What was Michael Jackson sick with? Here’s what is known about his health

Michael Jackson is the undisputed king of the music scene of the 80s and 90s. Almost everyone knows his songs like “Billie Jean” or “Smooth Criminal”. The singer’s artistic activity gives inspiration, breaks the mold and boldly touches upon racial problems. The impact of Jackson’s work on mass culture is interrupted by his sudden death in 2009. What indispositions did the singer struggle with during his lifetime? What information about the artist’s health has been made public? Are these troubles related to childhood trauma?

  1. Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009. He was 51 years old
  2. Michael Jackson’s proven illnesses include vitiligo, pain and drug addiction
  3. Heart attack from a morphine-like spectrum agent is the official and immediate cause of Jackson’s death
  4. To this day, there is a lot of talk about Michael Jackson’s various ailments. What reports appeared in the press and what did his doctor Conrad Murray say about the star’s health?
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Michael Jackson’s Whiteness

In his life, Michael Jackson suffers from various ailments, and the most visible to the world is vitiligo (also known as Vitiligo). This mild skin ailment is extremely troublesome in the case of the popular star, because it consists in the gradual discoloration of his dark complexion as a result of damage and death of melanocytes – pigment cells also present in the hair or iris of the eye. As a result, unsightly white spots appear on the surface of Jackson’s body.

How does this happen? The causes of this ailment are still quite enigmatic. Despite this, medical knowledge sees it in autoimmunology, where vitiligo can be caused by diseases such as:

  1. diabetes
  2. disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland

In addition, medical suspicions include genetic issues as well as the topic of nervous system disorders. It has been observed that vitiligo skin lesions may occur after severe stress or traumatic experiences.

Characteristics of Vitiligo:

  1. occurs in early youth
  2. the skin gradually becomes discolored surrounded by a dark border
  3. small spots enlarge their area over time to finally cover almost the entire surface of the body
  4. it does not like sunlight, so it responds to UV rays with an allergic reaction in the form of erythema
  5. on the scalp, it results in depigmentation of hair in the affected area;
  6. symptoms include the face, neck, décolletage, and hands and joint flexions, and will spread everywhere if left untreated.

Vitiligo itself does not pose a direct threat to health and life. However, its indirect impact on the patient can be even deadly due to the unbalanced and often doomed to failure fight. Many people then cannot accept their image. This affects the self-esteem and comfort of everyday functioning, which easily leads to depression.

To stop this disease, Michael Jackson undergoes a risky depigmentation procedure. It is based on appropriate therapy that completely brightens the skin. This treatment primarily restores its homogeneous color. Despite this, Jackson is still in danger of sunburn, which is why the star often wears hats, masks and gloves.

Other methods of treating vitiligo:

  1. phototherapy
  2. photochemotherapy
  3. the use of cosmetic ointments or corticosteroids (steroid hormones)
  4. surgical removal of lesions.

Michael Jackson’s other illnesses

1984 is not kind to Jackson. During the shooting of the advertising material, the artist has an unfortunate accident. Too quick explosion of pyrotechnics used on the set engulfs the singer’s hair with fire, and his scalp suffers second and third degree burns. There are many indications that the celebrity always uses wigs after this incident.

Second degree burns are divided into:

  1. superficial – occur on the epidermis and part of the dermis
  2. deep – cover the epidermis and the total thickness of the dermis

Symptoms associated with such ailments are:

  1. redness
  2. edema
  3. blisters filled with serous fluid
  4. white-colored skin with red spots in the area of ​​the hair follicles.

Sometimes they cause a lot of pain, but the nerve endings can also be damaged, which reduces the feeling of it.

In turn, third degree burns cover the entire thickness of the dermis, vessels, skin nerves along with the subcutaneous fat tissue. Then the skin has a characteristic pearly-white or brown color, and is also characterized by a dry and much harder surface than usual. Despite not too much suffering, the wound heals here for a very long time, and the place of the injury often requires a transplant.

Jackson reaches for ever larger and stronger doses of painkillers

This unfortunate incident generates another health problem in the life of the famous artist. The torments that accompany him after an accident often exceed his endurance. He reaches for ever larger and stronger doses of painkillers. It is an accidental, or rather a post-accident addiction of the star – seemingly supports him in any crisis situation until the last days.

