wheat noodles

Noodles are the closest relative of the popular Italian pasta. The main difference between them is not in form, but in content. Wheat noodles from Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and China cook faster than whole grain pasta and are additionally pan fried with sauce and dressing.

The product can be bought at the nearest supermarket or prepared independently from improvised ingredients. It does not require a rolling machine or specific culinary skills. It is enough to mix several components, knead the dough, roll it out, cut it into strips and throw it in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

What is the Asian analogue of pasta known for, what are its varieties and is it possible to introduce the product into the daily diet?

General product characteristics

Wheat noodles are one of the leaders in sales in the pasta category. Its taste is familiar to many, and the technology and recipe do not require huge costs. The largest amount of the product is consumed in Japan. There, wheat noodles have been part of the daily diet of citizens for many centuries. Most national Asian dishes include thin strips of noodles with various additives and sauces.

There are 2 main varieties of the product – udon and ramen. The Japanese borrowed udon from China at the end of Japan’s closure to foreigners (Meiji period). A distinctive characteristic is the absence of an egg in the composition of the dough and the refusal to use it in the finished dish.

Udon is considered the thickest noodle. Its diameter varies from 2 to 4 millimeters. The consistency of the product is soft and elastic, and the shade can be either snow-white or grayish. Traditionally, udon is served as a soup – poured with meat / fish / vegetable broth, green onions, shrimp, soy sauce, tempura are added, cooled and served. The popularity of the dish increases in hot weather, as udon satisfies hunger and helps to cool down at the same time.

Ramen differs from udon noodles in shade, composition and serving method. During the kneading of the dough, cooks add eggs and often introduce them into the finished portion of the soup. Ramen is served hot with an abundance of spices and additional ingredients.

The product is sold dry, frozen or fresh. A variety of Chinese noodles can be found in any supermarket next to traditional Asian products – soy sauce, nori, pickled ginger. Most often, ramen or udon are the main component of the dish, but noodles are also served as a side dish to fill up faster and increase the nutritional value of the portion.

Interesting: originally, Asian pasta belonged to the category of elite products, access to which was limited. Over time, production has acquired an industrial scale, and the product has become part of the standard diet of people around the globe.

If you want to start your acquaintance with Asian cuisine, but don’t know where to start, try replacing your favorite pasta with wheat noodles. The ingredient cooks quickly, saturates, goes well with both intricate sauces and regular tomato dressing.

Classification of wheat noodles according to shape and size

“Cat Ears”Product in the form of cat ears, the composition and taste is identical to traditional noodles
Sliced ​​wide noodlesA short, flat product made by cutting strips of dough just above boiling liquid.
“Lagman”Thick strips that are folded by hand
beef noodlesThe thinnest product that resembles spaghetti
“Mianxian”Thin Salted Asian Pasta
ShenmianProduct with a specific soap structure
“Tsungmian”Thick strips whose structure is very similar to tagliatelle

A Brief Historical Reference

The first mention of wheat noodles dates back to the period of the Han Dynasty, and gained particular popularity in the period from 206 BC to 220 AD. The product was available to the maximum number of citizens. In Asia, special establishments were opened that prepared dishes for thousands of guests around the clock. Different regions had their own characteristics. Somewhere they slightly changed the recipe of broth or dough, somewhere they created non-obvious gastronomic combinations or surprised with serving in order to keep the championship and customers.

In 2002, archaeologists discovered an ancient clay bowl that contained the remains of wheat noodles. The research team determined that the bowl belongs to the Qijia culture (2000 BC). Most of all, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that the food product was perfectly preserved – it could be easily identified even without examination.

Production features

Wheat noodle dough consists of the following ingredients: wheat flour, salt, water, eggs (optional), alkaline water. The dough is kneaded, then rolled into the thinnest cake possible. This cake is cut into several thin strips or passed through a special press – it automatically forms the desired size of the product. Some chefs cut strips of dough directly into boiling water just before cooking, or stretch the strips by repeatedly folding and unfolding the dough. Modern manufacturers use a similar technology, but manual labor is replaced by machine.

Chemical composition of wheat noodles

Nutritional value
NameContent in 100 grams of product
Caloric value337 kCal
Proteins10,4 g
Fats1,1 g
Carbohydrates69,7 g
Alimentary fiber3,2 g
Ash3 g
Starch59,8 g
Vitamin composition
NameContent in 100 grams of product
Retinol (A)0,063
Tocopherol (E)1,5
Thiamine (V1)0,17
Riboflavin (V2)0,14
Nicotinic acid (PP)3,5
Mineral balance
NameContent in 100 milligrams of the product
Potassium (K)140
Calcium (Ca)38
Magnesium (Mg)18
Sodium (Na)944
Phosphorus (P)121
Iron (Fe)1,7

Useful properties of the product

The main value of wheat noodles lies in fiber. This is the hard part of plants that is not absorbed by the human body. Fiber is a vital plant element, without which we are not able to fully function. Wheat contains soluble fiber. As soon as it penetrates inside, it turns into a liquid gel that gently envelops the organs, additionally protecting them.

It is fiber that regulates the concentration of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, is responsible for the quality of the intestines, provides long-term saturation and makes our skin healthier. The substance harmonizes the internal microflora, and this is reflected both in the overall performance and in the appearance of a person. Increasing fiber in your diet will make waking up in the morning less painful, give you more energy, and make you glow from the inside out. Also, the plant component protects us from breast cancer and colon cancer.

Important: A standard bowl of whole grain wheat noodles contains up to 7 grams of fiber. The daily norm for an adult varies from 30 to 50 grams.

In addition to fiber, the product contains vitamins and beneficial nutrients, but heat treatment minimizes their concentration. You can increase the benefits of the finished dish by additional ingredients:

  • healthy fats – vegetable oils, nuts, avocados;
  • protein – lean meats and fish, legumes;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates – vegetables, fruits.

Also, the product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamins of group B, which are contained in the grain, act as a natural antidepressant – they harmonize the psycho-emotional state and reduce anxiety. A balanced portion of food will really help to relax and take a breath after a hard day.

Interesting: George Ozawa, the creator of Zen Macrobiotics, divides all foods into Yin and Yang. All products correspond to the basics of polarity and, in the right combination, make a person healthy, and in the wrong combination, they lead to serious disorders and diseases. The author categorizes wheat noodles as Yang. It is considered the most beneficial and can minimize the harm from Yin food.

Possible harm and side effects from use

Important: below we will talk about fresh noodles, not an instant product. Each package of instant Asian pasta differs in price and composition. Flavorings, flavor enhancers and preservatives are not the best food ingredients. To protect yourself from possible digestive problems – carefully read the composition, cook the dish yourself or order in quality restaurants.

The main contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to the component components. But noodles do not contain strong allergens, so Asian pasta is rarely on the list of prohibited foods.

Refusing to eat Chinese noodles is also worthwhile for celiac disease (a congenital autoimmune disease), intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten. Wheat is a high gluten grain, so don’t overdo it or keep it in your diet to a minimum.

Do not forget about the high calorie and nutritional value of the grain product. To saturate, you need quite a bit of noodles in combination with protein and vegetables. If you want to keep a thin waist, follow the portions and diet in general. With the right selection of products and the observance of BJU, wheat noodles can be included in the daily diet without significant weight gain. Be full and healthy!

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