what you can’t eat in the year of the pig 2019

what you can’t eat in the year of the pig 2019

Decorating the Christmas tree with Piglets, buying a piggy bank as a gift and preparing an outfit for a joyful meeting with the Yellow Earth Pig? Check out the holiday menu!

You, of course, remember that pork should not be on the table. But there are also more non-obvious products that need to be removed from the New Year’s table so as not to upset the hostess of the year. Wday.ru has collected dishes and products that can offend the symbol of the year and spoil all your careful preparations for a happy 2019.

No sausages and semi-finished products

Prohibited. Cross off the foods you plan to buy for New Year’s Eve that contain pork. And it is found in almost all sausages and semi-finished meat products. On the main night of the year, it is better to refuse from store-bought dumplings, manti, cabbage rolls, pasties, minced meat, because they almost always contain pork. The same goes for meals from food delivery – if you don’t know for sure what exactly was added to the composition of the products.

What to do? Favorite sandwiches with smoked sausage can be replaced with various no less satisfying and tasty snacks: tartlets with caviar, cheese canapes, rolls with salmon in pita bread, sandwiches with sprats, etc. If dumplings and manti are the most favorite and desirable dishes on the New Year’s table, stick and cook them with beef, chicken or turkey. Moreover, homemade dumplings, cabbage rolls and cutlets will never be able to match the taste of convenience stores.

Prohibited. In order not to offend the hostess of 2019, do not prepare dishes using gelatin. The fact is that now it is made not only from cattle offal, but also from pigs. By the way, not only meat delicacies are banned, but also sweets. Gelatin is found in marshmallows, marmalade, and jelly candies.

What to do? This time it is better to do without jellied meat and aspic, only if you do not cook them yourself and without gelatin. To meet all the intricacies of the New Year’s table in the Year of the Pig, study the packaging in the store before buying pastries. Fortunately, supermarkets now have a selection of sweets and marshmallows made with only egg whites, pectin, and agar (a naturally occurring food thickener).

Prohibited. If you have already saved recipes and pictures of salads decorated in the form of a pig, we advise you to abandon this idea. The hostess of the year will clearly not be delighted that she will now be eaten. Even in this artistic form.

What to do? Do not get hung up on these restrictions and give free rein to your imagination in decorating the New Year’s table. The pig, as a symbol of the year, is a great connoisseur of aesthetic and thoughtful decor. Buy a new set of dishes suitable for cozy winter gatherings, put on New Year’s decorated wine glasses, napkins, and a good-natured, generous Pig will definitely look into your house.

By the way, what dishes need to be put on the table to please the Pig, we wrote in detail HERE.

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