When and how to drain the wine from the sediment (filter) – step by step instructions

Dead yeast fungi accumulate at the bottom of the wine container in the form of a loose layer of sediment. Over time, this layer decomposes and rots, worsening the organoleptic properties of the drink – bitterness and an unpleasant smell of rot appear, which are difficult (and often impossible) to get rid of. That is why it is necessary to drain the wine from the sediment in time. In industry, specially designed filters are used (mainly membrane, kieselguhr and vacuum), but at home, winemakers successfully manage with the simplest devices – a tube and a dense cloth.

When to remove the wine from the sediment

The first filtration is done immediately after the end of active fermentation: the water seal has stopped emitting gas (gurgle) or the glove has deflated, and the wine has become noticeably lighter.

If the fermentation does not stop after 50-55 days from the moment the water seal is installed, there is a risk of bitterness, so you need to drain the wine from the sediment, then put it under the water seal again to ferment at the same temperature.

It is not recommended to remove house wine from the sediment during active fermentation (the only exception is described in the previous paragraph), since filtration removes live, actively working yeast, as a result, fermentation may stop.

Filtering frequency

Depends on the feedstock and the holding (maturing) temperature. The general rule: the wine is drained when a layer of sediment 2-5 cm has formed at the bottom. At the beginning of aging, filtration is usually required once every 10-14 days, then less often – once every 25-45 days. Sooner or later, the sediment in the form of flakes will no longer appear. This means that the wine is ready to be bottled for storage. On average, homemade wine is filtered 3-5 times.

When and how to drain the wine from the sediment (filter) – step by step instructions
Sediment can be of any color and occupy up to a third of the container in height

Further, with prolonged exposure, the formation of tartar is possible, which is considered a noble sediment: it does not affect the taste, aroma and safety of the wine for health, and also indicates the naturalness of the drink. The tartar is not filtered out at the aging stage, but is removed before use, carefully pouring the wine from the bottle into the decanter – decanted.

When and how to drain the wine from the sediment (filter) – step by step instructions
Cream of tartar is always hard, this differs from loose yeast sediment

How to remove wine from sediment

In the simplest version, only a hose or a transparent soft tube (for example, from a dropper) is required, 1-2 meters long and 0,5-1,5 cm in diameter. The technique is based on the law of connecting vessels, aquarists call this “siphon”.

Attention! Make sure that the tube does not smell of rubber or silicone!


  1. 3-5 days before the expected end of fermentation, it is advisable to raise the fermentation tank above the floor to a height of 30-60 cm, placing it on a bench, stool or other hill. If you move the container just before filtration, then part of the sediment will rise and the filtration will be less effective.
  2. Remove the water seal or open the lid. Dip one end of the tube into the wine, but no closer than 3 cm to the sediment layer.
  3. Suck wine through the other end of the tube (like gasoline from a tank), then lower the other end into a clean, sterilized container. It is desirable that the height of the fall of the drained wine be maximum (place the second end of the tube as close to the neck as possible), this contributes to “airing”, which improves the aroma and removes carbon dioxide residues. A short exposure to oxygen will not hurt.
  4. Constantly monitor the process, preventing the tube from touching the sediment.
  5. It is advisable to fill containers with fermented wine to the top to minimize contact with oxygen. Close tightly, transfer to a dark room with a temperature of 5-16°C.
  6. Monitor the appearance of sediment (the easiest way is to shine a flashlight through the bottom). If necessary (layer 2-5 cm), repeat the procedure from the beginning.
When and how to drain the wine from the sediment (filter) – step by step instructions
Scheme for removing wine from sediment

When and how to drain the wine from the sediment (filter) – step by step instructions

To reduce the loss of wine, at the first drain (after fermentation), the sediment can be filtered through a dense cloth, several layers of gauze or a coffee filter. To do this, just shake the sediment and pass through a cloth, gauze or filter. Success depends on the density of the material. You can repeat the process 3-4 times.

I do not advise mixing wine drained through a straw and filtered from the sediment, since drinks have different qualities. The second wine is best kept in separate containers and kept as usual, or pasteurized and fixed with vodka (alcohol), getting something similar to port wine.

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