What will happen to the body if there is honey every day
Doctors have long been advised to give up sugar. Honey, for example, is much healthier. If only because there is no benefit in sugar at all – well, not at all.
Sugar grows butt and thighs “float”, teeth deteriorate and even the brain works worse. But real honey is not only tasty, but also healthy.
“Undoubtedly, honey is useful, but in moderation. And if you are going to eat honey every day, then let its amount not exceed 60-100 grams per day. In folk medicine, honey is usually considered a “friend of the stomach”. In case of peptic ulcer disease, for example, it was previously recommended to take 30 grams of honey in the morning, 40 grams in the afternoon and 30 grams in the evening 1,5-2 hours before meals or 3 hours after meals in a solution of warm water ”.
Why honey is useful
Improves digestion and restores the natural microflora of the body.
It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the nervous system due to its mild calming effect.
Accelerates wound healing – honey has regenerating and antibacterial, antifungal properties.
Honey is good for eye health – it contains a lot of vitamin A.
Strengthens the immune system – Vitamin C and antioxidants stimulate the immune system, and in general, honey has antiviral properties.
Honey normalizes the level of iron in the blood and is useful for anemia.
Eliminates blues: honey is a good antidepressant.
Good for the brain: “If you are hungry in the morning, then it is better to eat some honey. From 7 to 9 o’clock, it is most important to tune the brain to work. And honey energizes the brain, ”explains our expert.
5 rare healthy varieties of honey
Kashtanovыy – thick and dark, useful not only for the cardiovascular and digestive systems, but also for kidney diseases.
Dandelion – it is recommended for high blood pressure, insomnia and salt deposition.
Esparcet – bees collect it from a plant of the legume family, sainfoin. This honey has a tonic property, is useful for gynecological diseases and enhances potency.
Rapeseed – it is simply necessary for residents of large cities, as it has the ability to remove heavy metals, carcinogens and other fruits of bad ecology from the body. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Cypress – honey from flowers of ivan tea is useful for insomnia, headaches, helps to strengthen the nervous system.
Honey is ranked among the most allergenic foods. Therefore, be careful with this sweetness. Remember that children under three years old are not allowed to use honey at all. And adding honey to tea or replacing sugar with it in baked goods is generally pointless: heat treatment kills all its beneficial properties.
What to buy?
With the purchase of honey, as it turned out, everything is complicated. Experts
Well, the following were added to the black list of violating goods in Roskachestvo:
“Rumela” (natural sweet clover honey and natural sainfoin honey).
“Prosto” (own trade mark of the “Perekrestok” chain of stores.
First of all (own trademark of the Dixy chain of stores).
“Honey Valley”.
“Mother Bee”. Packaged natural flower honey (herbs).
Globus Vita. Natural floral honey with a predominance of buckwheat.
Fine Life. Natural flower honey, packed up, chestnut.
Christina Desyatova, Olga Nesmelova