When a stroke is due, the body sends a signal. This symptom portends that something is wrong
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A stroke is extremely dangerous and poses an immediate threat to life. Although it is most common after the age of 60, it can also affect young people. Women are particularly vulnerable to the dangerous effects of stroke as they are the ones who most often experience the non-specific symptoms of stroke. Regardless of the cause of this condition, time is of the essence. Hours determine the possibility of implementing effective treatment and further prognosis. A drooping eyelid is one of the fairly common and neglected symptoms of stroke.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is acute damage to the central nervous system consisting in hypoxia (usually in the area of ​​the brain) lasting more than a day. We distinguish between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

  1. Ischemic stroke of the brain it is most often caused by hypoxia of the brain or its area due to obstruction of blood vessels.
  2. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a disruption of a blood vessel and a stroke caused by this mechanism – hence the popular name of a stroke: stroke.

Ischemic stroke occurs in as much as 80%. cases. Time is a key factor in determining life and death, as well as patient prognosis. In the case of ischemic stroke, effective treatment can be started within 3-4 hours from its occurrence, before permanent and irreversible brain damage occurs.

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Stroke risk factors

The most common factors that increase the risk of a stroke include:

  1. atherosclerosis,
  2. hypertension,
  3. diabetes,
  4. obesity,
  5. age over 60,
  6. heart disease, including atrial fibrillation.

To minimize the risk of a stroke, it’s best to work at the basics. Regular physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet help to reduce the occurrence of the above-mentioned. health problems and thus minimize the risk of stroke.

It is worth checking the condition of our heart. You can buy a diagnostic test package at medonetmarket.pl.

Prophylactically, it is worth using preparations that support the work of the heart and circulatory system. You can try, for example, Ubichinol 100mg – Doctor Life Doctor Life dietary supplement, which is currently on promotion at medonetmarket.pl.

Unusual symptoms of a stroke

One of the unusual and easily overlooked signs of a stroke is one-sided drooping eyelid. However, a stroke can manifest itself in many ambiguous ways. The occurrence of a stroke is not always associated with unilateral paralysis of the body and loss of consciousness. What other symptoms may herald a stroke?

  1. slurred speech,
  2. entanglement,
  3. one-sided drooping eyelid,
  4. face asymmetry and droop (caused by nerve palsy),
  5. coordination problems,
  6. weakness in arms and hands,
  7. fainting and fainting
  8. dizziness,
  9. Headache,
  10. feeling of general weakness,
  11. nausea and nausea
  12. numbness and tingling in the limbs.

Nonspecific and fairly mild at first stroke symptoms primarily affect women. Ladies also tend to underestimate the symptoms they experience and adopt a wait-and-see attitude. If the symptoms are literally still on your feet, we usually prefer to wait and see how the situation develops. In the event of a stroke, this delay can cost you your life.

If you experience these symptoms in yourself or someone or you feel that something disturbing is happening to your body, contact your doctor as soon as possible. In the event of a stroke, time is a key factor, and time is running out mercilessly. According to research, most of the time is spent noticing that there is something wrong with the body and reaching the hospital. Remember about lonely people and the elderly, in the event of a stroke, they are often not able to call for help on their own.

To improve the condition of your heart, drink Herbal Monasterium’s Hawthorn Juice regularly. Hawthorn effectively inhibits the activity of free radicals, has anti-aging properties and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. We also recommend venous circulation – Pharmovit drop extract, which is designed to minimize the risk of blood clots and venous stagnation.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we are talking about the war in Ukraine and the drama of our eastern neighbors. We help as much as we can, but we ourselves are full of fears. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to help, but also how to take care of yourself? You will hear about this and many others below.

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