Wheat proteins

Wheat is needed by mankind not only for the production of flour. Wheat protein is one of the most effective components of cosmetics. And now we will tell you how it is useful for skin and hair.

What is wheat protein

Several components of wheat are used in cosmetics, and the most important of them are:

  • germ oil;
  • proteins (phytokeratin, phytopeptide).

The latter consist of high-molecular proteins – gluten (gluten), gliadin, liftilin.

  • Yes, the same one gluten, which is harmful to the figure, has proven itself as a beauty ingredient. For example, as a natural antioxidant.
  • Gliadin – stimulator of collagen synthesis.
  • А liftilin able to create a film on the surface of the skin that protects and smoothes it.

There are a lot of proteins in wheat – up to 14% of the grain composition. To increase their potential, proteins are subjected to hydrolysis, which helps to reduce the size of the molecules, make them water-soluble and facilitate their penetration into the epidermis and hair structure.

The amino acids that make up wheat proteins are similar to the human ones that form our skin and hair. That is why wheat proteins are perfectly absorbed by the epidermis, stimulate renewal and, accordingly, recovery.

Wheat proteins are one of the most effective components of cosmetics.

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Useful features and functions

Hydrolyzed wheat proteins:

  • increase skin elasticity and turgor;
  • level the microrelief;
  • contribute to maintaining the optimal pH level of the epidermis;
  • fight skin dehydration and prevent it;
  • neutralize the action of free radicals;
  • maintain a protective barrier;
  • strengthen (compact) the structure of the hair and nail plate.
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What are wheat proteins made of?

They contain many amino acids, we list the main ones.

  1. Glutamine – a precursor of the important antioxidant glutathione, which protects cells from oxidation and, accordingly, from destruction and aging.

  2. Proline – one of the components of collagen, promotes its synthesis, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  3. serine is part of proteins and lipids, as well as natural moisturizing factor (NMF). Activates enzymes, improves the water balance of the skin, participates in regeneration.

  4. glycine – a natural moisturizing agent that can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. It is an antioxidant, improves blood flow, prevents rosacea, and inhibits the aging process.

  5. arginine – one of the components of NMF (natural moisturizing factor), is responsible for moisturizing the skin, healing microcracks. And it is also part of keratin, stimulates hair growth and strengthens them.

    The amino acids that make up wheat proteins are similar to the human ones that form our skin and hair.

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Application in cosmetics

Hydrolyzed wheat proteins are widely used in the manufacture of many cosmetic products, such as:

  • moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging creams;
  • funds for children;
  • tonics;
  • shower gels;
  • lip balms;
  • hair care products;
  • decorative cosmetics (powder, lipstick, foundation).
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Overview of Wheat Protein Products

Balm mask for damaged hair Elseve, “Total recovery 5”, L’Oréal Paris

Restores the structure of the hair, gives them a healthy shine, makes them silky, elastic, elastic.

Elseve Repair Shampoo, Total Recovery 5, L’Oréal Paris

Works to restore shine to the strands, regenerate and strengthen along the entire length.

Rice & Wheat Volumizing Shampoo, Kiehl’s

In addition to wheat proteins, it contains hydrolyzed rice proteins to improve the condition of dry scalp, and honey to moisturize and soften skin and hair.

Conditioner for volume with rice and wheat extract Rice & Wheat Volumizing Conditioning Rinse, Kiehl’s

Gives strands volume and softness, prevents the appearance of split ends, prevents the electrification of hair.

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