What will be the relationship between parents and children, depending on the sign of the zodiac

Some have a relationship – you will simply admire, while others cannot rub in sharp corners to each other, although, it would seem, they have been together all their lives.

The horoscope of compatibility of children and parents – yes, there is such a thing. It is possible that sparks in your family are flying not because of someone’s excessive stubbornness, but because parents do not take into account the peculiarities of the elements that govern their baby. So it turns out a scythe on a stone – air Aquarius and earthly Capricorn, aquatic Cancers and fiery Sagittarius.

Parents of the Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) the easiest way is to raise and educate representatives of your earth sign, as well as children born under the sign of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer).

Earth-born mums and dads are steady and practical parents. They serve as an excellent anchor for their aquatic children, who sometimes have violent emotions. These parents can be relied on to provide a powerful support system that is very comfortable in the ever-changing stormy sea of ​​water signs. Such parents will explain to their serious water children what’s what in our difficult life.

Parents of the sign Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) the easiest way to deal with children born under the sign of Air, as well as under the sign of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

This combination of parent and child is filled with joy. Fire children will never experience boredom or anxiety if their parents are air signs. On the contrary, they will stimulate them. In any case, both elements understand the constantly running internal motor of the other. Air signs have a very strong forget-and-forgiveness property, and they are too busy to get stuck in their thoughts in the past. Therefore, their children will be lucky from their ability to start every day anew. Horoscope.

Parents of the sign of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) easy to raise children born under the signs of Water and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

Sensitive Pisces, intuitive Scorpio or calm Cancer – all water signs are born educators. Earth children will feel that aquatic parents hear and appreciate them, and the calmness of earth children is perfectly combined with the need for water signs during periods of rest. Aquatic parents provide their children with the support they need, but their guidance rarely becomes obsessive. Such a parent / child pair knows how to perform a delicate social dance of drawing closer and closer to each other, which will be a big plus for the child when he becomes a teenager or adult.

Fire sign parents (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) it is easiest to cope with children born under the sign of Fire and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

Air children can be chatty and philosophical, so their fire parents will have a good time discussing their many interests with them. Fire parents always have many activities and a variety of hikes planned for air kids. Usually fire parents have a very broad soul, and their air children will be pleasantly amazed at how they rule in life.

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