The microwave has become an integral part of kitchen utensils. But did you know that not everything can be put into it to heat or cook something. Only if used correctly will you avoid poisoning, will not shorten the life of the stove and even prevent a fire!
Painted and vintage tableware. Previously, paint containing lead was used to paint plates. When heated, paints can melt, and lead can get into food, I think there is no need to clarify that this is very dangerous to health;
Plastic containers. When buying containers, pay attention to the labels, whether they are suitable for use in a microwave oven. If there is no such inscription, you risk eating food saturated with harmful elements after warming up. Studies have shown that food and plastic exchange molecules when heated, but plastic has no beneficial molecules;
Dishwashing scourers. Some housewives disinfect kitchen sponges by heating them in the microwave. But remember that in this case, the sponge must be wet! A dry washcloth may catch fire when heated;
Crockery with metal elements. When heated, such dishes can provoke a fire, be careful.