It is clear here: I was not the only one who thought about how to somehow get a moonshine still in order to save on the purchase of alcoholic beverages. The thought developed every minute: “I can make moonshine, tinctures, liquors, liqueurs, fortify home-made wine, saving a lot!”.
Human psychology is such that following a seemingly good idea, the brain begins to think about possible “pitfalls”.
One “stumbling block” was the fact that making moonshine is a lot of work, because you still need to make mash! What about the smell? What kind of fragrance will I have, not in a private house, but in an apartment (entrance)?
All the neighbors will run to him and 100% snitch where they should. Therefore, let’s talk about the responsibility for moonshine in our modern Russia.
Is it possible to drive moonshine in our country, especially if the devices are sold freely
Here, yes! They are sold freely, if you want – go to an online store, if you want – to a more or less advanced household store. Here, you see, one of the “charms” of capitalism is evident. Exactly the same examples:
- dictaphone pens can be bought anywhere, and you use it, they proved it – an article;
- special means for the police are also freely sold; you are the “king” until you apply;
- miniature video cameras that fit in a matchbox – everything, special equipment, although I can also buy it.
Moreover, there are so many “moonshine” bloggers, where almost step-by-step training takes place.
Each moment has its own subtleties: to buy – bought, but why did you buy it, how did you apply it, did you resell it. So, I thought, in our case there are some nuances, and I was not mistaken! Yes, now it is not forbidden, as in the USSR. Now – drive, at least overtake, but I will tell you about the nuances below.
What the legislation says
And here it is, the most interesting, the “Chinese box”, where the nuance is contained in the nuance. There is not a single law in Russia that does not just talk about some kind of restrictions on the conduct of such activities, but in general at least something is reported about this!
Our moonshine brewing is not officially provided for – neither a ban, nor a hello.
The manufacture of moonshine stills is also not regulated in any way.
My train of thought was this:
- I will buy an inexpensive device (or I will make it myself).
- I will buy ingredients for mash, dishes, gloves.
- I’m sorry, I’ll wait.
- I start cooking, and then – boom! I remembered the movie “Moonshiners”, what kind of “volcanic eruption” was there.
- Everyone will flock to the aroma like flies – neighbors, alcoholics and simply caring citizens.
- Someone (and the neighbors hate this business) will call the police, and they will come to me just at the time of the selection of the “tails”.
It’s just that moonshine was banned in the USSR, I knew since childhood, although I didn’t really find it at that time, and I learned all today’s subtleties only in the course of writing this text.
What will happen to you if they find out that you drove him for yourself
Until recently, I did not believe in the information I saw on various sites. Even if I drive purely for myself, then this is a “blow” to the sale of legal alcoholic products in the country, right?
Okay, I’m a minuscule, and if hundreds of thousands of people take up this business, plus the residents of private houses are generally fine, the neighbors will not eat.
And here comes the scent…
On legal alcoholic products, that’s what the whole point is, the state makes a lot of money. Yes, on their excise taxes. From each excise tax, you get “a beggar for a motorcycle”, but if the population starts to make alcohol completely on their own, even for themselves, refusing store purchases?
So, you can brew moonshine for yourself and your family, this is not prohibited. You won’t get anything for it. Exhale…
What will you do under the law if you are found to have sold alcohol?
“Flesh Nologue!” — meme from the Internet. Here, it’s the point – this is what law enforcement officers will focus on if they find that you are selling moonshine!
If the state “forgives” the refusal to purchase excise drinks, then the trade in products, during which our treasury has a fiddle with butter, will have to be severely suppressed.
There is also such an archaic species: an ordinary forest moonshiner. Operational photo. They even find them!
It’s like laws against piracy – the same thing. The plant produces alcohol under a license and pays for each excise tax, and we pour moonshine, we don’t pay anything, we still get money.
For yourself – at least crap yourself, but you start trading – “hello” will tell you the law already. By the way, this also applies to the trade in homemade wine – keep in mind.
The abode of an ordinary dacha moonshiner – a young male was caught red-handed along with his plant.
I remember how one moonshiner was taken from us, I, however, was still small, but this is not forgotten. They came to him several times, but then complaints came from the residents: “Yes, he doesn’t do it for himself, he has whole deliveries there!”. Search.
This figure (it turns out that not only a moonshiner, but also an excellent accountant and marketer!) Had a whole cash register, kept records, bought plastic bottles (like pubs do) with corks and even bags for customers! There is a whole warehouse with several “sorts” of drinks.
The nest of a group of country moonshiners with a laying of cans was discovered during a research expedition. And what are the security requirements?
So, yes – “taxes of the flesh”, otherwise you will have an article for illegal entrepreneurial activity, 14.1 (Administrative Code), a fine of 500 to 5, but these are flowers.
Further – the seizure of raw materials and tools – is also not very scary. Only the state will act “to the fullest”, and this is plus a 300 fine in total (already the Criminal Code):
- illegal business activity without an appropriate alcohol license;
- production, storage, sale of products that do not meet safety requirements.
They can “prescribe” mandatory work from 180 to 240 hours, or even put them in jail for 4-6 months. They will also take into account the possible quantity of goods sold, the concealment of taxes – that’s all.
We get a “stigma” about bringing to responsibility. That is, to sell moonshine, you need a mini-factory with all safety requirements, certificates, licenses. Even wine!
Recreation of ordinary basement moonshiners, photo from the Volga region – young individuals poured moonshine into bottles disguised as vodka, tequila and whiskey, packing them into boxes.
Your opinion is interesting, however, a little off topic: there is such a stereotype that, they say, if a person drives moonshine for sale, then he will definitely become an inveterate drunkard. That is, he allegedly a priori cannot lead a sober lifestyle.
What do you think about this? Is this stereotype a pattern that works for 100% moonshine dealers? Or is there a way to control yourself?