What you eat affects both your life expectancy and its quality. |

With age, the function of many systems and organs changes, which is a physiological process called aging of the body. Like nutrition in the first stages of life, yes nutrition of the elderly is important in terms of extending and improving the quality of life. Older people are people over 65 years of age.

Aging can be divided into two types:

  • normal / physiological aging – takes place when the changes taking place in the body are not the result of diseases, and the changes resulting from the passage of time, the functions of individual organs change relatively little (it affects about 10% of the population);
  • pathological aging – changes in organs resulting from the passage of time and disease processes, the observed changes are the sum of two factors.

Seniors – a group with special needs

Seniors are a unique group – the demand for certain ingredients changes with age, the functioning of the digestive system changes, and new disease entities appear. Sudden changes in the diet of seniors or an unintentional loss of weight should draw the attention of families and caregivers.

Older people, more than the rest of the population, are at risk of malnutrition. Some of them suffer from many diseases, which translates into more medications. As their amount increases, appetite decreases, and side effects appear (e.g. xerostomia – dry mouth). These two factors are reflected in reduced food intake or food variety.

The health consequences of malnutrition (mainly) of the elderly include sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a loss of muscle mass and strength – it contributes to the deterioration of mobility, which in turn increases the likelihood of falls, which are particularly dangerous in old age.

It is worth noting that the problem of sarcopenia may also appear in obese elderly people, otherwise sarcopenic obesity. This case is characterized by an increase in body fat while losing muscle mass. For this reason, any attempt to reduce body weight in the case of older people should be consulted with a dietitian – proper distribution of macronutrients is important, especially the amount of protein.

What should a senior’s BMI be like?
The American Committee on diet and Health indicates that for the elderly, the recommended BMI range is 24-29 kg / m2. Such recommendations result from many years of observations that prove a reduced risk of mortality after the age of 70 in people with a BMI above 23 kg / m2.

Nutrition seniors – what products should you pay attention to

Protein is a macronutrient, the right amount of which is responsible for maintaining muscle mass. Suboptimal protein supply is one of the risk factors for the development of sarcopenia. The conducted studies indicate that people over 65 years of age should consume 1-1,2 g / kg of protein per day. Protein supply and its distribution during the day may vary depending on the diseases and medications taken.

The Food and Nutrition Institute recommends year-round vitamin D3 supplementation for the elderly. Deficiencies in this part of the population are common. Vitamin D is essential for the metabolism of bones and the immune and muscular systems.

Adequate intake of calcium with the diet is one of the elements in preventing osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by loss of bone mineral density. The development of osteoporosis is associated with a greater likelihood of bone fractures. For this reason, the recommendations recommend an increased supply of calcium in the elderly.

A good source of dietary calcium is milk and dairy products, which should be included in everyone’s diet. When eliminating milk and dairy products from the diet, special attention should be paid to supplementing calcium with other products, e.g. plant substitutes enriched with calcium, dark green-leaved vegetables or nuts, and if necessary, consider supplementing with appropriate preparations. There is evidence of a positive effect on the cognitive functions of the MIND diet – especially recommended for the elderly. This nutrition model is the result of a fusion of the Mediterranean diet with the DASH diet.

Seniors – hydration

With age, the body’s ability to maintain water balance is reduced. During the autumn of life, the body may become dehydrated faster. Hence, it is very important to prevent this condition. The minimum amount of fluids to drink is 1,5 liters per day, even when thirst is not felt. The amount of fluids may be limited in some disease entities.

Regardless of age, however, it is always worth remembering about hydration, if you have problems with “forcing” to drink water, be sure to check it out here: https://.pl/jak-przelamac-wodna-monotonie.

Physical activity for seniors – the key to long life?

There is probably no need to convince anyone that physical activity is important at every stage of life – the group of elderly people is no exception. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends maintaining physical activity in the elderly at a level of at least 150-300 minutes / week of moderate aerobic exercise or 75-150 minutes / week of intense aerobic exercise. In addition, as part of the planned activity, it is recommended to perform exercises involving large groups of muscles.

We must remember that this group is often affected by physical limitations. With age, efficiency decreases, so the type of physical activity should be selected individually – there is no one universal recipe for physical activity dedicated to seniors. Remember that every move is good – regularity is very important.

Activating the elderly prevents the development of sarcopenia, reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, improves well-being and general condition. Currently, you can meet more and more often with organized classes for the elderly – especially those found at the Universities of the Third Age.

See more!

Seniors are a unique group of people where proper nutritional care can significantly contribute to increasing the comfort of everyday life. Diet changes are possible at any stage of your life and it is never too late.

When introducing modifications, it is worth paying attention to such issues as habits, the condition of teeth or financial possibilities of seniors – the diet itself should be as varied as possible (see the basics of the pyramid). In the case of normally aging people, official recommendations only mention the need to supplement with vitamin D.

And what can a sample senior menu look like? What if you need to use a reduction diet? I encourage you to read the supplement to today’s topic: https://.pl/dieta-dla-seniora.


  • Nutrition standards for the Polish population and their application edited by Mirosław Jarosz, Ewa Rychlik, Katarzyna Stoś, Jadwiga Charzewska, 2020
  • Clinical Dietetics, edited by Marian Grzymisławski, 2019
  • https://www.mp.pl/pacjent/dieta/zdrowie-osob-starszych/249218,co-to-jest-sarkopenia-jak-rozpoznac-u-siebie-sarkopenie
  • WHO GUIDELINES ON PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SEDENTARY BEHAVIOUR https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240015128 -Dostęp: 01.04.2021
  • http://www.izz.waw.pl/zasady-prawidowego-ywienia

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