What will happen to the body if there is okroshka every day

What will happen to the body if there is okroshka every day

This is not an idle question – tens of thousands of people adore traditional Russian cold soup. And many are really ready to eat it every day. Is it helpful? For the answer, we turned to a specialist and that’s what we learned.

In Russia, okroshka was saved not only from the heat, but also from hunger. Vegetable was included in the diet of ordinary people, meat or fish was served in wealthy houses. The classic okroshka of the XNUMXth century is an egg, boiled beef, cucumber and sour kvass.

“Cold soup in this composition is an absolutely dietary product. In her 1901 book “A Gift to Young Housewives, or a Means to Reduce Household Costs”, the author Elena Molokhovets recommends adding “fried game, beef, veal, lamb, boiled ham, corned beef and smoked tongue” to the meat version. Such a variety does not threaten us, so we will focus on the usual modern version: potatoes, meat or poultry, eggs, radishes, cucumbers, herbs, dressing. “

A unique combination is good

Okroshka ingredients harmoniously complement each other, making the dish easy to digest. As a result, the digestive system is not overstrained, the feeling of heaviness and discomfort does not arise.

Potatoes. It is better to boil it in a uniform, so it will retain more useful vitamins and minerals.

Meat. A source of protein, iron, phosphorus, potassium. Forms muscle tissue, vascular walls, provides the body’s immune defense.

But it is meat, not sausage! Of course, cooking okroshka with sausage is faster, but the usefulness of the dish is sharply reduced. But the harm is growing: hidden fats, excess salt, all kinds of additives contained in sausage cannot be called dietary.

Egg. Protein supplies essential amino acids, yolk – vitamins A, D, E, group B, minerals. In addition, the yolk supplies the cholesterol necessary for a person, and the selenium in its composition removes free radicals and counteracts the inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Radish. Stimulates appetite due to the large amount of vitamin C, enhances the motor and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. Antioxidants strengthen the immune system. In addition, it lowers blood sugar levels by weakening the effects of boiled potatoes.

Cucumber. It is mainly gustatory, not nutritious. In fact, this is water: only 15 kilocalories per 100 g.

Greenery. Dill, parsley, onions – a storehouse of vitamins, stimulates digestion. Fights bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure.

Kefir or kvass?

According to statistics, 75% of Russians order okroshka in restaurants, without changing traditions, for yeast; kefir is chosen by only 15%. But on the forums, what kind of refueling recipes are not shared! Someone experiments with water, vinegar and sour cream, someone mixes mineral water with mayonnaise, and someone – mayonnaise, boiled water and lemon juice.

In any case, it must be borne in mind that non-carbonated gas stations – milk whey, kefir, ayran – healthier. If you fill okroshka with kvass, especially purchased ones, remember: this is a product with a high sugar content: in 100 g of the drink – 7-9 g of “sand”.

Homemade white kvass. Rich in vitamins (B1, B2, B3, C, E) and microelements. Improves the assimilation of plant foods, normalizes the intestinal bacterial flora. How to prepare it, read HERE.

Kefir (2,5%). Facilitates digestion, stimulates the secretion of the digestive glands, normalizes the motor function of the intestines, improves microflora, and reduces gas formation. Possesses antibiotic properties, provided that the “soup” is not boiled and all vegetables, except potatoes, are laid raw.

It is advisable to cut food in a very limited amount, especially in hot weather. According to sanitary standards, unseasoned vegetable salad can be stored in the refrigerator for 18 hours. But if eggs, meat and herbs are added to it, which causes fermentation, you should not withstand this period: there is a great risk of poisoning. It is necessary to fill okroshka only before serving.


  • We eat as much as we want. If you do not abuse the high-calorie dressing, it is impossible to get fat on okroshka. The calorie content of a 300 gram portion is 210 kcal.

  • Okroshka normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract, has a mild laxative effect.

  • Against this background, the complexion improves.

  • The dish consists of foods, the use of which leads to a decrease in the number of precancerous cells.


  • Okroshka is contraindicated for everyone who has exacerbated gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. If the condition is close to normal, you can eat a couple of times a season so as not to cause negative consequences.

  • Carbonated mineral water as a dressing, like a kvass drink, can provoke a slowdown in peristalsis, flatulence.

  • Purchased highly carbonated sweet kvass is not indicated for diabetics and those who want to lose weight. Not recommended for people with gastroesophageal reflux. It intensifies, heartburn occurs.

  • Potatoes for diabetes and obesity should be eaten in limited quantities. Radish is often excluded for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Green onions can irritate the stomach lining due to the content of essential oils. And sour homemade kvass will not improve the health of people with high stomach acidity.

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