What to wear in kindergarten for a boy and a girl: the perfect wardrobe for spring and summer

What to wear in kindergarten for a boy and a girl: the perfect wardrobe for spring and summer

The kindergarten teacher shares life hacks with the readers of Wday.ru.

Our expert Kristina Shabalina has been working as a teacher for many years and, like no one else, knows the mistakes that mothers make when choosing children’s clothes. She gives valuable advice on how to dress your child in the spring and summer, so that he is not cold or hot.

Any mother at least once in her life has heard that it is impossible to wrap up a toddler. Thermoregulation in children is not the same as in adults, which means that it is much easier for a baby to sweat and catch a cold than for parents. But all the same, every time mothers make the same mistakes: they put on an extra blouse (“Just in case, suddenly the wind blows”), a woolen hat, although it’s the end of May … As a result, the poor child runs down the street all red and sweating, wiping beads of sweat from the forehead. And you should have seen him in the locker room after a walk: his hair is wet, as if after a shower, and his T-shirt – at least wring it out. I recommend that parents remember the minus one rule. That is, you dress the child in the same way as yourself, but one less layer of clothing.

Now popular are fleece underwear, which are usually worn under membrane outerwear. The fashion for this combination came from Europe. For example, in Finland, many dress children like this: the first layer is a synthetic jacket and tights, the second layer is a fleece set and the third layer is a jumpsuit made of membrane fabric. It is believed that in such an outfit, the child will not sweat, which means he will not freeze. What’s the catch? Often mums don’t strike this balance by wearing fleece over cotton clothes, and babies walk around wet! I advise you to ditch fleece and other synthetic clothing in the spring and summer. Many years of experience show that there is nothing better than cotton.

Educators do not notice if the child is dressed fashionably, but we immediately see if the clothes are dirty

It’s already quite warm, but not yet dry enough – it’s time to wear rubber boots. Make sure they are high, otherwise the child will scoop up water from the puddle. In order not to sweat your feet, do not wear woolen socks under rubber shoes, cotton socks are also quite suitable. If the child is cold, buy a warm insole and insert it into the boot. For the summer, leather sneakers and sandals with a closed heel that fit tightly along the leg are suitable. A very important point: choose shoes strictly by size. Of course, it is very practical to buy boots that are three centimeters larger, but the child cannot walk in them normally! In my practice, there was a case when a boy during a walk “lost” his boot in a snowdrift – it was too big and fell off his leg. I had to deploy the whole group and return to the room. And another child was unable to participate in sports due to the fact that the sneakers were oversized and interfered with running. Believe me, this is very annoying for a child!

In the summer, children switch to a light wardrobe. It doesn’t matter what you wear: thin pants, leggings, shorts, skirts, dresses, T-shirts, as long as there are at least three pairs of socks in the locker. Indeed, in warm weather, the children walk twice a day, and their socks turn gray from dust and sand. Do not wear beach flip-flops for children, they fall off while running, and the child may fall or twist a leg. And also remember that a child should not come to kindergarten without a headdress. So stock up on cotton hats, caps, bandanas and panamas made from natural fabrics.

– There are things that I would never recommend to put on a child in kindergarten. This includes any uncomfortable clothing: skinny jeans, low-rise trousers that expose the lower back when the child squats. These are clothes with a large number of buttons, fasteners, lace-up shoes, synthetics and mittens-leggings.

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