What water should you put potatoes in when cooking?

What water should you put potatoes in when cooking?

Reading time – 3 minutes.

Potatoes can be cooked in both boiling and cold water – they will cook until tender and will be nutritious in any case. But to preserve the maximum vitamins, it is better to adhere to a simple rule – choose the temperature depending on whether the potatoes will be peeled before cooking. Potatoes in their skins (“in their uniforms”) are boiled in cold water, while the peeled potatoes should be placed in boiling water. In cold water, the starch contained in potatoes dissolves, in hot water it forms a paste-like composition. Therefore, potatoes, dipped in boiling water, are enveloped in starch, thereby preserving almost all the vitamins it contains.

It is believed that potatoes are tastier in boiling water, but in practice there is no particular difference in taste. Diced potatoes are always best placed in boiling water.

Another important nuance about water: you don’t need a lot of water for cooking, there is enough volume so that it covers the potatoes by 1-2 fingers. Regardless of when the water boils – before or after laying the potatoes – it should boil slightly. The pot in which the potatoes are boiled must be loosely closed with a lid – this also helps to preserve the vitamins in the vegetable.

Read more rules on how and How long to cook potatoes.

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