What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Pepper is considered one of the most popular vegetables for cultivation in domestic latitudes. There are a huge number of varieties of this culture. From the point of view of breeding, varieties that have certain characteristics are combined into variety types. So, in a separate variety type, it is possible to distinguish varieties of peppers growing upwards. Such an unusual position of the fetus is quite rare. A description of the most famous sweet and spicy varieties, with such a growth feature, is given in the article.

spicy varieties

Hot peppers are often used for cooking seasonings, as well as fresh to give a spicy taste to culinary dishes. Many of these varieties are grown not only in the beds or in greenhouses, but also at home. At the same time, the external qualities of peppers growing with a cone up are excellent, so they are often grown for decorative purposes.

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Variety “Aladdin” is recommended to be grown only on open ground. Plant height up to 50 cm. Forms sharp fruits, directed cone up. They are painted in green, red, purple, designed for universal use.

The period of active fruiting begins 120 days after sowing the seed. When growing, it is preferable to use the seedling method. Recommended scheme for planting plants in the ground: 4 bushes per 1 m2. The yield of the variety is 4 kg of vegetables from 1 bush.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Pepper “Aleksinsky” can be grown in beds, in greenhouses, as well as in apartment conditions. It should be borne in mind that the height of the bush reaches 1 m. The culture is resistant to diseases and cold, it tolerates temperatures above + 10 0C. Sharp fruits ripen in 140 days from the day of sowing the seed. When grown in beds, the best time to sow seed for seedlings is February-March.

Peppers are suitable for fresh consumption, canning, pickling and seasoning. On one bush, green, orange and red vegetables are simultaneously formed, pointing upwards. The weight of each of them is approximately 20-25 g. The thickness of the pulp is 3 mm. The crop yield is 4 kg/m2.

Important! Peppers of this variety have a pronounced aroma and excellent decorative appearance.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

The variety of peninsular pepper is highly resistant to cold and diseases. It is recommended for cultivation in the northern regions of Our Country. On one bush of the plant, fruits of red and green color, trunk-shaped, are simultaneously formed. Their pulp has a thickness of 1,5-2 mm. The average weight of such a vegetable is 20g.

Open ground and protected areas, room conditions are suitable for growing crops. However, it is worth remembering that the plant is very demanding on lighting.

It is possible to sow seeds for seedlings already in February, and upon reaching stable night temperatures above +100C, plants should be taken outside for hardening and subsequent planting.

The bush of the Zadira variety is compact, its height reaches 70 cm. Fruiting occurs 115 days after sowing the seeds in the ground. In the process of growing the plant should be regularly loosened, watered, fed. Subject to the rules of cultivation, the yield will be 4 kg / m2.

Important! Pepper variety “Zadira” is resistant to drought.

falcon beak

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Peppers “Falcon’s Beak” are very hot, painted in green and dark red. Their shape is narrow-conical, wall thickness is 3-4 mm, weight is about 10 g. The fruits are used as a fresh seasoning, as well as for pickling.

You can grow “Falcon’s Beak” on open and protected ground, in residential premises. The culture is resistant to low temperatures, drought. A bush of a plant up to 75 cm high begins to bear fruit 110 days after sowing the seed. The yield of peppers is 3 kg/m2.

The Bride

Variety “Bride” forms a large number of yellow and red fruits, pointing upwards. The plant has amazing decorative qualities like a flower bouquet. Culture can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony, windowsill.

Vegetables of this variety are small: they weigh no more than 7 g. The thickness of their pulp is up to 1 mm. Peppers are distinguished by their special sharpness and aroma. They are often used to prepare powdered seasonings.

The bush “Bride” is miniature, up to 20 cm high, strongly sprawling and leafy. The yield of peppers does not exceed 200 g per bush. You can admire the external qualities of this hot pepper in the photo below.

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Important! “Bride” refers to early ripe varieties: the fruit ripening period is only 90 days.

fiery volcano

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Hot peppers, classic cone-shaped, grow upside down. Their color can be green or bright red. The fruits themselves are quite dry – the thickness of their pulp does not exceed 1 mm. Each vegetable weighs about 19 g.

You can grow the plant in the traditional way on the beds or in a pot on the windowsill. Such an ornamental plant can become a real decoration of the apartment. For cultivation in outdoor conditions, the seeds of this variety should be sown for seedlings in February. At home, the plant can be grown year-round. 115 days after sowing the seed, the culture begins to bear fruit abundantly. The yield of one plant is 1 kg.

The Queen of Spades

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Variety “Queen of Spades” is distinguished by the color variety of fruits: green, yellow, orange, red, purple peppers abundantly strew the bush. They are quite long (up to 12 cm) cone-shaped. Each pepper weighs up to 12 g. Many gardeners grow crops in the off-season at home on the windowsill. In this case, the plant becomes not only a source of seasoning, but also a decorative ornament.

