During pregnancy, we have to adhere to many restrictions. But very soon it will be possible to forget about them.
Don’t do it, don’t go there, don’t eat it. Sport? Which sport? And forget about sex! There are even stranger prohibitions: do not do the cleaning, do not neck, do not knit.
Yes, carrying a child is still a science, no worse than a bachelor’s degree in physics. You have to adapt to a new way of life, to a new body, to a new self. And after giving birth, the process starts over again: a new body, a new you, a new way of life. After all, the baby changes everything, from start to finish.
But you want to return to ordinary life! Get into old jeans again, go to fitness, get rid of the effects of hormonal rebellion such as skin rashes and sweating. When can the bans on sex and sports be lifted, when the extra kilos will go away and what will happen to the skin and hair, says the healthy-food-near-me.com expert Elena Polonskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics “Nova Clinic”.
If the birth took place without complications, you can return to intimate life 4-6 weeks after birth. It takes so long for the wound to heal in the area of the uterus where the placenta was attached. If you do not wait, then the penetration of pathogens into the uterus can provoke a serious inflammatory process and other complications. After childbirth, the risk of infection is increased, therefore it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of hygiene and use effective methods of contraception.
The size of the uterus is getting smaller every day. The size of the vagina is gradually decreasing. To speed up recovery, doctors recommend doing exercises that help strengthen the muscles in the vagina, such as Kegel exercises.
If you gave birth by caesarean section, you can start your intimate life no earlier than 8 weeks after the operation. It should be borne in mind that the suture on the abdominal wall, as a rule, heals faster than on the uterus. Therefore, you should not focus on his condition, planning to return to a normal sex life.
But about the loss of sensations during sex, in this case, you can not be afraid, because the genitals are not affected during cesarean.
How to determine that your body is already ready to tolerate physical activity normally? If the lochia has not stopped yet, sports will have to be postponed for some more time. After a caesarean section, excessive physical activity should be avoided for at least one and a half months. In particular, abdominal exercises should be completely eliminated.
Before starting training, be sure to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist about the type of load, the intensity of the exercise. Much depends on how hard you exercise before and during pregnancy. However, even if you are a professional athlete, you will not be able to expose your body to excessive stress for some time. It is not recommended to squat, lift weights over 3,5 kg, jump and run.
During the month, try not to do exercises that are associated with a load on the abdominal muscles, as this may delay the process of repairing the uterus. Excessive activity can provoke tight sutures, involuntary urination and bleeding from the genital tract.
If you can’t wait to start working on your abdominals, start by doing breathing exercises and bending and twisting your torso. A little later, you can start more effective workouts.
If you have been inactive before and during pregnancy, you should be very careful when starting classes. Your body is not used to significant stress, and in the postpartum period it is least ready for feats. Be sure to talk to your obstetrician / gynecologist and trainer about activities that are right for you.
In the last stage of labor, the placenta is separated, and for some time a wound remains in the place where it was attached to the uterus. Until it heals completely, wound contents – lochia – are released from the genital tract.
Gradually, the volume of lochia will decrease, and there will be less blood in their composition. Normally, the duration of postpartum discharge is 1,5-2 months. If the lochia ended much earlier or, on the contrary, does not stop in any way, be sure to consult your obstetrician-gynecologist for advice.
The second reason to run to the doctor is hair. During pregnancy, estrogen-induced hair tends to become thicker in expectant mothers. After childbirth, the production of these hormones decreases, and women notice that their hair has become less luxuriant. There is no need to worry about hair loss, but if the process continues even six months after the birth of the baby, you should consult a specialist.