Men and women are like two worlds in which completely different and often opposite laws reign. This is reflected literally in everything: in attitude to life, ways of solving problems and even in the choice of perfume. Very often, fragrances that women find pleasant and sensual are perceived by the stronger sex as annoying or aggressive. What is the reason for such harsh assessments? With what scent can you attract a man, and what exactly will repel him? These questions are answered by the actor, perfumer Sergey Gubanov, founder of the Parfum brand Sergey Gubanov.
Women’s skin has a natural scent that is attractive to men – it smells like musk. This is a pheromone that has an interesting effect on the stronger sex. About 70% of the male population of the planet perceive it as the smell of love and attraction. This is partly why musk is widely used in perfume making.
However, if you additionally increase its intensity with musky perfume, you can achieve the most unexpected results: for some, it will become a powerful aphrodisiac, and in others it will cause disgust.
Conclusion: If you are unsure of how excess musk is affecting your partner, avoid fragrances that contain this ingredient.
In each country, the “olfactory” attractiveness is due to its own set of smells. This is due to the fact that plants grow in a certain area, and it is their aromatic oils that are familiar to the inhabitants of this region. For example, the countries of the East are characterized by spicy and sweet smells (rose, jasmine, patchouli, etc.), for Russia – sea buckthorn, currant, grape oil, etc. And susceptibility to them is not just a historical tradition, but almost a feature of the mentality … Therefore, men are more comfortable with a scent that does not contradict their habits.
Sergey Gubanov made his debut as a columnist for
Conclusion: geography is not a sentence, just make a small correction for the man’s taste. If you like sweet scents, look for woody oriental, musky or soft amber compositions and try to avoid cloying and overtly spicy perfumes.
Most men have a positive attitude towards the smell of vanilla. He brings them back to childhood, gives peace and tranquility. The smells of berries and most flowers have a similar effect. But the association with home and mom’s pies can play a cruel joke in a relationship. If you do not seek to try on the role of “mommy”, it is better to give up “culinary” smells.
Conclusion: leave aromas that can be associated with food, cuisine. The notes of chocolate, berries, citrus fruits and spices certainly have their own unique appeal, but they are worth using only if you are sure that your partner perceives them correctly. The exception is grapefruit. Its bitter and fresh scent instantly makes a woman more attractive and desirable in the eyes of a man.
The stronger sex loves strong women – most ladies are so convinced of this that they strive to demonstrate their strength in everything, including fragrance. This position is fundamentally wrong. First, men love completely different ladies. Secondly, too intense a smell scares away everyone around, regardless of gender. Therefore, demonstrating independence by pouring half a bottle of perfume on yourself is a dubious decision.
Sergei Gubanov with actress Anna Bachalova
This also applies to the nature of the scent. Men are sensitive to odors, and harsh perfume can make them feel dangerous. Few people dare to continue a relationship with a woman whose perfume signals her assertiveness or aggression.
Conclusion: observe the measure in the amount of perfume, choose light and fresh scents, especially for the morning and first half of the day. In the evening, deeper and more spicy compositions are appropriate, but try not to overshadow the personality of the perfume.
Few men generally like the smell of flowers. But there is a special category of fragrances that have a unique effect. Rose, violet and lavender in the minds of the stronger sex evoke a persistent association with older ladies. The entire group of floral-aldehyde compositions is in the “risk zone”; for many men, even the legendary Chanel No. 5 belongs to the category of fragrances “over 40”.
Conclusion: try woody or nutty scents, they can be as sensual and pleasant as your favorite perfume, and are guaranteed not to cause unpleasant associations in your partner.
Despite the general trends, each person’s tastes are unique. And your companion may well be the exception for whom a sweet or floral scent is most desirable. Therefore, do not rush to part with your favorite perfume, but do not miss the opportunity to replenish your collection with new seductive and attractive for men fragrances.