When growing a crop on open ground, in greenhouses, seeds are recommended to be sown in February-March for seedlings. Mass ripening of fruits in this case occurs after 115 days. The yield of each plant reaches 400 g.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

The Constellation variety has similar external qualities with the Queen of Spades pepper. Its fruits have a similar shape and color. The bush of the Constellation variety reaches a height of 60 cm. Its yield is 200 g. The period from sowing the crop to harvesting the fruit is 140 days. The variety can be grown at home as an ornamental. Multi-colored hot peppers are used for cooking seasonings.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Peppers of this variety are more like berries: their shape is round, weight up to 2,3 g. The pulp of such peppers is very sharp, up to 1 mm thick. The color of the fruit is purple, orange, red. A plant of small height (up to 35 cm) can be grown indoors or outdoors. From sowing the seed to harvesting the fruits, 140 days pass. The yield of pepper is 200 g per bush. The vegetable has a pronounced aroma. It is used to make powdered spices.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Pepper “Dinosaur” refers to the peninsular. It is used fresh for salads, for pickling and as a dry seasoning. Peppers are fleshy (vegetable walls up to 6 mm), their weight reaches 95 g. Trunk-shaped fruits are green, yellow, red in color, located with the tip up. The period of their aging is 112 days.

The bush is compact, up to 75 cm high, perfectly tolerates low temperatures, lack of lighting and moisture. Cultivated in open and protected ridges. The yield of the variety “Dinozavr” is 6 kg / m2 or 1,5 kg per plant.

Hot peppers growing upward with fruits deserve special attention, as they combine excellent decorative qualities, excellent taste, aroma and irreplaceable benefits for human health. You can cultivate them not only in the traditional way on the ridges, but also at home. You can learn more about the rules for growing peppers in pots in the video:

How to grow small-fruited HOT PEPPER on the windowsill

Sweet varieties

As a rule, sweet peppers have thick flesh and significant weight, so it is quite difficult for the plant to hold them with the tip up. However, among the many varieties there are exceptions. So, varieties related to the described variety type, with juicy, tasty pulp are given below.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Peppers of this variety outwardly resemble a bouquet of tulips. Each vegetable is cone-shaped, pointing upwards. Its length is from 10 to 12 cm, weight is about 60 g, color is dark green, orange or red.

The plant is miniature, undersized, up to 20 cm high. Fruits up to 400 g are abundantly formed on it. Plants can be grown on open, protected plots of land or in a pot on a windowsill or balcony. The crop ripens in 115 days from the day of sowing the seed.

Important! Salut peppers are characterized by very thin walls, up to 1,5 mm thick.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

The ‘Juliet’ bush produces red and green peppers at the same time. Their shape is conical, weight reaches 90 g. Vegetables are quite juicy, their wall thickness is 5.5 mm.

Important! Peppers “Juliet” have a neutral taste. They do not contain sweetness, bitterness.

Peppers “Juliet” are grown in open and protected ground. The height of the bushes reaches 80 cm. The plant has an average fruit ripening period of 120 days. The yield of the variety is 1 kg / bush.

Bonetta F1

The sweet pepper hybrid “Boneta F1” was bred in the Czech Republic. Its fruits are distinguished by their special fleshiness, aroma and excellent sweet taste. The thickness of the walls of the pepper is about 6-7 mm, its weight is 260-400 g. The vegetables are trapezoid in shape and grow with the tip up. They are held in this position thanks to a well-developed system of stems and foliage. You can see the Bonet F1 peppers in the photo below.

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

The hybrid is excellent for growing outdoors. The height of its bushes is up to 55 cm. The plant abundantly forms fruits in the amount of 3 kg from 1 bush. Peppers reach technical ripeness already 85 days after seed germination.


What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

Variety “Dionysus” attracts the attention of gardeners with the appearance of bushes and peppers. At the same time, the taste qualities of vegetables are neutral: they do not contain either sweetness or bitterness. They can be used fresh for salads or stuffing.

Each fruit of the Dionysus variety weighs about 100 g, its wall thickness is 4-6 mm, the shape is prismatic. Grow a crop in open and protected areas of soil. Plant height reaches 80 cm. Its seeds are sown for seedlings in March-April. The fruit ripening period is 120 days. Grade yield 6 kg/m2.

Золотой фазан

What varieties of peppers grow fruit up

High-yielding variety of golden yellow peppers. Differs in sweetness and juiciness. The thickness of the walls of its fruits reaches 1 cm. The shape of the vegetables is round, the average weight is 300 g. Peppers ripen in 120-130 days from the day the seed is sown. When cultivating the variety, it is recommended to use the seedling method.

The height of the bushes is small – up to 50 cm. The plant is characterized by moisture and heat-loving, so it must be grown in sunny areas, with regular watering. In favorable conditions, the yield of the variety reaches 10 kg / m2.

Important! An excess amount of nitrogen in the soil leads to a decrease in the yield of the Golden Pheasant variety, so it is not recommended to feed the plants with fresh manure.


Some varieties, due to the peculiarities of fruit growth, are classified as ornamental plants, and the crop is used not only for culinary purposes, but also for decorating home interiors. At the same time, peppers contain a huge amount of useful trace elements and vitamins, and their consumption gives a person strength and health. 

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