What types of martial arts are suitable for adults

To answer the question of what martial art is suitable for an adult, you must first formulate the goal that he wants to achieve.

Most often, adults engage in martial arts to learn how to fight hand-to-hand, as well as to maintain their own physical shape. A person can make a choice on his own, but if there is any doubt about the features of a particular school, then it is best to seek help from a knowledgeable person.

Types of martial arts

If we are talking about varieties of martial arts that are well suited for an adult, then they include:

  • Jujutsu.
  • Taekwondo.
  • Aikido.
  • That’s it.
  • Judo.
  • Sambo.

Each type of martial arts has its own characteristics as well as principles. Some of them combine not only the development of physical form and combat skills, but also a certain philosophy.

Training in such a situation will consist not only in practicing techniques and studying techniques, but also in getting acquainted with the history of a particular martial art, as well as its founders.


– If we are talking about jiu-jitsu, then such martial arts are well suited for people who want to learn self-defense techniques. The emphasis is on fighting skills, as well as defense.

In this case, the tactics are used not of attack, but of the use of enemy force. They also study punches and kicks. However, the technique does not completely go hand-to-hand. The basis is the use of one’s own or someone else’s energy. Thus, it becomes possible to defeat even a stronger and larger opponent.


In taekwondo, it is supposed to master blows inflicted by all limbs. Art combines the techniques of combat, attack, and self-defense. Moreover, during the training, exercises are studied, as well as mediation techniques and philosophy.

Taekwondo relies on protection, control. The emphasis is on standing kicks. This is because the legs are longer limbs that allow you to reach further and deal more damage.


If we are talking about aikido, then it is a martial art that combines spiritual and physical practices. He should be given preference if there is a desire to develop fortitude, to acquire the ability to fend for himself, regardless of physical data. This is the art of defense that anyone can use.

There are no restrictions on physical development and age. The basic principle is to use the opponent’s attack, control his energy, as well as movements. The result is a throw or grab.


Chinese martial arts, which combines elements of acrobatics and jumping, balancing, as well as the application of strength and beautiful postures, is called wushu. Its most popular name is kung fu.

There are many varieties of such martial arts, in which the emphasis is on certain elements. If you choose this type of martial arts, then you need to understand that in the future you will also have to decide on its variety. This in many ways makes wushu a universal art.


This martial art is based on throws, as well as painful techniques and suffocation. Each movement is always done with regard to the economy of physical strength. This is due to the fact that martial arts are aimed at reducing energy expenditure.

Emphasis is placed on spiritual development, protection and physical. preparation. The main role is played by throws and grabs, which martial art focuses on. This ensures relative simplicity.


If we are talking about sambo, then it stands for self-defense without weapons. A similar art was formed in the USSR. The main components were such martial arts as judo, koch, kuresh. Art includes techniques of defense, attack. They were worked out in other martial arts, which played the role of donors, therefore they are highly effective.

At the same time, Sambo is constantly evolving and includes new techniques. The emphasis is on physical development, readiness for defense, retention of the opponent, as well as the acquisition of moral stability in a variety of ways.

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