What is the real drug addiction that Michael Jackson is undoubtedly dealing with? It is a very serious addiction that can even be compared with alcoholism or drug addiction. In addition to pain medications, it is associated with the excessive use of measures such as:

  1. anti-inflammatory
  2. sleeping pills
  3. reassuring
  4. euphoric
  5. encouraging
  6. hormonal
  7. laxative

Frequent and long-term use of pharmaceuticals by the singer undoubtedly causes a deterioration of his mental and physical condition, and at the end of his life, the artist’s exhausted stomach is filled only with painkillers. In addition, the traces of numerous stings on Michael Jackson’s body indicate that he was frequently injected with various anesthetic preparations. A heart attack from a morphine-like spectrum agent is the official and immediate cause of Jackson’s death.

  1. How do you recognize a heart attack?

Press reports on Michael Jackson’s health

Unfortunately, people of show business remain on the so-called candlestick even in the face of misfortune, and anyone who can make money on it is ruthless to them. To this day, there is a lot of talk about Michael Jackson’s various ailments. Some of the reports are probably true. Some are just rumors, so the real ailments of a popular singer may differ significantly from what is commonly known about his health problems.

After the idol’s death, the doctor Conrad Murray turns to the attention of the public. Soon he is found guilty of the artist’s death. After being released from prison, he publishes a book in which he exposes many alleged diseases of his famous patient. According to him, in addition to numerous chronic ailments still “drowned out” by increasingly powerful drugs, Michael also suffers from mycosis, which results in open, leaky wounds.

  1. Skin mycosis – symptoms, treatment. Brown spots on the skin

According to the doctor’s statement, Michael Jackson shows irritation with this indisposition. However, he does not heal her at all and does not allow anyone (including the doctor) to look at her. This behavior is a big mistake, because well-chosen specifics kill almost all fungi, which prevents their development and spreading throughout the body.

Childhood trauma of Michael Jackson possible cause of his later diseases

The artist’s difficult childhood, in which his cruel father was considered his torturer, is finally described almost everywhere. In the large Jackson family, beatings, abuses, harassment, along with constant humiliation, are the order of the day. As a result, Michael never accepts his appearance. He suffers from a constant intolerance to his own appearance, which only effectively deepens a man’s many complexes.

Obsession with this point inevitably pushes him towards 13 plastic surgeries. Within five years of the decision to take the first treatment, Michael changes his face beyond recognition. It operates, among other things, on the nose and chin, and thanks to beautifying tattoos, it also modifies the shape of the eyebrows and lips. Severe childhood experiences also affect the development of many psychological ailments of the singer, and his strange behavior often disturbs the environment.

Jackson’s large body weight deficit, which draws the attention of pathologists during an autopsy, confirms Dr. Murray’s assumptions about the singer’s malnutrition. In the book, he mentions that his patient is seriously underweight, caused by an almost complete lack of appetite. So it is possible that in this way the idol maniacally also strives for a perfect figure.

Anorexia, or anorexia nervosa, is a disease syndrome based on the deliberate restriction of food intake, as well as reducing the caloric content of meals. There are two types of it, that is:

restrictive – starvation

bulimic – overeating, then forced vomiting and the use of laxatives

and the symptoms are:

weight loss

consciously restricting eating

fear of gaining weight

image disturbance

various hormonal abnormalities

Unfortunately, today’s medicine still does not give the exact cause of this problem. However, it is known that it results from a combination of many biological, environmental and psychological factors.

According to Dr. Murray, another condition of Jackson is urinary incontinence, the result of childhood trauma. This disorder is often related to the lack of bladder control in situations of strong emotions and stress. Moreover, it is often accompanied by personality problems.

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The soulless press describes some of Michael Jackson’s illnesses as embarrassing. However, it is worth considering for a moment whether this term fits them perfectly? There are many reasons to use it almost automatically to describe the behavior of Michael’s family, next to words such as – shameful, bestial, inhuman. Vitiligo, madness or the extreme exhaustion of the body of the king of pop are the aftermath of shocking childhood experiences that did not allow him to live normally until the end.

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