials, including irises. These plants, beloved by many, are invariably popular with gardeners all over the world and are very often found in home gardens, in parks, squares. Planting irises in spring in open ground is a fairly simple procedure, however, it also has its own subtleties.
When irises are planted: in spring or autumn
Irises are a fairly large group of perennials. All plants in it can be divided into 2 main types:
- Rhizome. They have a dense massive root that remains in the ground for wintering after the death of the above-ground part of the plant. Rhizome species are unpretentious and winter hardy.
- Bulbous. Such species are more demanding on growing conditions and care. Iris bulbs are dug up annually.

All irises are divided into rhizomatous and bulbous
Rhizome varieties of irises are most often planted in open flower beds in spring, as well as in August-September. So they will have time to take root well and prepare for the winter. Bulbous irises are most often planted in open ground in autumn, in September-October, although, if necessary, this can be done in the spring.
When can I plant irises in spring?
In spring, rhizomatous irises can be planted in open ground only after the snow has completely melted and the earth warms up to a temperature of + 10 ° C. Bulbous species can also be planted at this time, but in this case they will bloom only next year.
Planting dates for irises in the spring in the regions
The territory of Our Country is huge, and there are quite a lot of climatic zones in it. When planting irises in the spring, you need to focus not on calendar time, but on local conditions. In the southern regions, they can be planted already in March, in the Central region – at the end of April.
In the spring in the Moscow region, suitable weather for planting irises in open ground usually sets in early May. In the North-West region, spring is later and longer, so planting work there starts a little later. Planting irises in spring in open ground in the Urals and Siberia is best planned for the second half of the last spring month.

When planting, it is necessary to observe the intervals between adjacent plants.
How to plant irises in spring
Planting irises in the spring is quite simple, this procedure does not require special skills and does not take much time. Although these perennials are unpretentious, it is important to choose a suitable site for their cultivation, prepare the soil well, and correctly carry out the procedure itself. In this case, the result will be positive.
Site selection and soil preparation
All types of irises love sunny, wind-protected areas. Territories on the south side of fences, buildings and structures are well suited for them. All irises prefer fertile, breathable soil with a neutral level of acidity. At the same time, different species relate differently to soil moisture and proximity to water:
- Siberian, marsh. It can be grown in flooded areas, near water bodies, in areas with a high level of groundwater.
Siberian and swamp varieties grow well near water
- Germanic, bearded, reticulated. Require moderately moist soils, need periodic moisture.
Bearded and German varieties do not like strong moisture.
- Dutch. They prefer dry areas that need to be watered only during periods of severe drought.
The most drought-resistant species is the Dutch
Before planting, the site must be well dug up, cleaned of roots, debris, weeds. If the soil is acidic, be sure to add ash, as well as dolomite flour. To improve breathability, you can add sand, and to increase fertility – 1 glass of superphosphate and humus at the rate of 1-2 buckets per 1 sq. m. It is advisable to carry out all these works in advance, a few weeks before the planned landing.
As a rule, irises are grown in a separate flower bed. They grow quite quickly in breadth, growing on top of each other, therefore, instead of a beautiful green fan, after a few years you sometimes have to observe a shapeless bush with a bald spot in the middle.

Periodically, flowers need to be planted, dividing the rhizomes
To prevent this from happening, periodically irises are dug up, divided and seated. It is recommended to perform such an operation 1 time in 3-4 years.
Algorithm for planting irises in the spring in the ground
The step-by-step algorithm for planting irises in open ground in spring is quite simple. Rhizome varieties are planted in shallow holes, in the center of which an earthen mound is poured. A rhizome is placed on it, and the lobe is straightened on the sides. After that, the hole is carefully covered with earth, which is periodically compacted. As a result, the upper kidney should remain completely above the ground. If it is deepened, then the iris will not bloom.

When landing, the upper kidney should be above the ground
Bulbous irises are also easy to plant. To do this, they dig an even groove 7-8 cm deep in the garden, spill it with water. After that, bulbs are placed in the center with an interval of 20-30 cm so that the sprout is directed upwards. Then they are slightly sunk into the ground, after which they are sprinkled and slightly compacted. The planting procedure ends with abundant watering.
Rules for the care of irises in spring
In the spring, care for irises is simple; after winter, they appear from the ground quite early. Sometimes islands of unmelted snow may still lie on the flower garden, and plants are already beginning to sprout from rhizomes and bulbs. At this time, irises must be weeded regularly, preventing weeds from clogging young plants, loosening the soil, mulching gives a good result. Watering is not required for all species, it is necessary to irrigate the flower beds only if the spring is early, friendly and dry. It is best to do this in the evening, after the heat subsides.

Watering irises is best in the evening.
In early spring, irises are fed for intensive growth and abundant flowering with a mixture of nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which are applied to flower beds in a dissolved form in a ratio of 1: 2: 1,5. You can also use modern granular or liquid long-acting fertilizers designed specifically for flowers.
In the spring it is very important to carry out prevention from the appearance of fungal diseases. As a preventive measure, young plants are sprayed with Fundazol. Rhizomes should be inspected and, if rot is found, cut out damaged parts, and then cauterize healthy sections with formalin and sprinkle with wood ash.

To prevent the appearance of pests, irises are treated with insecticides.
To prevent the appearance of pests, irises that have reached a height of 10 cm are sprayed with any insecticidal preparation, repeating the treatment after 1,5-2 weeks.
Features of caring for irises in the spring in the regions
There is no particular difference between caring for irises and planting them in open ground in the spring in the Moscow region or in Siberia. Due to the peculiarities of the climate, there will be differences only in the timing of the work. Their very list of activities (weeding, loosening, watering and mulching the soil, preventing the appearance of pests and diseases) will remain unchanged and does not depend on the region of cultivation.
Planting irises in the spring in open ground does not cause difficulty for gardeners, but this is not the most favorable time for work. Bulbous varieties are best planted before winter, and rhizomatous varieties – at the end of the last summer month or in September. However, spring planting of irises can be done if, for example, there is no other way out due to problems with planting material, but flowering in the first year will most likely have to be sacrificed.