What you should know about acne

Skin with acne lesions needs proper treatment and proper care. It is worth knowing how to properly deal with it and what mistakes to avoid, so as not to harm.

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1/ 8 About the disease

Acne vulgaris is a well-known, common skin disease that affects the sebaceous glands. It affects both women and men. It most often develops in adolescence, i.e. between the ages of 12 and 20. Skin lesions appear mainly on the face, back, and also on the chest and shoulders. photo: Shutterstock

2/ 8 The mechanism of formation

The mechanism of acne formation is complex. Several factors contribute to the development of changes: excessive sebum secretion, keratinization of the sebaceous gland orifices, and an increased growth of anaerobic bacteria in clogged glands. As a consequence of the described factors, an inflammatory process develops, which is reflected in a skin lesion. photo: Shutterstock

3/ 8 What could be wrong

Acne vulgaris is generally mild and leaves no unsightly lesions. It is true that it lasts for several years and may be quite acute in the initial stage, but eventually the disease process gradually dies off. The exacerbation of symptoms may be caused by other skin diseases or by bacterial superinfections, which can occur, for example, during unhygienic removal of blackheads. photo: Shutterstock

4/ 8 Treatment options

Acne can be treated with topical or general preparations. In most cases, acne is mild – then local treatment is sufficient. However, when the inflammatory changes are deep and lead to the formation of unsightly scars, general treatment is applied. photo: Shutterstock

5/ 8 How to cleanse

Acne skin requires proper care, an important element of which is proper cleansing. It is not recommended to use ordinary soaps as they can destroy the protective lipid layer by excessively drying the skin. You should also avoid preparations that contain active ingredients, e.g. fruit acids. They can contribute to skin irritation. photo: Shutterstock

6/ 8 Necessarily moisturize

Moisturizing is a very important element in the care of acne skin. The creams used should prevent blackheads and be slightly matting. However, it is better to watch out for nourishing creams that contain waxes or vegetable oils. They can contribute to the clogging of the pores. photo: Shutterstock

7/ 8 What about makeup

If you have acne skin with makeup, you should be careful, because most cosmetics contribute to the clogging of the sebaceous glands. This negatively affects the diseased skin. However, if make-up is really necessary, then you should choose water-based cosmetics. photo: Shutterstock

8/ 8 Be careful with the sun

Acne skin does not like sunbathing. Frequent exposure to the sun, without appropriate preparations, may cause it to dry out too much. In addition, the action of UV rays accelerates the aging process of the skin. You should also be careful when using the solarium, this form of tanning can cause post-inflammatory discoloration. photo: Shutterstock

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