What vitamins we lack in the fall: a list of what to do

Many health problems, ranging from seasonal viral infections to serious systemic diseases, happen due to a lack of vitamins. Which ones and is it realistic to make up for their deficit?

Now the most popular and easy way from the point of view of the layman to solve this problem is taking vitamins in tablets. Meanwhile, it is much easier to protect yourself from the undesirable consequences of hypovitaminosis and have a healthy body – you need to choose the right food. Program “Food. Alive and Dead ”presented the top 5 vitamins that we are especially lacking, as well as the products where they can be found.

Chronic fatigue is one of the signs of vitamin deficiency

Vitamin D. It is lacking for everyone who rarely gets into the sun. It is produced by exposure to ultraviolet light on the skin, and since we live in a northern country and often walk wrapped up, the surface of the body that is in contact with the sun is small. Meanwhile, vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium, and the body deprived of it begins to take calcium from bones and teeth. The risk of heart and nervous system disease increases, memory and sleep problems appear. To replenish the content of this vitamin in the body, you need to eat fatty fish (mackerel and herring). Cod liver is also useful.

Vitamin A. With its lack, the skin dries and flakes, wrinkles appear, and vision deteriorates. Vitamin A and its precursors (substances from which it can be synthesized in the body) work properly only in the presence of fat. This is why women who are on a diet are the largest risk group. The best source of this vitamin is carrots. It is especially useful in combination with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Vitamin E. It is also in short supply due to inadequate dietary intake and rejection of healthy fats. Workers of industrial enterprises also suffer from its lack. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to a deterioration in immunity and is manifested by muscle weakness, poor coordination and diction. Vitamin E can be found in unrefined vegetable oils, as well as sunflower, olive, and corn oils. With just one tablespoon, you can cover half the daily value, which is 15 mg. It can also be coated with a 100 gram bag of peanuts and one avocado.

Fruits and vegetables are one of the best sources of vital vitamins and minerals

Vitamin B12. Deficiency of this vitamin is observed in people on a strict diet, as well as in vegetarians. B12 comes primarily from animal foods. Lack of this vitamin causes irritability, severe fatigue, shortness of breath. The skin worsens, sores appear on the tongue. Liver dishes will help replenish B12 reserves. For example, 100 g of beef liver contains 60 micrograms of vitamin. This is enough to cover the daily requirement of 2,5 micrograms. The body will take exactly as much as it needs.

Vitamin B6. Its lack is observed most often in schoolchildren. B6 deficiency occurs in children with hyperactivity, as well as in people who work hard. To fill its deficit, you need to include cabbage, potatoes, oranges and lemons in your diet. And a handful of wheatgrass contains half of the recommended 2 mg of this vitamin per day.

Most importantly, remember that the best prevention of hypovitaminosis is a diet in which there are a lot of vegetables and fruits, enough cereals, nuts and healthy vegetable fats. You shouldn’t forget about fish and meat either. Eat right and you will be healthy!

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