Wheat beer: 3 recipes at home + tips

Traditionally, homemade beer is made from barley malt, but no less tasty drink is obtained from wheat. Such foamy is distinguished by its mild character, delicate aroma and, most importantly, it is easy to prepare.

Tips before starting

  1. It is very important to observe sterility in work.

    All utensils and equipment, as well as the hands of the brewer, must be clean, ideally steamed or disinfected with any means.

  2. Malt can be bought ready

    Or make it yourself by germinating and grinding the grain.

  3. The alpha acidity of the hops must be at least 3%

  4. It is best to prepare “foamy” in a special brewery

    If it is not there, you need to pick up a capacious pan “with a margin.”

    It should be borne in mind that foam will actively form during the process.

  5. Optionally, the beer is carbonized (saturated with carbon dioxide)

    Before bottling, adding to it (one thing): honey (5 g per 1 liter), beet sugar / fructose / dextrose (7-10 g), malt extract (10 g).

    Powders can be poured directly into the bottle or made into syrup by boiling with a little water.

    The best option is carbonization with young must.

    To do this, at the end of brewing, 10% of the liquid is poured out, placed in a clean jar and stored in the refrigerator until the end of fermentation, after which it is added to the drink.

  6. For maturation, beer is sent to a refrigerator or cellar.

    The finished drink can be stored for about six months at a temperature not exceeding room temperature, after opening the bottle, wheat foam should be drunk within 1 day.

Bavarian Beer Recipe

Hops are better to use Hallertau or Tettnanger, yeast – special, intended for brewing wheat beer (WB-06, WLP300, 3068).

Glucose is used for carbonization in the amount of 10 g per 1 liter of drink.

Optionally, the list of components can be supplemented with coriander or citrus zest.


  1. Wheat malt – 2 kg

  2. Pilsner malt – 1,5 kg

  3. Light caramel malt – 0,5 kg

  4. Hops – 15–20 g

  5. Yeast – 1 pack

  6. Glucose – proportionally

  7. Water – 20-25 liters

Method of preparation

  1. Part of the water (12 l) is heated to 73 ° C, mixed with malt.

  2. Maintain the congestion at t=66–68 °C for 1 hour.

  3. Raise the temperature of the mixture to 71 ° C by adding the required amount of boiling water, keep under these conditions for 15 minutes.

  4. Filter the mass, washing the grain with the remaining hot water (t = 78 ° C) until 23,5 liters of must are obtained.

  5. Boil the mass for 15 minutes, add hops, boil for another 45 minutes.

  6. Cool the mixture to 20-23 ° C, add the yeast activated according to the instructions.

  7. Leave for 1 week to ferment in a dark room at room temperature.

  8. Pour the beer into bottles, add glucose according to the indicated proportions, let the drink ripen for 10 days in the cold.

Recipe for strong wheat beer

This alcohol will be more to the taste of the stronger sex, since its degree is quite high – about 10%.


  1. Wheat malt – 2,5 kg

  2. Barley malt – 2,5 kg

  3. Hops – 40 g

  4. Water – 23 L

  5. Yeast special – 1 pack

Method of preparation

  1. Mix two types of malt.

  2. Heat the water to 50-55 ° C, gradually introduce the grain mass into it.

  3. Then cook, removing the foam and stirring, according to the following scheme: at t=55 °C – 5 minutes, at t=65 °C – 35 minutes, at t=72 °C – 35 minutes, at t=78 ° C – 10 min.

  4. Add hops to the wort, boil the mixture for 70-80 minutes.

  5. Cool the liquid, strain, mix with yeast activated according to the instructions.

  6. Send the mass to a dark place with room temperature (20-22 ° C) until the end of fermentation (about 1 week).

  7. Filter the drink, pour into glass vessels, hold for another 1 week in the dark and cool for ripening.

Classic wheat beer recipe


  1. Filtered water – 32 l

  2. Wheat malt – 5 kg

  3. Dry beer yeast – 25 g

  4. Hops – 50 g

Method of preparation

  1. Heat some water (25 l) to t=80 °C.

  2. Place the malt in a gauze/fabric bag, place in water, boil for 2 hours with the lid closed and t=72 °C.

  3. Heat the mixture to 80 °C, hold under these conditions for 5 minutes.

  4. Get a bag of malt, pour the rest of the water into the container, boil the wort.

  5. After boiling, remove the foam, pour in the hops, cook for another 15 minutes.

  6. Cool the wort container in a cold water bath or in special equipment.

  7. Filter the mixture, pour into a fermentation vessel, add yeast activated according to the instructions.

  8. Transfer the wort to a dark place with a constant temperature of about 20–22 °C.

  9. Wait for the end of the fermentation processes (up to 10 days), strain, distribute the drink in small containers.

  10. Let the beer “ripen” in the cold for about 1-2 weeks.

Relevance: 14.04.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer recipes

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