What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive

Every gardener is puzzled by the question of how to grow a good crop of cucumbers. Today there are a very large number of hybrids and varieties. They differ in ripening period, growth pattern, taste characteristics and fruit size. However, a guaranteed, high yield will allow you to get only a competent, right choice. Let’s try to figure out in this article which varieties of cucumbers are the most productive and popular among amateur vegetable growers and farms.

Greenhouse varieties

For cultivation in greenhouses, as a rule, F1 hybrids are used, less often specially bred for this variety. They have compact bushes with short lateral lashes and do not need pinching. At the same time, the most common question, which cucumbers are the most productive, disappears by itself, since hybrid varieties are characterized by high fruiting and resistance to many diseases.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive

Plant zoning is not so important in a greenhouse, however, for growing in regions such as the Moscow region, Siberia or the Urals, it is worth choosing cold-resistant plants that stably bear fruit even in low light conditions. It is also preferable to choose parthenocarpic or self-pollinating varieties. High-yielding varieties of cucumbers pollinated by bees require additional care during flowering, otherwise the flowers will fall off without forming ovaries. To do this, they either provide insects with free access to plants, or, if the size of the greenhouse allows, they place bumblebee evidence.

Consider the well-established and most productive varieties of cucumbers for greenhouse conditions.

Zozulya F1

Parthenocarpic, early maturing hybrid. The first fruiting begins in just 42-48 days after planting. Climbing of bushes is weak. The leaves are bright green, pentagonal, rounded, medium in size. Ovary with slightly tuberculate surface, cylindrical shape. Zelenets with a smooth base, sparse, white pubescence. One of the most productive cucumbers among hybrids. Flowers with female predominance. The mass of fruits reaches 250-320 g, with good taste characteristics. Fruiting is friendly, plentiful. It has an average degree of susceptibility to root and white rot, resistant to fungal diseases, cucumber mosaic virus and olive blotch. Cucumber is versatile in processing, used for salads and pickling.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive

German F1

It is also one of the most productive cucumbers. Parthenocarpic hybrid, super-early ripening, after germination, fruiting begins in 42-45 days. The bushes are vigorous, but the climbing is weak. The fruits are medium, weighing up to 125-180 g, 11-12 cm long, not prone to overripe and not bitter in the hot, summer period, dark, green in color with sparse white pubescence, elongated, cylindrical, dense, crispy, large-tuberous. 4-6 fruits are formed in one node. They are universal in processing – they are well suited for marinade or salting, and since bitterness is completely excluded for this hybrid, German is the best choice for salads. It is highly resistant to diseases such as cladosporiosis, downy mildew, mosaic virus.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive

Courage F1

Self-pollinating hybrid, with a predominant number of female-type flowers, due to which it is one of the most popular and most productive cucumber varieties. The early ripe, vegetative period from the moment of germination to the first fruiting is 52-55 days. Plants are vigorous, climbing average. Up to 4-7 ovaries can be formed in one node. The fruits are medium, weighing 130-170 g, 12-16 cm long, elongated, often tuberculate, green in color with lighter stripes and white spikes, not prone to overripe. With high taste characteristics, the grains are small, there is no bitterness. Resistant to major fungal diseases. Although this hybrid is suitable for growing not only in a greenhouse, but also in open ground, in the second case, the yield of cucumbers is much lower.

Masha F1

Hybrid of gherkin type, parthenocarpic with super-early maturation. It has only female flowers. The yield of cucumbers is very high. The number of lashes is average, the ovaries are formed in bunches. The fruits are small, up to 9-11 cm long. Dense, crispy, sweeter, without bitterness. The best option for marinade and salting. Resistant to diseases such as mosaic virus, powdery mildew, cladosporiosis.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive

For open ground

When choosing varieties for open ground, it is worth paying attention not only to which cucumbers are the most productive, but also their zoning, the need for light and thermal conditions, resistance to fluctuations in daily temperatures and diseases. Otherwise, even productive varieties of cucumbers will develop poorly and bear fruit, or shed flowers without forming ovaries.

Nezhinsky 12 

It is one of the most productive cucumbers for suitable outdoor cultivation. Bee-pollinated, medium maturity. The bush is tall, long-branched, sprawling. Resistant to many diseases, such as olive blotch, bacteriosis, downy and powdery mildew, as well as pests such as gray mite. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 115-150 g, 13-14 cm long, elongated, ovoid, black-spined, large-tuberous, the skin is not dense, does not turn yellow for a long time, the flesh is crisp. With high taste. Ideal for salting.

Requires fertile soil with high aeration. Planting density – no more than 1-3 plants per 4 sq. m.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive


Another popular, early ripe variety. The bushes are vigorous, powerful, with long lashes, require shaping and pinching. The fruits are not prone to overripe and do not turn yellow, leveled, finely tuberculate, elongated, cylindrical in shape. Weight 116-140 g, length 11-13 cm. The skin is not dense, dark green. The pulp is crispy, dense, with a high content of sugars, the seed chamber is small. Versatile in processing, well suited for salting and salads. Fruiting is friendly and plentiful. The variety is resistant to major fungal diseases. Tolerates cold spells well. It also requires fertile soil with good drainage. Seeds are planted in ridges to a depth of 1,7-2,5 cm at the end of May, then leaving no more than 3-4 plants per square meter.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive


High-yielding variety of gherkin type, super-early ripening period, vegetation period 43-48 days. The plant is bee-pollinated, with a predominance of female-type flowers, vigorous, with long lashes. Requires the formation of a bush, by pinching over 2-3 leaves. The location of the ovaries is bundle, up to 5-7 in one node. The fruits are short, no more than 10-13 cm long, weighing 70-85 g, oblong-cylindrical, finely and often tuberculate, dark green in color with light small stripes. They do not turn yellow, do not outgrow, bitterness is excluded, white-thorned. The skin is thin, tender. Fruiting is plentiful, friendly. Recommended for use in salads or lightly salted, less commonly used for preservation. Resistant to major diseases.

What varieties of cucumbers are the most productive


Popular, early ripening (52-55 days), bee-pollinated variety. The plant is medium-sized, long-branched, mixed type of flowering. Requires pinching. The fruits are medium and small, weighing 115-135 g, up to 12-14 cm long, not prone to overripe. In a hot period, with lack of moisture, they can be bitter. Large-tuberculate, cylindrical, elongated, green in color, with light stripes and black pubescence. The yield of cucumber is high, stable, the fruiting is stretched. Recommended for marinade and salting. The variety is resistant to short-term cooling and diseases such as downy mildew, mosaic virus. It tolerates daily temperature fluctuations well.

Video “Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground”

This video tells which cucumbers are the most productive, how to choose a variety for your site, what fertilizers are needed for stable fruiting.

All about growing cucumbers. How to choose the right variety of cucumbers. Part 1

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