What words cannot be spoken to be successful 

What words cannot be spoken to be successful 

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, what words cannot be said to be a successful person? Let’s talk about it.

The magic of the word

The phrase “The word can heal, and it can kill” has a literal meaning. Scientists have long proven that words and thoughts have the ability to influence our material world.

It turns out that many words carry a positive or negative charge of energy. They can seriously change both health and even karma.

No wonder that most magical rites are based on conspiracies and spells. Using words, you can create a program that will attract good luck or negative events. In any case, there are words that block the path to luck in your life.

Words that cannot be spoken

Man is endowed by nature with a special gift. He is able to talk. It is with the help of words that he receives important information for himself, shares his feelings, his life experience. Therefore, pronouncing this or that word, you need to understand what energy it contains in itself.

First of all, you need to highlight certain phrases that, like a magnet, attract troubles and misfortunes into life:

– I can’t do it, it still won’t work. This is the first phrase of a person who definitely decided to sign up for losers. It contains such a powerful charge of negative energy that instantly deprives a person of even the slightest chance to succeed.

As soon as it is spoken aloud, it immediately begins its destructive action. They are very similar in meaning “this is beyond my strength”, “I cannot”, “it will not work”. If you want wealth, get rid of these phrases immediately.

What words cannot be spoken to be successful 

– I am not worthy of success. Another insidious phrase that not only deliberately predicts failure, but also creates a barrier that reliably protects you from success. You can hear “you never know what I want”, “I cannot afford this luxurious thing”. As a rule, they are often spoken by those who are accustomed to working hard, but who value their work little.

– I don’t like it, but I need it. These phrases are great weapons that can destroy all positive thoughts. I don’t like this job, but I have to work here.

– This is impossible to achieve. It is human nature to dream. But at the same time, he often perceives dreams as illusions that are completely inaccessible to him. Desire is a powerful incentive to achieve success.

If you say such phrases constantly, then the opportunity to receive the cherished disappears before our eyes. You block the energy of desire the way to yourself.

What to do?

If you decide to succeed in life and attract good luck, then first of all, try to get rid of verbal garbage.

Verbal rubbish is expressions that program in advance the unfavorable outcome of any case. Then we forget about the words we have already said. But the program has already been launched and is beginning to bear the first “fruits”.

If a person is chronically haunted by failure, then over time he treats himself as a failure. It might be worth pondering the meaning of the words and phrases we use every day.

You need to learn to control your thoughts as well. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will notice how your life has changed in a positive way.

This video provides additional information on which words cannot be spoken.


Friends, now you know which words cannot be said so as not to frighten off luck. 😉 Wish you to think positively and achieve the desired success. Bye!

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