What you can eat on a diet: video tips
Diet is an excellent way to safely get rid of extra pounds only if their number does not exceed 2-3. When your overweight approaches 10 kg and even has already exceeded this bar, the most effective method becomes such a diet, which is simply a properly balanced nutrition system, in which you eat only healthy foods, slightly reducing calorie content relative to the norm and increasing energy expenditure due to physical activity.
What can you eat on a diet?
Principles of proper nutrition
If you have already come across this or that diet, you have noticed that for each of them there is a list of foods allowed for consumption, and what is allowed with one diet may be strictly prohibited under another. But if you decide to abandon radical methods of losing weight and treat this issue competently and seriously, you just need to reconsider your nutritional system, including only healthy foods in a strictly controlled amount in your diet. The effectiveness of such a diet, even if you reduce the daily amount of calories by only 10-15%, is quite high, and you can speed up the process by being physically active.
Taking into account the biochemical processes that occur in your body during the day, you should organize your diet so that breakfast accounts for 25-30% of the daily calorie intake, for lunch 30-35, and everything else is distributed over a couple of lungs snacks and a low-calorie dinner, which should end at least 3 hours before bedtime. And most importantly, you cannot starve so that metabolic processes and hormonal balance are not disturbed in the body.
Foods high in fiber, such as whole grain cereals, vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets, fruits: prunes, apricots, stimulate weight loss and dull the feeling of hunger
But you know that the calorie content of food is not so important as its composition, you need to eat so that the internal organs and vital systems are provided with all the substances necessary for normal functioning. The structure of those foods that you include in your diet should be changed in favor of increasing the amount of lean protein and complex carbohydrates. The diet should be based on low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, cottage cheese, lean meat, sea fish and seafood, whole grain bread, bran, cereals, vegetables, fruits and a lot of greens.
It is possible to compensate for the effect of trophotropic products that slows down the metabolism by using them together with ergonomic
You should also take into account that there are ergo- and trophotropic products, the former accelerate the metabolism, the latter slow it down.
The first are:
- a fish
- onion
- garlic
- ginger
- hot peppers
- low-fat cottage cheese
To the second:
- all nightshades, including tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes
- fatty pork
- melons
- fresh milk
- foods containing yeast
By including ergotropic foods in your diet, you will stimulate metabolic processes and lose weight much faster.
Also interesting to read: daily calorie intake.