What you shouldn’t tell others

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! The people say: “The word is silver, and silence is gold.” The article contains tips about what not to tell others.

Sometimes it’s easier to bite your tongue than to stop sharing your personal life with others. Often people scold themselves for being too talkative and swear that they will be more circumspect next time.

Often, wisdom does not consist of beautiful phrases and conclusions, but of the ability to filter information for strangers and the ability to remain silent in the right place.

What is not worth talking about


Many are annoyed by mothers who tirelessly talk about their babies. Sometimes it seems that these women have very limited horizons. Are there really few other topics for discussion?

Of course, you can share some information, but everything must be kept in moderation. In addition, after endless stories about the child’s achievements, his accidental “failure”, even in the slightest, can cause a wave of gloating among opponents. Why provoke others to harmful thoughts and actions.

Life plans

Nobody lasts forever! And throwing out your ambitions on others, you can get a flurry of criticism and objections, why plans do not come true. Perhaps the interlocutors will express such counterarguments that the plan will seem impracticable. Sometimes all plans can change overnight under the influence of some circumstances.

Food preferences

How annoying it sometimes is when a person wants to convince everyone that only his way of eating is correct. Especially it concerns vegetarianism. Everyone’s motives for switching to such a diet can be different – from compassion for animals to a state of health.

Why, then, people, pitying our smaller brothers, are not able to tolerate the representatives of their own kind.

Family relationships

No one should be initiated into family troubles. If there is a quarrel, then by bringing it up for general discussion, you can achieve disrespect for loved ones. People, more often than not, tend to blame not themselves, but others.

And even if the quarrel subsides, and the relationship improves, then the reaction of others will already be formed by the previous story about the events. In addition, those who have heard may begin to discuss the situation among themselves, gloat or envy, or give harmful advice.

Why is this needed? Each person has individual relationships in the family, and the intervention of outsiders can only do harm.

Boastfulness and feigned virtue

Each person has both advantages and disadvantages. Praising himself or boasting about his own good deeds and the right attitude to life, a person causes distrust, irritation, and sometimes envy from the environment.

And, by the way, it is not a fact that the interlocutor’s postulates are the most correct. You can, of course, tell others about your successes and achievements, but this must be done unobtrusively and to the point.

Religious views

Excessive persistence in one’s own religious beliefs can provoke the interlocutor to reject them. Everyone has their own way of gaining higher knowledge or good. And softness and unobtrusiveness can achieve much more.

Keeping a fast or vow

Fasting is a great thing. But an important component of it is the pacification of pride. To notify everyone in a row about your observance of the fast, this pride is demonstrated here. In addition, the main goal of fasting is not universal admiration, but the humility of one’s shortcomings, weaknesses and personal spiritual growth.

Good deeds, charity

Helping your neighbor is good, especially when it is disinterested. And bragging about what you have done is a desire to receive a reward. Here we are not talking about material benefits, namely the thirst for recognition and approval of others – this is self-interest.

What you shouldn’t tell others

For many, such actions can lead to a desire to judge and devalue help. Better to do good deeds silently. “If you have done good, forget it. Do you good – remember. “

Do not discuss anyone

Do not judge and you will not be judged. Remember, someone who speaks badly about someone will speak badly about you. This is gossip.

Each of us sometimes wants to speak out, share with someone our experiences, achievements, thoughts. Only those closest are worthy of these intimate moments, although it is better not to talk about some things even to them.

Not every interlocutor is able to adequately assess the topic of the conversation and give the right advice. An important indicator of personality integrity is the ability to determine what, when and to whom you can say.

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