What you need to know about carrots

Carrots are an amazing root vegetable available to everyone. Due to the high carotene content, carrots are orange in color. It also contains vitamins A, E, C, D and B vitamins. Carrots are indispensable for anemia, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, vision, have a choleretic effect, improve appetite, strengthen hair and nails.  

Here are some guidelines to help you get the most out of your carrot:

1. Choose a bright orange carrot – it is by the color saturation that you can determine the amount of carotene in carrots: the brighter the color, the more it is.

2. For carrots to be juicy, take the fruit about 150 grams.  

3. Large sizes of carrots indicate a high content of nitrates.


4. The surface of the carrot should be smooth, and the presence of growths indicates nitrates or diseases of the vegetable.

5. To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients during heat treatment, cook it in a sealed container.

6. Try to peel carrots thinly, there are a lot of vitamins in the peel and next to it.

7. Carrots keep well even in plastic bags, but if you need to store large quantities, keep them in boxes, sprinkling the roots with sand.

8. When storing on the balcony, it is very convenient to use onion peels as a filler for a container with carrots.

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