What you can not eat and drink alcohol: chocolate, herring, soda …

It is believed that anything can be a snack – from an apple to oysters with caviar. However, there are foods that do not go well with alcohol, spoil the taste of noble drinks and even harm health.

How not to eat alcohol to avoid a hangover

A hangover is considered something harmless and natural, a natural side effect of a feast. However, in reality, these are the consequences of dehydration and intoxication of the body with the breakdown products of ethanol and other harmful substances contained in alcohol, so there is nothing natural in a hangover.

List of unwanted products:

  1. Salty snacks (herring, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms). Alcohol removes fluids from the body, and also acts as a diuretic – that is, it provokes frequent trips to the toilet. Salt, on the one hand, retains moisture and restores salt balance, but on the other hand, it kindles thirst, forcing you to literally drink one glass after another. Since alcohol does not reach the brain immediately, there is a risk of overdoing it and waking up the next day with a severe hangover.
  2. Spicy food. For example, Indian curry and fried chicken wings, even on a normal day, are a serious test for the stomach, and with alcohol it is almost a disaster. Alcohol relaxes the muscles, the stomach works worse, the unlucky taster gets heartburn and belching.
  3. Greenery. This is a very light food, almost does not linger in the body. Accordingly, eating alcohol with greens is the same as drinking on an empty stomach.
  4. Sushi. Not only does raw fish in soy sauce not taste good with alcohol, it also causes dehydration, giving you a severe headache the next morning.
  5. Sweet. Caution should be taken with sweet snacks, such as chocolate, cakes, fatty cakes, exotic fruits. The body will break down sugar-containing foods in the first place, as a result, a person will become very intoxicated and get a severe hangover.
  6. Fresh tomatoes. In combination with alcohol provoke indigestion and gases.
  7. Fatty, fried and acetic marinades. They put an additional burden on the liver and pancreas, which are already having a hard time.
  8. Pizza. Combines almost all of the above: tomatoes, hot sauce and fatty dough. This is a reference “anti-snack” to strong alcohol.
What you can not eat and drink alcohol: chocolate, herring, soda …
In large quantities, this snack contributes to a hangover and poor health in the morning.

In addition to the standard snacks sold in any bar or supermarket, there are other dangers. Do not drink alcohol:

  1. Medicines. Everyone knows that alcohol is incompatible with antibiotics, but the same list should include painkillers, antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines. When combined with alcohol, these drugs cause dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, arrhythmias, motor disorders, and even liver problems.
  2. Morels. Salted or pickled mushrooms are a great snack for vodka, but it is better to limit yourself to traditional white / boletus / chanterelles, etc., since morels with alcohol can cause nausea or an allergic reaction.

What not to drink alcohol

  1. Energetic drinks. The first and most important item on this list. Usually, after a few drinks, a person feels relaxed and wants to sleep, but the energy drink stimulates the body, so it is very easy to skip your norm and continue drinking, even when the concentration of alcohol in the body has reached dangerous levels. Side effects of such “cocktails” can be high blood pressure, arrhythmias, seizures, for people with heart problems or poor health – even a stroke or heart attack.
  2. Coffee. The situation is the same as with energy drinks, but in a lighter form.
  3. Carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide irritates the gastric mucosa and accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the blood, intoxication occurs faster. This applies to cola, lemonade, beer and champagne. It is ideal to drink alcohol with unsweetened straight-pressed fruit juices.
What you can not eat and drink alcohol: chocolate, herring, soda …
Due to several components in the composition, cocktails are considered the most harmful in terms of a hangover, it is better to drink no more than 2-3 cocktails per evening

It is also not recommended to drink drinks from different raw material categories in one evening. For example, mix whiskey (base – malt) and cognac (grapes), rum (sugar cane) and vodka (starch-containing raw materials).

How not to snack on alcohol so as not to spoil the taste

Red wine

  1. Chocolate. This delicacy envelops the palate with a sweet tannic film, red wine neutralizes the sweetness, leaving a bitter-astringent taste.
  2. Brussels sprouts. Not only does the vegetable itself give off earth and sulfur, it also emphasizes all the shortcomings of the wine.
  3. Asparagus. The situation is the same as with Brussels sprouts.
  4. Cheese with blue mold. It is combined only with dessert fortified wines, the rest overly emphasize its specific aroma.
  5. Sushi. The iron in red wine reacts with fish oil and creates an unpleasant film in the mouth with a metallic taste.
  6. Soy sauce. This product is made from fermented soybeans, wheat and salt – all three components make the taste of wine slurred, inexpressive.

White wine

  1. Caviar. With it, white wine becomes like standing grape juice.
  2. Pork ribs, steak. Grilled red meat completely drowns out the delicate notes of white wine.
  3. Tuna salad. Gives wine metallic notes, and vinegar emphasizes acidity and tannins.
  4. Ice cream. Combined with dry wine, it almost guarantees a hangover.
  5. Chicken in sweet and sour sauce. It muffles the bouquet of the drink, dry wine may start to taste bitter.
  6. Cheese with blue mold. Gives wine a bitter taste.


Any brandy, including cognac, is not combined with lemon and chocolate, as it interrupts the organoleptic of the drink. Lemon accentuates the taste of bad cognac.

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